Selecting an amp for my Omega Super 3XRS. Crown XLS-2000 or modified TPA-3116?

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Canada Rob

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It's this one.


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Have you heard it personally?

Canada Rob

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Have you heard it personally?

Yes.  This particular amp is a great match for Omega speakers.  High current, fast, punchy bass, great midrange, a lovely clear non grainy top end, and a very spacious 3D presentation.  Similar in sound signature to a Cyrus of the same vintage.  Nobody, in my experience, does low to medium power solid state better than the Brits.  My first British integrated was a Creek 4140 S2 in 1990 - it was a delight.  I think the reason I sold it was to pay toward house taxes.  :cry:


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Yes.  This particular amp is a great match for Omega speakers.  High current, fast, punchy bass, great midrange, a lovely clear non grainy top end, and a very spacious 3D presentation.  Similar in sound signature to a Cyrus of the same vintage.  Nobody, in my experience, does low to medium power solid state better than the Brits.  My first British integrated was a Creek 4140 S2 in 1990 - it was a delight.  I think the reason I sold it was to pay toward house taxes.  :cry:

Man you are making this quite a tough decision. Not a tough decision to my original post. I already purchased the Fleawatt TPA-3116, so I will have fun with that, try it out, see what I think. It will most likely end up in my bedroom system. But now I am really trying to decide between the Decware SE-84UFO or the Creek. You introduced an option that I never really thought of before. Thats what I love and hate about these forums! LOL  :D


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« Last Edit: 15 Mar 2016, 03:45 am by vinagunner »


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I have the same TPA3116 board that he uses with two exceptions.  First, an audio friend who builds audio stuff added an AC-DC 12/24 volt converter that increases the output from 12v to 24v.  Then added an Astron 12 volt power supply.  This little amp has more detailed output than my older 50 watt Luxman.  The Astron power supply is highly recommend with the TPA3116 boards.  That would be the first thing to try if you're wanting to better the sound of that amp.  You might talk to the builder and get his thoughts about this.

No doubt that amp should sound awesome with the Omegas.  Let us know.  :D

Roy in TX

opnly bafld

I agree. Check out Exposure as well. Extremely good mid-fi products :thumb:

While "mid-priced" might apply to Exposure, you obviously use the term "mid-fi" differently than I do.  :wink:

If sticking with ss I think an Exposure 2010S2D would make a fine match, much better than a Crown XLS IME.


Just so you're aware (if not already), the Crown XLS models convert the incoming analog signal that you send them to digital for their DSP.  That's a huge turnoff to a lot of folks.

Like, why bother having a good DAC if its output is going to be just converted to digital and then back to analog.



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I have the same TPA3116 board that he uses with two exceptions.  First, an audio friend who builds audio stuff added an AC-DC 12/24 volt converter that increases the output from 12v to 24v.  Then added an Astron 12 volt power supply.  This little amp has more detailed output than my older 50 watt Luxman.  The Astron power supply is highly recommend with the TPA3116 boards.  That would be the first thing to try if you're wanting to better the sound of that amp.  You might talk to the builder and get his thoughts about this.

No doubt that amp should sound awesome with the Omegas.  Let us know.  :D

Roy in TX

Thanks for the info. Will for sure look into it. Where do I get stuff like this? And is it something that is just simply added or does it need to be installed in the unit itself?


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As with many things in this hobby, there is a lot of debate and subjectivity concerning power supplies and what sounds "better".   
There are debates regarding the sonic benefits of a switching vs. linear vs. battery power supplies and of course, then, the brand of supply. 

The Astron is a very high quality, well made power supply.

24 volts will produce more power, but some report that as the power eclipses the 19volt mark, the sound becomes "harder" and "colder".  I would argue all those characteristics could vary from system to system.

I think the only way to tell for sure, is to experiment in one's own system.

« Last Edit: 6 Sep 2015, 10:38 pm by fleawattaudio »

Canada Rob

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I had a TPA3116 board given to me awhile back and finally got to set it up and get it running.  I had my Audio Sector DAC and Super 3i Monitors hooked up to it.  I used a 19V/4.74 amp laptop power supply/charger for power.

The sound?  Lots of bottom end punch, great midrange with wonderful big 3D soundstage with lots of inner detail.  My only caveat is the top end is a little harsh.  Neither the DAC or the speakers are known for harshness.  Maybe fleawattaudio can chime in here and offer some advice.  IMO, if the top end can be economically tamed, this little amp has real potential.

This is the board I have.

« Last Edit: 4 Oct 2015, 04:05 am by Canada Rob »


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I had a TPA3116 board given to me awhile back and finally got to set it up and get it running.  I had my Audio Sector DAC and Super 3i Monitors hooked up to it.  I used a 19V/4.74 amp laptop power supply/charger for power.

The sound?  Lots of bottom end punch, great midrange with wonderful big 3D soundstage with lots of inner detail.  My only caveat is the top end is a little harsh.  Neither the the DAC or the speakers are known for harshness.  Maybe fleawattaudio can chime in here and offer some advice.  IMO, if the top end can be economically tamed, this little amp has real potential.

This is the board I have.

That is one of the "earlier" boards and one I've used in some of my first 3116 amps.  Many of the 3116 enthusiasts refer to it as "the red board".  In my opinion, that board is a bit more ragged, or less refined, sounding than the Yuan Jing "Blue/Black" or Audiobah green board, as they are commonly referred to.  There is a 800 page thread on DIY audio on the 3116.  Info on listening impressions of different boards, mods, etc.   Pretty much anything one wanted to know about these is buried in this thread.
I don't know that I would spend a lot of time on the red board. If it were me, I would probably just order one of these and a potentiometer.
If you have a 12V supply laying around, or a 12V battery, you can also try that with your red board.  Many people report a bit warmer sound using 12volts.


Canada Rob

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Thank you fleawattaudio, greatly appreciated.  :thumb: