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On this forum, I think you will very quickly receive recommendations to check out GR Research designs. Have you taken a look at the NX series options - especially the NX Treme or NX Otica? But it would be helpful to know why your wife nixed the X3 and Nola V3 as options. The GR Research options take more space than the X3 for sure - X3 is the space-saving option. But hopefully your wife didn't nix the X3 because it was too large or took too much space? But if those were her concerns, I have a feeling you won't find any OB options that are better than the X3.
The longer wings go on the inside and provide for better separation between the two channels. If the longer wings were place on the outsides than the two distinct channels get pushed together and lose distinction, with some loss of soundstage width/depth, depending on the room.
My latest build uses the ESS great Heil AMT on top and an Audio Nirvana Super 12 in open baffle. The drivers are so well matched and wideband that I am just using a first order on both at about 1800 Hz crossover. I use an SVS sub below 70 Hz. Best system I have ever had. I tried for many years to match the speed and efficiency of the Heil AMT and I finally succeeded with the Audio Nirvana 12 inch full range driver. No more audiophile jargon analysis - this just sounds like LIVE music with decent source material. I sold my Spatials as they are not refined or dynamic enough for me. My DIY sounds like electrostats blended with high efficiency horns without the drawbacks of both.