My reference Black cat digital cable is a silver-based cable and out the gate the Hapa Cu had a richer overall sound. I could hear finer details in the lower treble and upper midrange.
There was excellent pace to the music, soundstage overall was wider, deeper, and had more height.
The tonality was natural with a touch of warmth. Some might say that some of what I was hearing can be attributed to the difference in sound between copper and silver, but after later inserting the Hapa Ag, this is not the case.
On Scheherazade, that richness in sound brought a highly pleasurable sound that made me sit up and take notice ( another glass of wine

). Violins were precise with not a hint of harshness or edginess. That little extra warmth brought with it a sweetness to the midrange that was like a taste of honey.
In goes the Hapa Ag and I noticed a slight increase in pace and transient response and improvement in tonality.
In comparison to my reference Black cat, the Hapa Ag has more body with the high end having more detail, again no harshness.
To put it all in perspective, while I can clearly the improvement the Ag has over the Cu, in my system I cannot justify the difference in price.
Either way that your bank account swings these are some very good sounding cables and I wholeheartedly recommend them. Great job Jason.