dspMusikLCD for VMPS RM/X speakers

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dspMusikLCD for VMPS RM/X speakers
« on: 28 Nov 2017, 12:15 pm »
Since titaniumhead had asked about a dspMusikLCD for his VMPS RM/X speakers, starting a thread for anyone interested. 

For the first person willing to try it in a Tri-Amp setup, measurements are needed and if the passive crossover is out like his set, then they are very easy to make.  I send a PocketCLIO system and instructions to measure the existing crossover at the connection between the crossover and drivers.  Once I have those measurements for both speakers, I model the response needed with Audio Weaver.  Once completed, a dspMusikLCD unit is programmed and sent for connection and listening.

Please let me know if there is interest.