Anyone out there??

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Anyone out there??
« on: 12 Mar 2010, 03:30 am »
Mark, Tony, Igor are you guys still around? It has been a long while since the last meet (almost a year ago), how is everyone doing?  Looks like our circle is "dying" slowly. 



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Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #1 on: 15 Mar 2010, 03:47 am »
I am not from Toronto but was happy to see a Canadian circle. But unfortunately, I think it is already dead... :duh:


Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #2 on: 15 Mar 2010, 04:11 am »
Ya man I'm still here. But, without the input of others it tends to dry out and wither away. Is Anyone up to another meet? And if so, we'd need some topics, direction. There has to be participatiation from the body, not just the host(s).


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Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #3 on: 16 Mar 2010, 02:39 am »

I am glad that someone is still around.  Yeah, you are right, we need a core group to keep this circle alive.  As I recall, the attendance for our past meets is quite reasonable.  I assumed that a bunch of us (albeit a small group) still want to be part of it.  Mayy be TAAS needed to be reorganised since the founder does not seem to be around anymore  :(.

I would love to have a meet in the near future (Sunday is best for me).  I can help to organise if needed (bring munchies, pops etc.  Sorry I do not drink much).  I recently acquired a transformer-based passive preamp that I can bring along for the meet.  I would like to have opinions from my fellow audiophiles. 

Lo-tse (Allan)


Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #4 on: 17 Mar 2010, 12:20 am »
I'll run it by Tony and see what he thinks. His place is great for the meets. Lots of room, but a little far for some. I would think that we would have to get on it soon with summer coming.
I will post back and let you know.


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Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #5 on: 20 Mar 2010, 04:27 am »
Hi Markc,

I am still here and would be interested in a meet, which was always fun for me.

Hope it will happen.


Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #6 on: 20 Mar 2010, 05:54 pm »
Good stuff. I urge anyone interested who reads this to contact others that you know to find out if they too, would be interested in attending. We need a certain amount of people to make it worth while.
I'm going to Tony's tomorrow, so I'll find out if he's into it and post back.


Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #7 on: 22 Mar 2010, 01:39 am »
O.K I talked to Tony today and he's up for holding a meet @ his place. We have to do this quick! The date decided is Sunday April 25. Please respond A.S.A.P so that we can make this happen. Also, why not bring a friend along to make it a greater turn out.
Let me know either via PM or posting to this thread.
DIY projects more than welcome and encouraged.
Maybe we're not dead yet.


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Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #8 on: 22 Mar 2010, 02:06 am »
H i guys
I would love to meet but you guys always get together on Sundays and although I work in Toronto area,Sunday is when I am back at home,2.5 hrs north/west.But if you guys ever get together during the week,I will come.But I will try other times also.


Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #9 on: 22 Mar 2010, 12:14 pm »
I will put it in my calendar, weekend time can be hard to come by, but if I don't try it will never happen!

I know I owe you boys a visit too, and would love to see what the balance of the GTA group have been up to.


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Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #10 on: 23 Mar 2010, 01:09 am »

I will be there :thumb:!  I will bring the TVC.  Looking forward to see all the familiar faces (hopefully).



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Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #11 on: 26 Mar 2010, 03:17 am »
Hi Mark,

Looking forward to the meet, will be there.


Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #12 on: 28 Mar 2010, 01:08 am »
Good to hear! It's been a while.
I'm still planning what equipment to put together, so any and all suggestions are welcome. Allan's pre amp is a go and we have Tony's full system, but we've heard that b4. I have a Vanguard transport and my DAC 60 with a new current to voltage circuit, (with OH NO! OP AMPS). So maybe I'll bring those along. I'm thinking the transport for sure.


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Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #13 on: 28 Mar 2010, 09:06 pm »
I think I'm going senile, but I've completely forgotten where Tony's place is.  Is it reasonably close to Toronto or is it way out in the boonies somewhere?


Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #14 on: 29 Mar 2010, 03:54 pm »
It's about 25 min. north of hwy. 401. If you can make it, I'll PM you directions.


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Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #15 on: 15 Apr 2010, 02:57 am »

I have just sent you a PM.



Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #16 on: 20 Apr 2010, 04:02 am »
O.K , so the meet is on for this Sat. the 25th @ noon. See you there. Any last minute stone-kickers - let's go and say your coming!


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Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #17 on: 21 Apr 2010, 03:28 am »
Hi, MarkC,

25th is Sunday, not Saturday.  Correct me if I am wrong.



Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #18 on: 22 Apr 2010, 02:25 am »
Yes, it's Sunday. Sorry for the typo.


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Re: Anyone out there??
« Reply #19 on: 27 Apr 2010, 02:27 pm »
Just want to thank MarkC for organising the meet.  Tony, thank you (and your wife) so much for providing the venue  :thumb: and your hospitality .  It was great to see a few familiar faces [Igor, Dieter (the BIG FET AMP proponent -I hope I got the name right)] taht afternoon.  I really enjoyed chatting with you guys on all the audio stuffs and listened to music (I am glad that you guys like my TVC).  Hope I do not have to wait till next year before we get together again!  Until next time - take care!
