after the GK-1 platinum is an input Cap form the poweramp waiting

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hi people

I am a baby in electronics ( so forgive my maybe too trivial questions) but a "master" in love, food and wine and of course listening to hearts and music ;)

I read the Gk1 mods ( must still build my pair of Gk-1.) but the speaker which in the end proofs the sound quality does not care what path the signal has followed. It only "sees" the output stage and  "considers" everything before that as one unity ( player, preamp and pre-output stage of power amp) So if the signal went thru the Platinums and other cap mods in the preamp is it not equally necessary to put those super caps in the relevant positions of the poweramp? For instance input cap of poweramp? And what about those  lower grade ( than Platinum) caps in the cross over filter of the speaker?

Does not the sound quality that reaches the speaker  equals the quality of the 'lowest" part in the audio chain? Somehow it is not?

I like to know  :|


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 740
The biggest benefit of using the teflon caps is first to install at the earliest feasible point in the audio chain.  In this case it is at the input position in the preamp, GK-1.  Additional teflons further down the chain, at amp input, output, and as bypasses in speaker crossover should yield some benefit.  Certainly these additions will not degrade anything.  It's somewhat a matter of balancing the cost issue with sound benefits.
Dave Ellis has reported benefits in using .1uf bypass caps in his speaker crossovers.  In the next month or two I should be able to report on the benefits of using teflon caps in my LF 55 and speaker crossovers. 
