one boring circle

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Re: one boring circle
« Reply #40 on: 13 Apr 2009, 02:41 am »
Perhaps Montisory could hook us up with his local audio group. Then, we could all be boring together. Or not.
I think it's high time that we either participate in this circle or set it free...


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Re: one boring circle
« Reply #41 on: 13 Apr 2009, 03:25 am »
To Bob in St. Louis

  I don't have any wilderness pictures of Canada but I have lots of New Mexico where I live.

To Everyone Else

  I'm happy to incite some passion in this otherwise moribund Circle. I have always thought Canada to be a land of hockey rinks and donut shops eh?

Some different Places in Ontario and BC. I actually have  A bunch more "nicer" Pics of the rockies when Backcountry camping but they were taken with a film camera. I have been to 75 percent of US States and IMO Canada is much................MUCH nicer.

My Lonnie and 2 cents eh..........Pass me a Donut.


Re: one boring circle
« Reply #42 on: 13 Apr 2009, 10:48 am »
You're #15 Toronto....second in North America after simply can't be too boring given that :thumb:

Note one of the highest ranking cities in the US is San Francisco at #29 (where I live), but were it not for the milder climate and my citizenship, I'd probably love living in Toronto :) Instead, I satisfy myself with a 2x yearly trip there.

Now Ottawa on the other hand I have found quite boring...perhaps I hadn't seen it's wilder side yet? (beyond the nudie bars which I've seen already :o) That one making #19 was surprising...maybe the schools are good and the crime is low?

Canada (and Australia), you got all your major cities as most livable on this list.  Good going 8)



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Re: one boring circle
« Reply #43 on: 14 Sep 2009, 03:49 pm »
I'm from up by James Bay.

Up there you can really sit there and watch cow plop dry in the sun (in the short summer) and that's bout as exciting as it gets. I have also actually heard paint crack and peel on a house before. I would have shot myself to relieve the boredom that I figured that was one way street and I'd have never get a chance to something as exciting as that again (no, you can't fool me!).

Toronto has it's own comparable boring aspect. If you want quiet and confused looks when you try and talk to people, then North of Toronto is a good place to go.

A thread was started on the Canuck audio forum about 'starting a show' in the TO area. I came down on them pretty darned hard. Ian was there, I'm sure he remembers it. I was trying to clarify why Montreal is cool and fun, and how Toronto is as boring as a bag of fungi rocks posing as rotting potatoes. I even told them exactly what they have to do- to make it happen.

We'd like to try, but what is needed in the T-O area is one thing. Either a small group of people to the tune of maybe three folks. Maybe even one really ornery and determined person. Those folks or persons NEED and MUST have a determination and will to push the livin' crap out of things so they really happen. This person also must have tremendous foresight and 'finish what they start' skills..and the ability to make/inspire people to do what they need to do. Hell, manipulation works just fine too, if it gets things done. And this person must be willing to do this for, oh, at least ten years straight with no breaks.

Then we could begin to have a workable audio group and shows in the T-O area.

If you read that thread on the Canuck forum, I accuse (Accurately) the entire Toronto area of having no gumption, no drive, no personality and no character. This, compared to Montreal.

For example, if I walk down the street in Toronto and smile at a woman, I get a sneer or similar. Always been that way. In Montreal, if you smile a t a woman--you get a smile back. Very, very different and a very fundamental thing.

You can get bored by the very idea of traveling to Toronto. You can have a ton of fun just walking down the street in Montreal. Montreal has character and culture. Toronto has, uhm..plastic. Plasticized sumpthin'. Plastic I dunno what kind exactly... but it sure coulda been done better.  A nice uncluttered multicultural boring and neutral grey.

Toronto is like some kind of place where boring people who search out boredom go to die a slow protracted boring death.


[rant on]
One of the biggest issues in the TO area is that in the TO area, we have the world's most crowded and used freeways. Period. # world dominator when it comes to cluttered/overused highway sections. Then we have the total crap where the Harris government sold about 110 BILLION dollars worth of work (the areas for the 407 highway where procured beginning from about the mid 70's-  about $100 billion went into it as an end tally) to some consortium for about $3B (A 99 year lease on over $100B of work? that is more than the effective life of the highway, so it's obviously an 'inside job')--and that consortium is holding Toronto's capacity to grow ---into an illegal 'ransom' system. A photo enforced toll road system. ie they are using 'remote observation without a warrant' (wholly illegal in Ontario-this is the VERY specific reason we don't have photo radar)

The reality is that the Illegal Toll road which was SUPPOSED to be Toronto's future and expansion and life, 'verve' -if you will..was stolen and given to a faceless foreign consortium for a pittance, all because Harris was on the side and in bed with globalists who want to create a North American Union. Now the proposed 'toll highway' to be sold to some other globalist consortium is headed for creation-in the Niagara to Hamilton corridor. Pay attention people, you are being set up 10-20 years ahead of time! This is no joke. It's the same thing that is going on down in Texas, with the NAU trans highway corridor.  Except that- it actually happened -- here-- in Ontario.

Except it is real, it is done -and it is in our backyard. This toll highway is something that the average folk with a  car cannot afford to be using-it was supposed to be FREE ACCESS--and this would have revitalized the Toronto area into something alive-again.

But no, some globalists found a point they could bleed us on-so the moved in and the fascistic Harris (our golf-pro ex-premier of Ontario) went with it - as he was told to. 

This is why Toronto is boring.

It's blood flow is checked by the bad highways (tie to travel-road clogging-to spread out). It seems like an over simplified analysis, kinda myopic --but people are kinda myopic in their unconscious underbellies-and that road was a critical point that was supposed to ~FIX~ Toronto. Remember, they KNEW this in the 70's. They KNEW it was going to be a serious problem. So the Globalists came in and choked it-at the last minute. This is why Toronto is screwt.

More importantly, we have a private toll highway with photo enforced fines and use, which is absolutely illegal in Ontario as only a governmental police organization (specifically individual officers) can use a photo system to levy fines and enforce laws..and they have to be PHYSICALLY PRESENT each time it is used-each individual use requires the exact and real presence of a police officer-at a minimum (remember-this is the reason we don't have photo radar-remove viewing without a warrant is wholly illegal in Ontario).

Now, this system is being used to stop people from getting their licenses for their cars if they do not pay fines for using the toll highway without a 'transponder' on their car. So we have the government of Ontario-enforcing Ontario laws on private land (private land does not have traffic laws in Ontario-same as parking lot at an Ontario mall) - for a foreign corporation-on a highway which was supposed to revitalize the Toronto area-which was sold to this corporation in the dead of night-for a few dollars-all outside of the people of Ontario's full knowledge...and thus Toronto has been killed in it's potential for growth and vitality.

So, Toronto people and Ontario people-are you angry yet? You should be. and you should force the Ontario government to cancel the contract for that highway-so Toronto can come back to life and grow again.

Think about it.

[rant off]