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« Reply #20 on: 23 Sep 2003, 04:25 pm »
This looks to be very promising. Congratulations!
You asked for input regarding pricing, so here goes.

A base price of about $1500 would be terrific for the performance based on your ebullient description, and I appreciate that r&d, and the creation of viable intellectual property deserve rewards. But the realm of digital amplification is heating up rapidly with some heavy hitters participating in the game.

A company like Sony with huge assets and economy of scale has the ability to mass produce a product at far lower costs and selling price. Their latest line of digital units offer so much more at a far lower price, that it makes it extremely difficult for miniscule competitors offering a similar product. Not only does their product include an already highly regarded amplifier circuit rated at 120wpc, but it provides 5 channels worth, a 5 disc SACD, DVD, CD, MP3, and CD-r player, a tuner, and full function remote control.    

Obviously, Sony's target is not the audiophile market, yet, and I'm sure your amp is intended exclusively for the discerning audiophile, but Sony and companies like Carver Pro are building a head of steam, and the modders and tweakers are already promoting their ability to elevate the performance of these units to audiophile caliber.  Even with the mods, I'd bet that they would still come in well below your initial $1500 price point, and the buyer would be getting everything in one box if it was a Sony.

I'm not trying to say that you are pricing your unit unfairly. Like I said, it sounds like it could be an incredible value for the performance it provides. But to be successful in breaking out and becoming better know and accepted, you may want to consider some type of introductory pricing specials or audition opportunities.

I'd certainly be receptive to the latter.  :P
I'd also love the chance to try that new speaker.

In any event, best wishes on the new launch.  :D


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« Reply #21 on: 23 Sep 2003, 08:41 pm »
Of course it is regretable that there is competition in the digital amplifier market. I would prefer to have a monopoly, but that's not going to stop me.  :D

My product uses the absolute highest quality parts from the outset. There are no corners being cut at any point, which is not something that the commercial products you mentioned could boast.  Even with mods, I doubt that those products can match this performance, which is astounding to my ears.  Especially the Sony with everything in one box, which has an unavoidable cost in terms of sound quality.

There are other things that set my product apart from the competition...

- Vacuum tube input stage to get the absolute best of both worlds (tube and SS)
- Integrated or stereo power amp, custom configurable on order.
- Immersion cryo treated Cardas connectors and tantalum resistors, and Jena Labs ultrawire are standard in all models.
- Many other upgrade options at time of purchase, such as faster clock circuit, Stillpoints ERS cloth, balanced inputs.
- Upgradeable: the basic model and can be upgraded to the tube model at a later date.  
- Artistic and beautiful looking chassis.

And I also offer something that nobody else currently does in the audio world... an environmental impact guarantee.  I calculate the lifecycle impacts of every component in my products, and what cannot be minimized at the beginning is offset through purchases of green products (e.g. biodiesel to displace the fossil fuels burned during shipping).  For those who have an eco-conscience, there's no better audio company than mine.

I'm designing my product for those who want an uncompromising amplifier in terms of sound quality, artistic merit, and environmental ethics.  And also for those who appreciate a small business with a friendly face.


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« Reply #22 on: 24 Sep 2003, 09:47 am »
This sounds extremely interesting, Kevin.

From what I hear, Zappulse (in it's bare kit form), requires a good match with the preamp because of the low input impedance. Soundwise, I hear that it sounds great in all respects, but is curiously uninvolving compared to SETs etc. This is the general opinion of several people who have built it here in Norway.

If you have found solutions to these problems, it would be great if it were possible to buy the "copyrighted" parts for use in the kits already built.

I really like the environmental impact guarantee, I'll have a look at your webiste for details.


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« Reply #23 on: 24 Sep 2003, 03:23 pm »
Yes, we have fixed both problems you mentioned.  In fact those were the exact same complaints I had when it was first built.  The amp is now extremely involving.  

I will likely sell the parts for this in a month or two when I have time to get it commercialized.

Regardingt the environmental stuff... There is not much on the website yet.  But I am working on it.  I have a prototype database that needs a little work still.  But it will soon allow customers to log in and see the history of their orders, as well as the total amount of offsets their purchase has accrued.  This will be very useful, as it will take me a little bit of time to secure all of the necessary offsets to make my products 100% impact free.  The database will make it easy to back calculate how many offsets I need to purchase.

Also, there will be a feature to see the total offsets accrued by my business in a general sense.  In essence, to "prove" to others that I am totally serious about this concept.  

At the moment, I have already secured offsets for the shipping of my products.  The main impacts with shipping are greenhouse gas emissions and particulates from diesel engines.  Fortunately, biodiesel is the perfect offset to these emissions. It reduces the carcinogenic emissions of diesel by 94%, and the greenhouse gas emissions by 80% over regular diesel.

I have secured an arrangement with Portland's GoBiodiesel Cooperative to purchase gallons of biodiesel and donate them to the waste oil collection efforts of the co-op.  The co-op is where I get the fuel for my car, BTW.  I haven't sidled up to the devil's pumps in over a year now. :D www.gobiodiesel.org


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« Reply #24 on: 24 Sep 2003, 06:56 pm »
With the influx of new digital amps and "all in one" receiver/players I'd highly recommend leaving space inside and on the back of the cabinet for direct digital hookups/conversion from various players into the power section.  I guess that would also mean having both the future digital converter and the current pre-amp sections ahead of the volume controls.

In other words in light of all the digital product developments, I wouldn't design an amp, especially a digital amp without being digital input ready/convertible.



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« Reply #25 on: 25 Sep 2003, 08:46 am »
Kevin, why are you having Stillpoints ERS as an upgrade instead of standard issue? As good as this stuff is around digital amps and seeing how your after the best possible performance, I would think using ERS would be a no-brainer. I personally have used ERS inside a Yamaha digital receiver with excellent clarity improvements. Unfortunately, the Yamaha was just too fatiging from the start and ERS`s clarity improvements made it more so. I`m more curious on your thoughts than anything else here. :?  Regards, Robin


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« Reply #26 on: 26 Sep 2003, 02:34 pm »
I've experimented with the Stillpoints ERS cloth on my prototype, and it does make a difference.  Not huge, but it takes a small edge off the music, which makes it easier to relax into the music.  The effect is not that big because LC Audio has done such a great job of minimizing RF in the first place.  In fact, even with the modules sitting in the open underneath the TV, there is no problem with radiated RF interference.

Also, since I am keeping the price of the base model very low, there isn't much margin room for more "free" upgrades.  I want people to have access to the base model for the lowest price possible, because the performance of even the most basic model is revolutionary IMO.  If they can afford the other incremental upgrades, then they will get a better product, but those upgrades are not necessary to understand what this amp is all about.l

I should add that the base model already has Jena Labs Ultrawire, tantalum resistors and immersion cryo treatment on everything as standard.  These are the upgrades that make the biggest difference sonically - much more so than the ERS.  However, the tube hybrid model WILL have the ERS as standard, BTW. :)

I am still working out prices for upgrades, and will release the final price list at VSAC, along with the official debut of the amp and speakers.


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« Reply #27 on: 26 Sep 2003, 05:47 pm »
Thank you for the clarification Kevin, sure to wish I could be out in Washington next weekend to hear your unit. I do hope your able to get some exposure for  your "budding" products. Any reviews would make for a good read, IMHO. :D Regards, Robin


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« Reply #28 on: 30 Sep 2003, 08:55 pm »
Kevin, I have ordered the Sony AVD-CA700 from my dealer. It may take a few weeks to arrive, but after I've thoroughly broken it in and spent time comparing it to my very expensive to operate tube gear, I will try to determine if the sound quality is good enough for me to justify parting with my beloved gear. If for nothing else, then for a sense of environmental conscience.

If it meets my minimum requirements, I would like to see how your higher parts quality unit compares.

In the 2 channel post on the Sony's, the subject of 20khz was discussed as a limiting factor to resolution. Have you found a way to break past this barrier with your digital amp?


Fusion amp proto pics
« Reply #29 on: 1 Oct 2003, 04:19 am »
Quote from: audiojerry
In the 2 channel post on the Sony's, the subject of 20khz was discussed as a limiting factor to resolution. Have you found a way to break past this barrier with your digital amp?

Jerry, obviously I'm not Kevin, but...

LC Audio specs the frequency response of the modules Kevin's using out to 70kHz with a linear power response to 180kHz. The integrator on the ZAPpulse modules runs at about 500kHz, which allows the extended frequency response.

After exchanging a few messages with Kevin I ordered a pair of these. I am patiently (not!) waiting for them to arrive. Perhaps tomorrow. :) Mine won't be exactly the same as the product Kevin is delivering but I'm really looking forward to hearing these.

Mike G.


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« Reply #30 on: 1 Oct 2003, 05:58 am »
Quote from: audiojerry

In the 2 channel post on the Sony's, the subject of 20khz was discussed as a limiting factor to resolution. Have you found a way to break past this barrier with your digital amp?

Jerry, I really do not understand what the heck they were talking about, and I question whether they knew either.  As Mgalusha ably answered the performance of the LC Audio modules is beyond excellent in terms of frequency response.  I personally would never buy an amp that maxed out at 20kHz frequency response.... except if it was an SET

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Seriously, frequency response specs don't mean that much, except that it is a clue towards overall performance.  A non-SET amp with outstanding response is more likely to have "it" in terms of emotional involvement.  But this is only a very general rule, and not applicable to everything.

Let me know how you like the Sony.  It certainly is a very interesting concept.


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« Reply #31 on: 7 Oct 2003, 07:05 am »
Hi Kevin

I've also been pursuing digital amps because of the efficiencies (I will have a whole-house system that will always be in standby), as well as some of the very positive buzz re. their sound quality.  I came extremely close to ordering the Zappulse modules from diycable (and still might, as I have a theater system to put together), but purchased a Carver Pro zr1000 digital amp instead partly because a lot more positive feedback available, partly because the zappulse amp would be my first major diy project and I didn't want to mess it up on expensive parts  :mrgreen:  !

I've been breaking in the zr1000, and generally like the sound so far (although I'm in the middle of a house gutting and only have my decent Parasound in-walls to listen on in a very sub-optimal room).  My first impressions were not favorable - sounded warm and mushy to me, but have been "brightening up" nicely as it breaks in, and is now very pleasant and involving for most music.  From your posts, it sounds like you have no similar complaints in the higher end frequencies with your experience with the zappulse.

Look forward to hearing more on your exeriences!

P.S. I also live in Portland - where is your showroom?  Appointment only?


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« Reply #32 on: 8 Oct 2003, 07:16 am »
My showroom is in my listening room!  No brick and mortar for me... only recycleable electrons :)

From what I've read about the Carver, especially with regard to measurements, I am certain that my amp will sound much better.  The inherent problems with high frequency switching intermodulating with the music have been eliminated on my amps.

I would love to have you over to hear the Carver and/or bring my Solar Fusion to your listening room.   I'll PM with some more details.


Fusion amp proto pics
« Reply #33 on: 14 Oct 2003, 11:43 pm »

I see you mentioned the eAR amp in one of your posts (though not by name).

As an owner of that amp and also Highly interested in your new amps (and any digital amp claiming revolutionary new high end sound) I was wondering if you've heard the eARTwo?

I'm guessing not directly A/B'ed it to your amp as your amps is so new and just coming together now?

Wondering if you think your amp -which you speak of in much the same way the eAR's designer speaks of his amps- has something to it's design that the eAR's don't?

Obviously the tubed input would be one thing, but you've been talking about the base model/non-tubed one mostly right?

Oh, and did I read someone already ordered your amp?... is there a preorder deal someone could get signed up on?

Would there be a trial period for someone like me to compare your amp to my current one?

Feel free to post here or PM me about any of this. Whatever you want.



Fusion amp proto pics
« Reply #34 on: 14 Oct 2003, 11:55 pm »
Oh yeah...

I use my amp in an HT set-up also. I'd be really interested in an integrated version of your amp for the cleanest 2-chan. use, but... could I also use it for HT w/ the gain controlled by my pre/pro? Would I just need to set the amp's volume to the exact same spot when using the pre/pro?

Also, some DACs reverse polarity. Could you put a switch/toggle? on your amp to reverse this back and forth so I wouldn't have to swap speakers wires just to listen to music or watch DVD's?

And does the case's top and face act as a heat sink? Or will you have some small heat sinks inside? I know digital amps don't need much heat sinking, but yours still need 'some' right? I've never seen one w/ NO heat sinks.

Living in AZ here your amp would be in a room a LOT warmer than your probably ever is. hehe
And you don't want me wasting energy to cool my house do you? heh

The $250 Pannie all digital Rec. I got for my bedroom gets pretty dang hot at idle (which freaks me out kinda).

Thanks again!

Great looking amp case too! I'd prefer a brushed face not mirrored though, but no big deal. That looks cool too. You need a blue LED on it though. Gotta jam a blue LED somewhere on it! hehe

And I'm SURE it's a LOT easier to plug in cables etc... on the back than on my amp! hehe


Fusion amp proto pics
« Reply #35 on: 15 Oct 2003, 12:01 am »
Ohhh my goodness. . . That series of posts has the most question marks I have ever seen in my life!   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I'm out of breath just THINKING about how you're going to answer all those K. . ;-)



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« Reply #36 on: 15 Oct 2003, 02:36 am »
Quote from: Hantra
Ohhh my goodness. . . That series of posts has the most question marks I have ever seen in my life!   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I'm out of breath just THINKING about how you're going to answer all those K. . ;-)


Haha, if he wants to buy an amp, he can ask all the questions he wants.  I'll just pound some coffee and get right into it...  8)


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« Reply #37 on: 15 Oct 2003, 02:50 am »
Quote from: azryan

I see you mentioned the eAR amp in one of your posts (though not by name).

As an owner of that amp and also Highly interested in your new amps (and any digital amp claiming revolutionary new high end sound) I was wondering if you've heard the eARTwo?

I'm guessing not directly A/B'ed it to your amp as your amps is so new and just coming together now?

Wondering if you think your amp -which you speak of in much the same way the eAR's designer speaks of his amps- has something to it's design ...

I have heard the Ear2 at Soundguy3's house.  I've also had it in my system with the Solar 1.0 speakers and compared it to my excellent SET amp.  The sound is very good and detailed, though not as emotionally involving if I recall.  I do know that it couldn't best my SET in terms of this, and the Fusion now does beat my SET in emotional involvement.  Therefore by the principle of superposition, the Fusion beats the Ear2.  How's that for logic?  :P

Now if only Soundguy3 would return from his gig at the Met, we could do a threeway shootout.  Methinks his priorities are all out of whack.

Heh, I'm not as crazy as Peter, am I?  

I will say that I am quite surprised how much better my basic amp is than my SET. I really didn't expect this.  I have some theories as to why... they have to do with the lack of audible harmonic distortion with class D, the extremely high quality of the LC Audio modules, and the clever input circuitry design that I did with Jena Labs.


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« Reply #38 on: 15 Oct 2003, 02:59 am »
Heh, I'm not as crazy as Peter, am I?

Uhhhh. . No. . .      ;-)


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« Reply #39 on: 15 Oct 2003, 03:01 am »
Quote from: azryan
Oh yeah...

I use my amp in an HT set-up also. I'd be really interested in an integrated version of your amp for the cleanest 2-chan. use, but... could I also use it for HT w/ the gain controlled by my pre/pro? Would I just need to set the amp's volume to the exact same spot when using the pre/pro?

You got it.  The cryo treated Dact and Elna switch will have no impact on the sound whatsoever as far as HT is concerned.  Just the figure out which click on the Dact is the right volume for your pre/pro and you're set.

Also, some DACs reverse polarity. Could you put a switch/toggle? on your amp to reverse this back and forth so I wouldn't have to swap speakers wires just to listen to music or watch DVD's?

This would be a problem because it requires switching the ground and the hot lead.  This is definite "no-no" for single-ended RCAs, unless you like the acrid smell of smoke :)  Polarity switching is much better done in the digital domain.  I suppose it would also be possible to implement in a true balanced signal environment.

And does the case's top and face act as a heat sink? Or will you have some small heat sinks inside? I know digital amps don't need much heat sinking, but yours still need 'some' right? I've never seen one w/ NO heat sinks.
The LC Audio modules have the heatsink mounted on the bottom of the circuit board.  I just screw this down to the chassis with a little thermal grease, and the bottom plate of the chassis is now a big fat heat sink.  With the miniscule amount of heat generated, this works VERY well.  The bottom of the amp barely gets warm to the touch.

Living in AZ here your amp would be in a room a LOT warmer than your probably ever is. hehe
And you don't want me wasting energy to cool my house do you? heh

Right on!

You need a blue LED on it though. Gotta jam a blue LED somewhere on it! hehe

Everyone has a blue LED. I hate doing what everyone else has already done.  I'm looking for something more original...


And I'm SURE it's a LOT easier to plug in cables etc... on the back than on my amp! hehe

Yes yes yes. And not only that, but there's also a blue flame preventing fuse.  :P