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« on: 3 Aug 2003, 03:47 pm »
What a nice way to wake up on Sunday morning. It is a great pleasure to become a part of the awesome community of Audio Circle.  I have learned much from the folks here, and enjoyed much free-ranging discussion (e.g. the incomparable nathanm). I look forward to giving much back in the form of knowledge, and outstanding, affordable audio equipment.

As an audiophile, I have always sought out the best sound for the money.  I have spent a LOT of time searching many many different components and pathways to find "synergy" between gear and music. I have also been heavily involved with DIY designs. Now I am planning to produce and sell a range of products that exemplify wonderful sound and value for the money.  In addition, my products will be environmentally friendly and sustainably produced.

I'll make a more detailed post on my audio philosophy soon.  Right now, I have to make a seven hour drive to buy a very special used diesel car for my girlfriend (a 1985 BMW 324td).  Soon, she'll be off the fossil fuel grid, and using biodiesel exclusively.  I am one of the "brewmasters" for the local Portland biodiesel co-op, www.gobiodiesel.org.  We make our diesel fuel from waste vegetable oil collected from local restaurants. Incidently, I calculate all of the fossil fuels burned in the shipping of the products I sell, and then offset those emissions by purchasing and donating gallons of biodiesel fuel to the co-op.

I sincerely look forward to discussing my products and my audio and environmental ideas with you!  Please fire away with any questions or comments about my products, my environmental ideas, or my website!


« Reply #1 on: 4 Aug 2003, 01:12 am »
G'day Kevin, glad you made it :-)

I'm curious about the bamboo. Is it manufacturered into ply? How does it compare to baltic birch or other high-quality plies?



« Reply #2 on: 4 Aug 2003, 02:45 am »
I didn't know Kevin was so into the ecology thing.  That is very cool and it's nice to see that 'green' approach taken in an audio company.


« Reply #3 on: 4 Aug 2003, 12:17 pm »
Quote from: nathanm
I didn't know Kevin was so into the ecology thing.  That is very cool and it's nice to see that 'green' approach taken in an audio company.

Every audio company plays by the green approach........


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« Reply #4 on: 4 Aug 2003, 03:18 pm »
Quote from: JohnR
G'day Kevin, glad you made it :-)

I'm curious about the bamboo. Is it manufacturered into ply? How does it compare to baltic birch or other high-quality plies?


The bamboo is a unique material...  depending on the length and width of the sheet, and whether it is "flat" grain or "vertical" grain, the ply geometry is different.  Sometimes, it is all thin "vertical" strips about .5 cm in width. Or else it can be a thin ply of vertical grain, with "horizontal" grain in the midsection.  Or vis versa, horizontal veneer, with vertical core.  Etc... I have seen many many different combos, and my cabinet maker and I are working on the most aesthetic presentation of various edges. I think it is going to look really sharp when done!  But it is a little more challenging when using solid-core wood or bamboo, than when working with a veneer or paint that hides the joins between panels.

Regarding the sonic properties of bamboo, it is very dense, and non-vibratory. Dan Wiggins has told me that it is one of the best materials for building a non-resonant cabinet.  I'll be experimenting with many cabinets and speakers with the bamboo.  I'm very optimistic about its potential.

All the bamboo comes from Asia, so John, you may be able to get it cheaper in AU.  A 4x8' sheet of bamboo ply costs about $200 in the USA!  That's why the Solar 1.0 is a bit more expensive than the low-VOC MDF.


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« Reply #5 on: 4 Aug 2003, 03:32 pm »
Hey, well I'm back from a 500 mile fruitless drive that burned a whole day.  The car was not as good as advertised, so we turned back home.  The engine was great, but too many switches and controls in the interior were broken.  But if somebody wanted a project car for burning biodiesel, it would be ideal.

Nathan,  I have been a dyed-in-the-wool environmentalist for a long long time.  However, I am somewhat unique in that I am appalled by the typical action-without-thought approach of most environmentalists  :nono: I didn't spend too many years in graduate school studying environmental issues to fritter it all away by polarizing the middle with irrational invective.  Instead, I believe by leading by example, with rational arguments to explain my actions.  I use biodiesel to prove that it is possible to have total automobile freedom without supporting the vast fossil fuel industry, and to consume resources that are 100% sustainable.  On a similar tack, I am using Solar Hifi to prove that is possible to grow a business that considers the lifecycle sustainability of its products, without causing loss of economic efficiency.  After Solar Hifi is established, I'll use it as a springboard for further action along those lines, and hopefully to convince other businesses to follow sustainable principles.

Frankly, I am very much looking forward to the reactions of the AC members to my environmental ideas. Every criticism, comment, praise, or assistance is welcome!