6V6 PP vs 6V6 SE amps

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6V6 PP vs 6V6 SE amps
« on: 19 Dec 2006, 11:46 am »
Can anyone comment on the differences in sound between 6V6 push-pull and single-ended amps?


Re: 6V6 PP vs 6V6 SE amps
« Reply #1 on: 28 Dec 2006, 10:52 pm »
I've got pretty limited experience compared to most of the guys here, but I'll take a shot.  So much of the sound signature of tube amps depends on operating points, tubes chosen, AGE of components . . . BUT

the biggest difference (to me) is headroom - PP is gonna have almost twice the output of a SE topolgy (about 10W vs. abotu 5W max), so theoritically, the SE will start distorting before the PP would all else being equal (speakers, source, etc . .)   

thats doesnt make PP BETTER than SE . . just one of many differences.  SE sounds a little more nimble to me, PP more 'beefy'.  Hard to describe .. I'd recommend you snag a couple old console stereos (magnavox or zeniths are plentiful and CHEAP) - grab the amps, recap, replace any out of spec resistors, and compare a SE amp to a PP amp yourself. 

I have a few of each, and like both   :D


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Re: 6V6 PP vs 6V6 SE amps
« Reply #2 on: 29 Dec 2006, 01:14 am »
The good news is there is hardly a bad sounding 6V6 amp out there, like the EL84, you really have to try hard to screw up those circuits. Personally,  I would suggest you look on eBay for something pulled out of a console. Zenith, Magnavox are great bets. Cayin makes one called the M6, a push pull job, which I heard and was mightily impressed with. This tube has always been my non triode favorite.

My winter audio project is building a Sun Audio SE 6V6 amp. 4.5 watts of delicious 6V6 single ended liquid joy. The boat from Japan is nearing the shore.