Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?

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Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #1 on: 9 May 2007, 08:10 pm »
Interesting, but lacking anything other than single input/output, is it not more accurately a tube buffer/gain stage?

I assume that you have to invest $399 in the TVC to actually have any volume control etc?

I don't get it.  NOT saying that it is not a good piece, I have heard nothing but good things about these guys, and their products, but I fail to see what this is FOR.


Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #2 on: 9 May 2007, 08:26 pm »
From all i've read its the perfect companion to the TVC, its designed to be...

If there have been issues with the TVC its usually in 2 camps:  First is compatibility.  The Active pre adds 9db of gain for those who need it.    My Belles 150A + TVC would be a good candidate.  My Muse 100 on the other hand, takes to the TVC like an Eskimo to an Igloo.

The Second is Body & Soul.  To me, the TVC has it all...others have found it to be a bit lacking.  The Active is the answer.

Also, if you have a good SS amp + TVC, the Active will add that extra blueberry syrup oomph that tubes provide...

at some point in this hobby i'll get the Active, to me, its a no brainer if you have the rack space and a Promi TVC.

A few users of this combo have sold $5,000 & up preamps.  It costs $900 total...

Its pretty smoooooth sailing on the Good Ship Promitheus.. aa   

Nick Chua's excellent transformers, business plan & innovations are gonna change this hobby for the good of all.

No Afilliation but an obviously happy where's my free amp Nick???   :lol:


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Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #3 on: 9 May 2007, 10:57 pm »
Interesting, but lacking anything other than single input/output, is it not more accurately a tube buffer/gain stage?

I assume that you have to invest $399 in the TVC to actually have any volume control etc?

I don't get it.  NOT saying that it is not a good piece, I have heard nothing but good things about these guys, and their products, but I fail to see what this is FOR.

   You are correct that is a buffer stage. It adds 6DB of gain to TVC. It is helpfull for those who use phono stages as well as those who want the complete picture from Promitheus. Basically the combo is a preamp in different clothing. However it is the transformer output of buffer that provides the impedance match the amp is looking for. Just like the TVC. The 6N1P input tubes just add presence to the clarity of the TVC alone and a bit more bass as well. I bought both and it is staying right where it is for a long time. My Ref. active preamp is now a very expensive phono stage. Hope this clarifies matters for you.
   Way back in the day. The first amps were transformer coupled. However the trannies of the day were not like today's trannies. Companies like Audio note and Lamm don't use transformer coupled outputs for nothing. They are very affective as I have learned. Since Promitheus designs and hand winds their own trannies, now using "C" cores as well the future looks even brighter IMO.
 happy listening


Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #4 on: 10 May 2007, 01:19 am »
Thanks for the clarification guys - I guess this is sort of like a 2 box pre - TVC in one box (and enough gain for some systems) and the tube buffer in the other (for those who need the extra umph).

Sure am hearing a ton of good things about the affordable TVC, nice to see some good quality companion pieces for it, starting to show up from the busy guys responsible!


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Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #5 on: 11 May 2007, 01:21 am »
Thanks for the clarification guys - I guess this is sort of like a 2 box pre - TVC in one box (and enough gain for some systems) and the tube buffer in the other (for those who need the extra umph).

Sure am hearing a ton of good things about the affordable TVC, nice to see some good quality companion pieces for it, starting to show up from the busy guys responsible!

    The combo is the preamp the TVC is an transformer output volume control. By the way Nicholas of Promitheus is the" busy guys ". He does it all. Design, Trannie winding, assembly and chief cook and bottle washer. His staff assembles as well. He amazes me. He works from 8AM to 3AM every day. He da man. Its good to be young.



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Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #6 on: 16 May 2007, 11:25 am »
Hi guys as the proud and happy owner of the Promitheus Audio TVC almost one year now I have just acquired the valve stage for this preamp. As I lay no claim to being an audiophile, I would just like to comment how this unit has improved sound quality beyond any expectations. there is now a warmth or softness to the sound previously unavailable. As an example the voice of Cat Stevens now presents as sense of presence as never before. If you own one of these TVC's I highly recommend you go for the Valve stage.


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Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #7 on: 17 May 2007, 03:20 am »
Posted previously in the TVC thread.  Thought more appropriate, posting here.

I came across this website almost a year ago and after hearing some good comments from forumers, decided to get one (TVC).  I was very happy with the Passive Preamp until Nick came out with his Active Tube Pre, that’s when my upgraditus? strikes again.

Like anubisgrau, rollo’s review was too good to be true, feeling at the same time, a little skeptical how this TVC which is already so good, could be further improved upon by adding another gear in the signal path.

Anyway, I asked Nick for a home trial and was bowled over after barely 20 hours of  tweaking and cable swopping.  This Preamp, has by far given me the most satisfaction. Coming from a solid state guy, I have always hesitated, with regards to going tube. Now I have the best of both worlds, a tube pre that gives me all the dynamics, detail and sweetness, and the power and control of SS.

This tube pre has the sweetness and tonality that makes vocal and saxophone so real and sexy/saxy, but can also give me the creeps when I cranked up the volume. But most of all it brings back the soul of music, which is somewhat lacking in the passive TVC.



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Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #8 on: 17 May 2007, 09:23 am »

Actually this would be a 3 box solution (TVC, tube preamp, and the separate power supply for the preamp).

Patience after ordering, workmanship/shipping damage concerns, picking your options, high suspectability to tweaking, heavy reliance on the sound imparted by transformers, and buyer's remorse when finding out someone else has a slightly better version a month later have been the challenges of being a Promitheus owner.

OTOH from all accounts his stuff sounds great and the prices are more than reasonable. 

All told, Promitheus is pure cocaine for the audio addict that needs continual fixes on a budget.


Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #9 on: 17 May 2007, 04:02 pm »
thanks for the good words  Mike, i hope to join the elite club of Active pre owners at some point.  Nick's all-in-one solution is quite tempting to me...especially once his new trannies are released.

Promi gear IS like pure cocaine...just cheaper and much easiesr to come by these days.   aa


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Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #10 on: 18 May 2007, 06:07 pm »
thanks for the good words  Mike, i hope to join the elite club of Active pre owners at some point.  Nick's all-in-one solution is quite tempting to me...especially once his new trannies are released.

Promi gear IS like pure cocaine...just cheaper and much easier to come by these days.   aa


    And a lot safer as well. What an intresting scenario, Promitheus addicts, how sweet it is.



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Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #11 on: 23 May 2007, 02:42 am »
Well guys an interesting thing happened on the way to comparing the Musical fidelity Buffer to the Promitheus Buffer. The Promitheus was inserted BEFORE the TVC as the Music Fidelity was in between CDP and Preamp.
       My friend insisted on comparing apples to apples and to my suprise not only did it crush the MF it sounded pretty dam good in its new position BEFORE THE TVC. We tried Promitheus Buffer and his Preamp then Buffer and TVC combo all with his Sony CDP. The Promitheus combo prevailed but more importantly the new position of the Buffer proved positive.
        Conclusion it works both ways and even be better in front of TVC in some cases. Actually the amp sees a better impedance match with TVC being before amp. That is the biggest advantage of using a TVC besides eliminating resistors in the signal path. If you have a solid state CDP by all means give this a try, it may make your day.

   Have fun

Big Red Machine

Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #12 on: 24 May 2007, 12:48 pm »
Hey guys, I see Audiogon listing for the active piece and the option for adding a volume control for $50 more.  How is this not an Apollo equivalent?

I'm confused on the configurations. :whip:


Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #13 on: 24 May 2007, 01:30 pm »
The added volume control is not a TVC....

Big Red Machine

Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #14 on: 24 May 2007, 01:40 pm »
Then why is it an option?


Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #15 on: 24 May 2007, 01:57 pm »
I noticed these have choke input supplies...that is rare on even expensive preamps.   I am pretty amazed you can offer all that for the price you do. 


Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #16 on: 24 May 2007, 02:39 pm »
i think that with the volume pot added, the Active Preamp literally becomes an active tube preamp.   

With it in-line with the TVC, and no volume pot added, its a buffer.

quite a versatile thing.   

Nick Chua is all about bringing hi-end quality gear and performance for as little $ as possible.


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Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #17 on: 24 May 2007, 02:46 pm »
I noticed these have choke input supplies...that is rare on even expensive preamps.   I am pretty amazed you can offer all that for the price you do. 

   Thats why we like Promitheus so much. Bang for the buck. More is yet to come.


Big Red Machine

Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #18 on: 24 May 2007, 03:31 pm »
What is a buffer in audio terms?  Sounds like an impediment to free flow.


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Re: Promitheus tube active preamp anyone ?
« Reply #19 on: 24 May 2007, 03:55 pm »
According to component designer,

With an audio buffer the output impedance of any high impedance output will be converted into a lowered output impedance , greatly enhancing  the output driving capability .The signal will become more transparent, airy and dynamic for a much more natural sound.