Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!

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Lost a childhood friend overnight to cancer at 52. He was a long time smoker, was diagnosed in November with lung cancer, went through some chemo but it spread so fast to the brain, there was no chance and now he is gone!
R.I.P. Peter
Replies are not necessary.
If you smoke, stop today, for you, your kids, your family and your friends!


Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #1 on: 7 Apr 2010, 02:49 pm »
Very sorry to hear that,i'm 52 and i sure as hell am not ready to go.,,,,,,,I dont want to jump your message,but please get your colon checked,and while crapping for 12 hrs straight sucked,in the end it was worth it.,,,Once again sorry to hear that.


Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #2 on: 7 Apr 2010, 02:59 pm »
A heads up for people who may be looking to stop, or find something as an interim solution. There is a smokeless "cigarette" that uses liquid Nicotine as a water vapor that you inhale. There is no smoke, no smell, and it actually comes in flavors too. My brother in law and father in law are using it and do not crave Ciggies anymore. In fact, their sense of taste and smell has returned and the smoke smell on their clotes is now gone. They can't take the dirty taste of a real ciggie anymore.

Here links to some additional info (apparently there are various brands that use similar technology):



Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #3 on: 7 Apr 2010, 03:23 pm »


Very cheap as far as smoking cessation products go, and more importantly...it works!  At least it did for me.  I quit in 2002 and with the aid of smokeaway did not cheat once....not even a single puff. 


Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #4 on: 7 Apr 2010, 03:39 pm »
I quit in August and know how hard it can be.  I've actually quit dozens of times but this one is for good.  In my case, substituting physical activity (cycling, etc.) really helped me quit.  Those smokeless cigarettes look interesting but it feels great to not be a prisoner of the nicotine addition. 

It's too bad about your friend.  I know people who have been treated for Cancer who still smoke.  Several in fact.  Smoking is a killer and I regret ever lighting a cigarette.


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Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #5 on: 7 Apr 2010, 03:54 pm »
I was diognosed with kidney cancer 3.5yrs ago and had to quit cold turkey and it has been no fun...having said that,I love to argue alot now.
So if I offend anyone at anytime,its the smokelessness that makes for audio argumentation.
Sorry to here about your friend,I was 41 when doc said the cancer word to me and it is scary.
My regards

Charles Calkins

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Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #6 on: 7 Apr 2010, 04:06 pm »
I lost my wife to lung cancer 10/30/1996. She was 70 years old. Quit smoking in 1986. But habits are hard to break. My bad habit is Martinis!



Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #7 on: 7 Apr 2010, 04:28 pm »
As unbelievable as it sounds, some people who smoke have children.  As cancer manifests as a cumulative disease over many years, children who are exposed to second and third hand smoke will be predisposed to the disease most often after the age of 40.  Beyond that, because their parents smoke, many kids will also go on to acquire the habit themselves.
The degree of selfishness and total disregard for the well being of their children is both mind boggling and incredibly sad.


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Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #8 on: 7 Apr 2010, 05:10 pm »
I think you underestimate how powerfully addicting smoking is.  My grandfather was an alcoholic for 20 years and smoked for 40 and quit both.  He said that quitting smoking was much, much harder than quitting alcohol.

My mother has tried to quit multiple times, using many different products.  She has yet to quit.

Additionally, when my mother/grandfather started smoking, the detriments of smoking were either unknown or not widely known.  There was no one telling you not to smoke if you were pregnant or had kids. 


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Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #9 on: 7 Apr 2010, 05:36 pm »
I quit smoking in 1978. It wasn't hard to do once I accepted the fact that it was necessary to do so. Until that time, I went through the motions but didn't have the resolve to stay off cigarettes. It didn't help any that I was an alcoholic still drinking. In 1980 I quit the booze too.
Soon afterward, I took an interest in health food and exercise and spiritual practices (not religion, per se). I found there was real merit in Yoga and meditation and massage.

If you think about it, your body rejected smoking from the first gagging, hacking puff. But you trained yourself to suppress the natural tendency to reject the smoke. That was the first warning. I believe our bodies warn us when we get off on the wrong path. If we ignore those warnings, they get progressively louder and more invasive until they deprive us of the choice to continue to ignore them.

Let budyog's friend be the warning you need. I think that is why he posted this story.


Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #10 on: 10 May 2018, 11:19 am »
4 months clean from smoking!!! :thumb:
I have an 11 year old daughter who  I had at 40  , so I do want to see her get married,
And be around to see my grandchildren.

I have been smoking since 18. I was always a light smoker, a few a day . But that is a long time.
Cancer and heart disease in my family . I’m also overweight. Yikes !!!

It’s not easy! I see everyone smoking around town . Here , there , everywhere!!

I’m taking Wellbutrin for now . A statin, and baby asprin.


Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #11 on: 10 May 2018, 01:08 pm »
My mom and dad each smoked two packs each day and gagged me to death, so I never started, thank goodness. They finally stopped cold turkey in their 60's when their doctor told then they might live 6 more months. My mom still thought smoking was not bad for you.

Remember those cigarette ads from the 40's to 60's?


Doctor ad


Even John Wayne

Smoking may even cause hearing loss.


Phil A

Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #12 on: 10 May 2018, 02:05 pm »
Sorry to hear about your loss.  I quit 26 years ago (quit a couple of times before that once for 6 months and once for 16 months).


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Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #13 on: 10 May 2018, 03:54 pm »

Keep at it. Tell yourself 10 times each day that you’re a non-smoker rather than an ex-smoker. Non-smokers don’t think about smoking.

Nearly 16 years ago, I asked my son what he wanted for his tenth birthday. He looked me in the eyes and told me he wanted me to quit smoking for his birthday present. I couldn’t say no, so I did just as he requested. I’ve been free and clear since his birthday.

I hate the smell of cigarettes now.


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Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #14 on: 10 May 2018, 04:01 pm »
I quit around 1990 after 20 years of smoking the cancer sticks and pot. In 2008 (at age 52) I was diagnosed with bladder cancer and told that it was undoubtedly caused by smoking even though I had been smoke free for almost 20 years. Fortunately after several surgeries a treatment I underwent rid me of the cancer.

I appreciate macrojack's comment above about our bodies instinctive aversion to smoking when we try our first cigarette. Unfortunately it doesn't take long for that initial healthy reaction to turn into a craving for the poison. There is a huge price to be paid for feeding that craving, it may not arrive until years down the road, but the price must be paid.

The best kind of life is one free of any kind of addiction, and not just from a physical perspective - there's a great boost in well being and confidence when we find that we can overcome our unhealthy habits.


Re: Lost a friend overnight! If you smoke, stop today!
« Reply #15 on: 10 May 2018, 07:21 pm »
Agree that smoking tobacco is hard to quit.

I quit drinking 22 years ago.  I quit smoking tobacco 16 years ago.  Personally I found the tobacco much harder to quit for a variety of reasons.

You don't get much immediate feedback that smoking is bad for you - ie most don't wake up having been arrested for smoking too many cigs!
You don't smell other people's drinks most of the time.
Your co workers don't (where I work anyway!) get up 3-8 times a day and head to the "drinking pit" in the parking lot.

Seriously, smoking tobacco was a rough one to get over.  All these years later I feel I have it locked.  When I go to events and people smoke, I no longer get a twinge.  It took about 5 years for me.

Drinking, conversely was simpler for me.  I had quite a bit of immediate feedback about why I should quit, and having taken the time to analyze and address my triggers, it was fairly straightforward for me (cold turkey).

A sample trigger?  Scotch on the rocks while playing pool (I remain an avid player and own a table).  My solution was to initially drink ginger ale on the rocks in short glasses.  I could simulate the swishing of ice cubes while at the table and satisfy that part of the craving.