Hi guys, @Randy in particular... I'm sorry for the lack of response!
I got covid near the end of October and have been trying to catch up ever since. Part of it is the aftereffects linger and I have fatigue and headaches that make it a little hard to focus and get through the day with any sort of productivity. Every day is better though and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
I was vaccinated w/ Pfizer and I got it from a friend who is usually very careful and actually got a booster recently. The booster kept him from getting sick, but he misdiagnosed a runny nose as allergies and spead it to me. It's been about 6mo since my last shot so either it wasn't as effective or I just got unlucky. OTOH my experience with covid was about the same severity as an average flu, so I am grateful it wasn't nearly as bad as some have gone through and it's looking likely I'll make a full recovery.
It is a bizarre disease, it provokes immune reactions that seem to have little to do with what the virus is doing. For example a bad sore throat, but if you look at my throat it's completely normal, not even a little red. I also lost smell entirely for about 5 days, and couldn't clearly taste anything beyond an impression of sweet, bitter, hot, etc.
In any case, to answer your question Randy, yes I currently use Neutrik XLRs but if you'd like I can use the gold plated Furutech plugs as well.

Furutech are warmer, Neutrik more neutral.
Thanks for your post and I will do my best to reply more quickly going forward, but also feel free to email or call, contact info is on my website, zenwaveaudio.com.