Hi, my name's Terry and I'm a recovering cable junkie.Dave was kind enough to send along a pair of D1s,the DSR OCC silver ribbons,and a D4 digital cable to keep me from getting the shakes while waiting for the D4s and D5s to come my way.I'm so glad he did now!So much for expectation bias....The D4s and D5s were not a good fit at all.Totally unexpected.I tried them together,moved them around,paired each of them up with the D1s,DSRs,and a few others I have around.Nope.They weren't overly analytical like some folks reported,but so neutral and uncolored that I found them bland.Could be a mismatch with my speaker cables possibly,Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8!?But those DSRs!Holy Moly!Just outstanding.The dimensionality,the timbre,the tone,the detail is pretty close to perfect.In combination with the D4 digital cable and Analysis Plus Crystal Solo (copper) ics I found synergy.The D1 is no slouch either,not quite the detail and dimension of the DSR but it's richer and really is wonderful with acoustic music, and female vocals are to die for.I almost want one to swap in when I'm in the mood for Joni Mitchell,Shawn Colvin,etc.
Last night after running the system on repeat down low all afternoon I listened to 'Ecomium' a tribute album to Led Zeppelin with just the D4 digital cable and my regular cables in place.Excellent.Today I swapped in the DSR again just to make sure that it was truly the magic combo and not just one of those nights where everything sounds perfect,then the next day I'm wondering what the heck happened!?But there it was again - tone,timbre,dimension.The DSRs must be mine!Probably the D4 digital also,a friend convinced me to try his fave next week

so I'll indulge him.Many thanks to Dave for encouraging me give these cables a try.I'll get these back to you right after Christmas and place an order asap.
My system:
Cambridge CXC transport
Tubadour lll dac
LTA MicroZotl2 pre
Aric Audio Transcend Push Pull amp
Tekton Impact Monitors
4 SVS subwoofers
GIK acoustic treatments
Music is acoustic and electric rock,blues,folk