Lance's SP Tech's

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Lance's SP Tech's
« on: 21 Oct 2009, 05:17 pm »
Remember Lance?  He who was having a hard time integrating his SP Tech 3's into his attic room?  Well, he has definitely got his proverbial shit together now.

His listening room is about 14' wide and twice as long with a three panel ceiling.  Along one wall are two large alcoves with windows.  When he first had me over I had him pull his speakers out further from the wall behind them, move his rug nearer to his speakers, move his chair forward to approximate an equilateral triangle, and toe in his speaks more to his seat.  Still, a vagueness to his stage persisted which I chalked up to the alcove along the wall.  And there was a grey lifelessness to the sound he was getting, too, I thought.  I didn't like it.  Well, since then he has:

     a) replaced his DAC with one from EMM Labs
     b) replaced his speaker stands with more massive ones
     c) moved his speakers a good deal more forward and ahead of       
         the first alcove, spread them further apart and
         toed them in head on to his seat
     d) tightened up his triangle
     e) converted to a computer for his front end

and boom . . now his system and room are allowing his speakers to create the volume in all directions of a venue and paint images with 3D acuity/presence and much missing tonal color.  That just wasn't happening before.

I attribute a good deal of this to his new speaker placement (obviously he has some other good things going on).  I think that is mostly what is responsible for the new expansiveness behind his speakers.  Russell Dawkins had recommended that Lance toe his speaks in to where the beams would cross just in front of him.  Well, they look as tho beams are hitting him on the tip of his nose.  It's working, believe that.  Imagery is not vague in the least as it was previously.  And something jumped out at me that wasn't apparent before, the linearity and cohesiveness to sounds thru the upper mid and lower treble range.  The 3's crossover at 600Hz!  The Mini's at 800, I believe.  Reminded me of my crossoverless stats from yesteryear in that regard.

His system is making beautiful music with natural sounding detail these days- any that I heard to include some of my own albums- with more tangible imagery and expansive space.  He believed in his speakers and persisted until he has hit nirvana.  Good job, Lance, and that Horowitz CD sounds better on your system than it does on mine by a long shot. 

Now I REALLY like the sound he is getting!  Going back over next weekend with some real delicate and sumptuous stuff.   
« Last Edit: 21 Oct 2009, 11:22 pm by jimdgoulding »


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Re: Lance's SP Tech's
« Reply #1 on: 21 Oct 2009, 05:20 pm »
Lance called me Sunday and was over the top about his improved sound.  He also gave you, Jim, a lot of kudos for helping him through this.  Thanks!

SP Tech (now Aether Audio) rules!!!    :thumb:


Re: Lance's SP Tech's
« Reply #2 on: 22 Oct 2009, 12:49 am »
hi fellows,

many thanks!  agreed that my system has come a long way.  the system is getting to the point where i really enjoy listening to music and less so to equipments.

Jim has very good ears or better said, trained ears.  he is one of the fellows who has been around for a while and listened to many live bands, recordings and audio systems such that he knows how something should sound like...  very interesting experience talking and listening w/ Jim.  anyway, i appreciate the feedback.  am glad to hear that my system has passed the test... 

honestly, not sure if i have done one thing right that made the improvements Jim heard.  probably a combination of factors that contribute to current sound.

as mentioned, i have gone down the path of using a computer (HP laptop) as a source.  a local audiophile friend - Keith Forrest - has helped me set up the current front-end...  worked out very well.  before buying the EMM Labs DAC 6e, i had few other DACs through my system.  i will share my experience...  definitely was a good learning curve for me to understand the "digital sound" and its short-comings.  not really aware of that short-comings until i used the EMM Labs DAC


Re: Lance's SP Tech's
« Reply #3 on: 22 Oct 2009, 01:00 am »

looked at your system and some of your pics.  very nice.  well equipped system i would say.  incredible to keep up with all that good toys, even in backyard...

also, do I see some one walking over black/white stripe across walk?  looks like of one the Beatles... definitely one of the great talents of our time...


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Re: Lance's SP Tech's
« Reply #4 on: 22 Oct 2009, 04:05 am »
Happy listening.... :beer:

When it all comes does sound very good. 8)

And it never hurts to experiment.... :thumb:


Re: Lance's SP Tech's
« Reply #5 on: 24 Oct 2009, 12:47 pm »
below . .


Re: Lance's SP Tech's
« Reply #6 on: 24 Oct 2009, 12:51 pm »
Happy listening.... :beer:

When it all comes does sound very good. 8)

And it never hurts to experiment.... :thumb:
I probably didn't give enough credit to Lance's new DAC so I'll do that now.  I think it is that to include his transport, a computer, that is responsible for the tonal purity and saturation of individual instruments and voice that was less than good previously.  And I don't hear any trace of digital shrillness.  His SP's and where they presently sit in his room are delivering this new found goodness to these ears acoustically and spatially as tho they weren't there.  I'd love to not hear them (sic) in my system.
« Last Edit: 27 Oct 2009, 02:31 am by jimdgoulding »


Re: Lance's SP Tech's
« Reply #7 on: 5 Jan 2010, 07:46 pm »

last week, a local friend brought his Gilmore Trapid monoblocks (rated 250 wpc into 8 ohms) to my place.  he also brought his speaker cables.  well, swapping our my amp and speaker cables with his, the difference was day and night.  the sound took a big leap forward.  few things came to mind after 30 secs of listening:

-  much more dynamic and life like
-  woofers played deeper and more controlled, tighter bass
-  more details and bloom across the frequency range
-  more clarity of the images and better soundstage
-  warmer in the sense of fuller sound
-  and extremely, extremely musical...

well, i know that many drive their SP Tech with Spectron amps.  never thought how much impact good, clean power can make...  with more power, i start hearing qualities (and much better) of my active (humble) speakers (Dynaudio BM5A) through TP3.0