Talked to Danville Signal today after they are back from AXPONA 2023. They are very happy of how well the show went! 🙂
Was given the go ahead to begin the ordering process for Early Adopter units. They will be in production from now until June and will be the first 50 units. The Early Adopters will get the upgraded ADSP21569 dspBlok and new firmware for its use with new Audio Weaver with updates.
I have 2 Early Adopter units on order for customers that have requested them. I can now order more as needed. Please let me know if you are interested as this is a Beta Test for the system, so if you want the full production system, that will likely take awhile. All Early Adopter units sold will be brought up to the standard production unit configuration once the upgrades are completed.
You can contact me via AC msg or send an email to the Hollis Audio Labs address listed.