What type of acoustic panels

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What type of acoustic panels
« on: 17 Feb 2023, 02:14 am »
Hey folks,

I recently finished my 25'x28' basement Jam room (not a perfect rectangle, with closets and bump outs and stuff). We tend to play classic heavy metal (Metallica, etc). We did it with the full soundproofing (two layers of 5/8" plasterboard, mineral wool, hat channels, gorilla glue, etc). After adding furniture, while talking the echo/reverb is manageable but still definitely noticeable and annoying.  If I'm on a zoom call, I sound worse than others.  I record our jam sessions, and while it works, I'm certain it could be better (but I'm not producing a record so it might not matter too much).

As a test, I put 4 full size pieces of mineral wool, 1 against each wall. I didn't expect I'd be able to tell a difference, but I'd say it was at least 25% better, so I've got hope.  25% seems great with only 4 pieces.  Now I need a permanent solution though.

I have a budget of $400-$800, but very happy to spend the least that's necessary. I looked at GIK 244 Acoustic Panels. They seem great, however being so thick at over 5 in deep, I can't fit too many as I don't have many good places for them where they wouldn't be in the way. I could possibly do three or four max, but 0-2 would be best. The 242s would probably be better, but will they do the trick?  Are they only half as good?  My ceilings are too low to be utilized for panels. I have one or two corners I could use for Bass Traps, but they might not be ideal because they're next to a couch and desk?

Any thoughts of how you might start tackling this project and/or products to look into?  I don't need perfection, but would just like to get it more normal, at least when speaking.



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Re: What type of acoustic panels
« Reply #1 on: 17 Feb 2023, 06:03 am »
I’m not going to be much use but it might help to post some pics of the space and where you’re considering treatments.  GIK also has some design and application tools that make it easier for a designer to offer recommendations.

You might also consider the DIY circle.  I know there was at least one recent treatment conversation.

Good luck.


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Re: What type of acoustic panels
« Reply #2 on: 17 Feb 2023, 02:42 pm »
In that budget range you'll want to stick with broadband absorption for sure. I do suggest 4" thick absorbers at minimum for serious audio rooms (like our 244s); these are thick enough to help some with bass. 2" absorbers (like in our 242s) aren't much different above 300Hz but won't help the low end at all.

Performance in acoustics is mostly about coverage area, ie, the total surface area of all the panels you have relative to room size. For a 25x28 room you won't be anywhere near diminishing returns until there are probably 2-3 dozen panels in the room (probably well beyond your budget).

If you do put more than a dozen or two panels in the room eventually then you'll probably want to think about hybrid devices with diffusion built in too, to make sure everything stays balanced. Band rooms with just a lot of high frequency absorption with no diffusion or bass trapping can sound a bit strange.

If you are interested in using GIK products then you should do our free Advice Form on the website, so we can take a look at more detail about your room and give more specific suggestions.


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Re: What type of acoustic panels
« Reply #3 on: 17 Feb 2023, 08:58 pm »
Thank you both. I'll put together a cad of the room and also use that advice form. Thanks!

Question if 4 mineral wools batts (Rockwood Safe N Sound 48"x15") gave me a noticeable difference of 25% should I expect that if I removed those and replaced them with: 6 x 244 (48" x 12") that I could expect to get 75% better (roughly, off the cuff, best guess, etc)?  Or is something like that completely unknown without looking at detailed specs of the room, placement, audio measurements, etc?

« Last Edit: 20 Feb 2023, 10:53 pm by MSmithAC »


  • Jr. Member
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Re: What type of acoustic panels
« Reply #4 on: 20 Feb 2023, 10:52 pm »
On Friday, I had 3 friends over and we were blasting some music and chatting over it.  The acoustics were awful, and I understood the need to treat bass more after hearing that low end garble.

So, I put together a cad of the space.  See attached.  Where you see the blue boxes is where I'm proposing to put the 6 x 244's (48"x 12").  They would be at near ceiling height. 

Main questions are:
1) Would this have a significant impact?
2) Would it be significantly better than the 4 mineral wools batts (Rockwood Safe N Sound 48"x15") that I used as a test?
3) Should the 244's include the diffuser option?

If these won't have enough impact, what is the minimum or what other products should I look at?

I get that I could add 20 of these without the diminishing returns, but unfortunately due to space, configuration, and budget, I have to be more limited and only look to achieve a decent state that's significantly better than what I currently have, rather than an excellent state.
