iFi and AMR

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Re: iFi and AMR
« Reply #60 on: 13 Jan 2017, 06:01 pm »
Hell yes!!! I want iFi on AC!!
Okay, this is getting out of hand!
The UPS guy handed me a package yesterday and said "Hell yes!!! I want iFi on AC!!"
How does he even know about this?
Am I supposed to post a # here, like the Vinyl Karma guy requests?
Okay, 42.

Thank you.


Re: iFi and AMR
« Reply #61 on: 13 Jan 2017, 09:15 pm »
posting to random.org 29-60....

No favoritism etc promise!


Re: iFi and AMR
« Reply #62 on: 13 Jan 2017, 09:16 pm »

haven't even looked yet...


Re: iFi and AMR
« Reply #63 on: 13 Jan 2017, 09:17 pm »

Congrats and please PM me your mail info and it'll go out asap.  :thumb:


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Re: iFi and AMR
« Reply #64 on: 13 Jan 2017, 11:00 pm »
Wow! This is the second thing I've won in a week!  I should play the lottery.


Re: iFi and AMR
« Reply #65 on: 13 Jan 2017, 11:18 pm »
Hey, I demand a recount!

Oh, wrong venue , Nevermind.

Phil A

Re: iFi and AMR
« Reply #66 on: 13 Jan 2017, 11:40 pm »


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Re: iFi and AMR
« Reply #67 on: 14 Jan 2017, 01:10 am »


Re: iFi and AMR
« Reply #68 on: 14 Jan 2017, 01:26 am »
Yes, congrats!  Please let us know how it works out for you.


Re: iFi and AMR
« Reply #69 on: 14 Jan 2017, 03:05 am »
Heck with the prizes, when are those boys coming to AC?

But one of those ITube 2's would be welcome.


Re: iFi and AMR
« Reply #70 on: 16 Jan 2017, 08:47 pm »
Heck with the prizes, when are those boys coming to AC?

But one of those ITube 2's would be welcome.

Everyone, it looks like we are "on deck"! We should be joining the fold very VERY soon!  :thumb:


Re: iFi and AMR
« Reply #71 on: 20 Jan 2017, 11:46 pm »
Check it out! iTube2 is officially launched!


I've been enjoying mine for a while now. What can I say, I never liked buffers, tubes or otherwise, but I LOVE the iTube2. Smooth and refined. Yet vivacious and detailed. Usually those two things are mutually exclusive, but somehow the iTube2 pulls it off. We've got a few in the hands of some AC reviewers and as soon as our circle is ready to go we'll post up some reviews.  :thumb: