2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:

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Kenneth Patchen

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Re: 2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:
« Reply #60 on: 2 Sep 2015, 03:20 pm »

For those of us who have yet to have the pleasure, would someone put names to faces here, please? I recognize Klaus, Jim, Mary, Dennis, Scott , Phil A ... but the rest are a mystery and half of them look like convicts. Well, so does Phil A but that's besides the point.


Oops, that link doesn't want to open. I was referring to the last of Woodsyi's photo above, the group photo.

Phil A

Re: 2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:
« Reply #61 on: 2 Sep 2015, 03:22 pm »

For those of us who have yet to have the pleasure, would someone put names to faces here, please? I recognize Klaus, Jim, Mary, Dennis, Scott , Phil A ... but the rest are a mystery and half of them look like convicts. Well, so does Phil A but that's besides the point.


Well - the truth is that my photo on my avatar was taken in the Post Office (passport renewal about 5 months back) so I did have my pic in the Post Office.

The link did not work - see if this one does - http://s285.photobucket.com/user/woodsyi/media/DSC00855.jpg.html

I think for an additional fee woodsyi can remove my pic so I don't scare anyone looking at it.

Phil A

Re: 2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:
« Reply #62 on: 2 Sep 2015, 05:44 pm »
Here's some additional pics (sorry for the poor photography - if I did artwork it would belong hanging on the fridge with magnets :lol:)

Alta Speakers - very nice and deep bass (I think they were $4.5k)

Audioism Speakers

Classic Audio Speakers (2 pics)

Phil A

Re: 2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:
« Reply #63 on: 2 Sep 2015, 05:47 pm »

Fern Roby room:

Dynamic Sound Associates/Joseph Audio (Pearl 3s)

Phil A

Re: 2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:
« Reply #64 on: 2 Sep 2015, 05:50 pm »
Joseph Audio/VPI

Madison Fielding (Planter Speakers)



Re: 2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:
« Reply #65 on: 2 Sep 2015, 06:56 pm »
Anybody have info on the Audioism speakers?  Impressions? Link?  What's with the tubes in the bottom?


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Re: 2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:
« Reply #66 on: 2 Sep 2015, 07:00 pm »
Anybody have info on the Audioism speakers?  Impressions? Link?  What's with the tubes in the bottom?

In the bottom were Dave Berning's 10W ZOTL amps. I never heard the room sound right as the image was shifted far left the 2 times I visited, so I can't make any comments.


Re: 2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:
« Reply #67 on: 2 Sep 2015, 07:38 pm »
In the bottom were Dave Berning's 10W ZOTL amps. I never heard the room sound right as the image was shifted far left the 2 times I visited, so I can't make any comments.

Thank you.


Re: 2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:
« Reply #68 on: 2 Sep 2015, 07:50 pm »

For those of us who have yet to have the pleasure, would someone put names to faces here, please? I recognize Klaus, Jim, Mary, Dennis, Scott , Phil A ... but the rest are a mystery and half of them look like convicts. Well, so does Phil A but that's besides the point.



i know most of the people in the group photo.  I'll use a question mark for those I don't know by name.

Dan Wright, Mike Feeney, Lou Hinkley, Lucas Phillips (Daedalus), ?, Klaus Bunge, Phil Abich, Alex Garland, Bunky, Scott Dalzell (Viva Hifi), Dennis Murphy, Woodsyi, Jim Salk, Mix4fix, Mary Salk, ?, ?, ?

Kenneth Patchen

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Re: 2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:
« Reply #69 on: 2 Sep 2015, 08:44 pm »
Thanks Scott! Appreciate it!

Phil A

Re: 2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:
« Reply #70 on: 2 Sep 2015, 08:49 pm »
Thanks Scott! Appreciate it!

Next to Mary are the Gingko Audio guys - http://www.gingkoaudio.com/about.html

Phil A

Re: 2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:
« Reply #71 on: 2 Sep 2015, 08:51 pm »
Thank you.

I never heard them sound right either.  I did not sit center the first time I was in the room and I attributed it to where I was sitting but then I did.  They had a ".net" website address on the sign but I Googled it and it did not work - believe it was audioism.net.  I was curious so I tried it.


Re: 2015 Capitol Audio Fest attendance thread:
« Reply #72 on: 2 Sep 2015, 09:12 pm »
Here are a few more photos from the show. The first one was a surprising moment when Klaus, Jeff Fox from Command AV, Dan Wright, and Mat Weisfeld all happened to be in the Viva Hifi room at the same time. As Klaus might say, it was kismet.

The next one is when singer Lyn Stanley came to the room because some kind, golden-eared person told her it was where she should take her newly pressed SACDs to hear how they really sound.  I don't know who referred her to my room, but thank you to whomever.  I got to spend a lot of time with Lyn this week as her unofficial tour guide. A very good time for me!

Last is a picture of me with the system.