RS7 dimensions -- seeking help

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RS7 dimensions -- seeking help
« on: 30 Apr 2023, 11:14 pm »
Hey fellow Omega heads.

I'm working on a little experimental driver swap into a rear loaded cabinet... specifically, it was built for an Omega RS7 driver, and although I love the sound of this, I'm curious what a pair of MarkAudio MAOP 10.2 drivers sound like.

In order to retrofit the new drivers, I decided to 3d print a plastic adapter ring.  This way, I don't have to make any permanent modifications to my cabinets, and can easily switch back to the Omegas in the future.  In order to do this, I need the exact dimensions of the RS7 driver (I already have the dimensions of the MarkAudio). 

The speakers are in my studio in New York, and I won't be back for over a month... otherwise I would be able to just take the measurements myself.  I'd like to work on modeling the adapter rings now, in the interest of progressing forward on the project, but I'm at a brick wall without the measurements!

Does anyone here have an RS7 driver, the ability to take very precise and accurate measurements, and the spare time to offer a helping hand?  Specifically, I need just three measurements:

1.)  The full diameter of the entire driver, edge to edge (mounting bezel included)

2.)  The distance between any two adjacent screw mount holes (center to center). 

3.)  Just for the sake of accuracy through redundancy, I'd like another measurement between either pair of opposing mounting screw mount holes (center to center).

Running off assumptions of overall symmetry of the driver (dangerous assumption, I know) and the ability to model symmetrically, this should be all I need.

This isn't a critical need in any way, so I don't want to create a big project for anyone... Just trying to make progress here sooner than later.  In my thinking, it may just take a few minutes with dial calipers and/or a good tape measure.

Thanks everyone and anyone for any help, or at least for reading my post!


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Re: RS7 dimensions -- seeking help
« Reply #1 on: 1 May 2023, 10:39 am »
Just a quick note, every driver is optimized for specific internal cabinet dimensions.  If you just start popping various drivers into the same cabinet, you may not be hearing those drivers at their best so comparisons may be useless.


Re: RS7 dimensions -- seeking help
« Reply #2 on: 1 May 2023, 06:46 pm »
Definitely -- thanks for the heads up.  I'm going in without much expectation -- really just having fun experimenting. 

Supporting the idea, it has been reported that the Markaudio MAOP 10.2 has performed well in back loaded horn configurations.  This particular cabinet has also been successfully used with a variety of drivers, with a wide spectrum of Qts values (acknowledging that Qts is just one of many factors that interplay, of course).  I figure, if I don't like the results, I can just build an 'already approved' cabinet design for the MAOP 10.2 down the road, which would also be a fun project... win / win scenario.


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Re: RS7 dimensions -- seeking help
« Reply #3 on: 1 May 2023, 10:38 pm »
Let us know how it is when you get it set up.


Re: RS7 dimensions -- seeking help
« Reply #4 on: 2 May 2023, 01:07 am »
Will do!  It will take me a while to 'get there', especially considering the long burn in time on the MA drivers, and that I'm only at my studio part time.  Oh, and I'm fairly slow on top of that  :roll:


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Re: RS7 dimensions -- seeking help
« Reply #5 on: 6 May 2023, 05:56 pm »
Hi there, I took some pictures of my RS7 but don't have a host site.  I'll PM them.


Re: RS7 dimensions -- seeking help
« Reply #6 on: 7 May 2023, 03:27 am »
Updating this thread -- I've been kindly helped by ddaarr with the measurements, so I'm all set here.  Long live the AudioCircle community  8).


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Re: RS7 dimensions -- seeking help
« Reply #7 on: 7 May 2023, 03:40 am »
In my 7A Alnico driver the baffle cut out was 132mm, if you need made a baffle hole.


Re: RS7 dimensions -- seeking help
« Reply #8 on: 7 May 2023, 05:31 pm »
Thanks FullRange!  It turns out the size difference between the two drivers is juuuust right for making the job considerably more complicated... would have been easier if it were either a little smaller or larger, either way.  Isn't that just the way of it :roll: