Strike three your out!

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Strike three your out!
« on: 24 May 2011, 11:35 pm »
So I did what your never suppose to do and bought three new pieces of gear.  Can't help it, in my industry we get bonuses and so one waits till end of year and then buys what one has coveted all year. 

In my case, I purchased a Lite Audio LT-ONE / DAC-83 combo and a DIYHifiSupply Tram2 DHT OTL preamp.  I was in need of all three and the idea of multi-amping using my DEQX is dwindling in my mind, I am just not into finishing my multi-channel amps, I just don't have time for lots of projects and my interests are in speaker building and SET amp building.  The latter isn't very accomodative to multi-amping. 

I realized I didn't fully describe that this post was all about.   The LT-One doesn't recognize discs due most likely to tremendous jolt.    The DAC-83 doesn't output any signal. I've tried 3 different transports.  So its also DOA.   The third strike comes from the Tram2 sometimes dropping signal in the left channel.  Its isn't freuent, it is seldom and every ten minutes or so but still very infuriating.

I am not having superb luck with the Tram2 right now.  As I am typing this, everything is working hunky dorey, but a little bit ago, the left channel dropped severly in volume.  I swapped the tubes and everything is back to normal (notice, I didn't swap out tubes, I did that previously, to no avail).  I actually had to go through my stock of 8 old-stock 45s, to find a pair that weren't noisely, microphonic and had decent output.

I am waiting for the other shoe to drop and the left side to cut out again.  Its been longer than before and not cut out but I am not certain if it will again....


Re: Strike three your out!
« Reply #1 on: 24 May 2011, 11:46 pm »
f!   :evil: :banghead: :banghead:

I was writing a long post and lost it due to freaking laptop's track pad.   I hate writing long texts on a laptop because of this.


Re: Strike three your out!
« Reply #2 on: 24 May 2011, 11:52 pm »
What a pain.  Losing content has happened to me too.  Especially since my typing speed is measured with a sun dial.  When I think about it, I'll type a long post in Word and when finished (and spell-checked) I will copy and paste into the Post engine.



Re: Strike three your out!
« Reply #3 on: 25 May 2011, 12:00 am »
Basically, what I was saying is this the best bass I've had in my system to date.  I've used 400watt Hypex amps, 150wpc Onkyo NR905 receiver (which isn't bad btw, but not what an audiophile is use to either), amongst others.  The bass using the same amp (Audioprism Debut II, which is a gem btw) with other preamps (silk tvc, deqx as preamp/dac), did produce good bass, but not the realism, nor depth, nor width of soundstage. 

To my ears, I won't say the preamp is euphonically colored, that typically results in flabby or bloated bass and lack of exacting clarity that I hear.   I'd say that this preamp tends to be pretty transparent yet toneful in a way I've yet heard in my system.   I really hope any issues I have can be resolved easily enough.  This is a sound within my system that I've yearned to hear.  Its what was in my mind's eye I've been looking for, but yet to hear.  That sounds gushing and its new gear so I'll quit, but you know when you've had an idea of what sound should be and you finally hit the nail on the head, you do back flips. 


Re: Strike three your out!
« Reply #4 on: 25 May 2011, 12:14 am »
For F sake....the left channel keeps dropping low and then coming back, despite swithcing tubes!   Infuriating!  When it is there it is heavenly.  Most tuneful bass I've ever heard. Imaging, soundstage...all that audiophile crap...

Let it be said that I am a speaker guy.  I think most of sound comes from speakers. Yet this is giving me challenge. I need to live with it for some time obviously.  If this is euphonic coloration, I'll take it.  It sound way more 3D that I've ever heard before.


Re: Strike three your out!
« Reply #5 on: 25 May 2011, 12:29 am »
P.S. this is meant to a long intro to an eventual review against other staples in my stable.  I just thought it proper to write a first impressions... even if I latter embarass myself, it is all good in the name of science.

I highly doubt that though.  I've never heard this before and I've heard a lot of gear in my relatively small amount of years as an audiophile.


Re: Strike three your out!
« Reply #6 on: 25 May 2011, 12:40 am »
The left channel isn't stalbe buut it drops down about 5 seconds out of every 10-20 minute so one gets the ist, but still upsetting.  Fortunately I am a DIY'er and came trouble shoot locally.   The designer of this preamp is Thorsten Loesch, whom I am admire with great respect.   He is one of the few designers I fully admire, thus the reason why I ordered this preamp.

I realize that may make my judgement seem biased but I never expected the results to be even close to this profound.  I expected minor improvement, not what i am hearing.  I am even more a believer that good design means good sound.


Re: Strike three your out!
« Reply #7 on: 25 May 2011, 12:49 am »
P.S.S.  I am listening on the -3db output, that means that this preamp has actually negative gain.  Yet I still am not turning it up past 11pm.  1am is far too loud, driving me from the room.  My speakers are 90db and 4 ohms so it is not super sensitive speakers at work here.   This give me further assurance that most systems have way too much gain, and that it is drive that most passive preamps lack.


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Re: Strike three your out!
« Reply #8 on: 25 May 2011, 02:05 am »
If 1am is too loud, try only turning it up to 1pm ;)