An Omegastar for SACD/DVD-A?

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Rob Babcock

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An Omegastar for SACD/DVD-A?
« on: 3 Mar 2003, 11:08 pm »
This is sorta theoretical, as there isn't an open standard for digital output yet, but it follows my question about a MC preamp.  Will AVA be creating a DAC for the new formats once an open standard is created?


An Omegastar for SACD/DVD-A?
« Reply #1 on: 4 Mar 2003, 02:20 pm »

We have looked at making a DAC for the new audio formats, but as you mentioned there is yet to be a standard.  Once things standardize, and once there is enough of a market presence (in either format) we will be revisiting the issue again.  Are you currently using either format?

Note that we have listened to some SACD stuff and it is good; however, I'm still pretty partial to our Transcendence DAC and what it can do with the existing format.


Larry Jenkins

Rob Babcock

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An Omegastar for SACD/DVD-A?
« Reply #2 on: 4 Mar 2003, 08:43 pm »
I have a Pioneer Elite universal player (which I will hopefully get modded down the road; waiting on, among other things, Dan at Modwright to decide what all will be modded).  I am really happy with the unit, although there isn't a lot of "software" available yet.  It does improve on CD quite a bit, both in SACD & DVD-A.

I personally don't see either format acheiving much success until they get over the copy protection paranoia and create a secure digital output to an external DAC.  The six analog connection is a drag, and stupid when we could use one Firewire/other link.


An Omegastar for SACD/DVD-A?
« Reply #3 on: 4 Mar 2003, 09:03 pm »

The multi-format players are certainly a good solution for the present situation.  We would love to offer a hi-res solution, but there is just too many issues.  The issues coupled with the lack of material makes things tough.  I have casually kept track of the software and it seems like the early days of Beta vs VHS.  It's most likely a wait and see what the "mainstream" population will adopt....


Rob Babcock

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An Omegastar for SACD/DVD-A?
« Reply #4 on: 5 Mar 2003, 12:26 am »
SACD/DVD-A reminds me of CD & DVD.  At first neither had much software.  DVD ruled, but there I was with pratically nothing to watch.  Oh, but what there was was so good!  It was worth the wait.

That's where I am with Hi Res audio: so little to listen to but it just sounds so good!  I'm hooked.  Oh, well.  Maybe in a year or two.


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SACD/digital outputs
« Reply #5 on: 28 Mar 2003, 12:02 pm »
i think one problem in making outboard DAC for SACD, is that the standard for the format does not allow digital outputs.  This is one way Philips has appeased the recording industry, who are complaining of lost money due to CD copies being made.  Of course Philips invented the Cd recorder also.  they and Sony have now put out SACD, also due to the fact that the CD patent has run out, a new standard is needed for license fees.  SACD does sound extrodinary.  the DSD system really improves it.  On hybrid discs, the CD layer sounds much much better than the standard Cd of the same recording.  I will admit the Omega DAC holds up extremely well when compared to SACD layer on my new Philips SACD player (DVD963SA).  But SACD does have a smoothness and naturalness, that a Cd lacks.  SACD players have dropped in price conciderably, liek anything else in CE products.  Anyone who bout a Philisp SACD 1000 when it first came out, i think paid way too much.  It then became $499, which is still overpriced, because the newest DVD963SA is cheaper still, with improved performance specs. Next month the 5 disc changer is supposed to be out, for even less, but it's specs are not up to the DVD963SA, single drawer.  I don't think digital outputs are gonna happen on SACD, how then will outboard DAC's be used? The digital out is just for standaard Cd 44.1 khz signal on the back of the 963

Rob Babcock

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An Omegastar for SACD/DVD-A?
« Reply #6 on: 29 Mar 2003, 03:31 am »
I may be wrong, but I sincerely do think digital output is coming, and sooner rather than later.  I can already think of a half dozen mgr's that use a proprietary digital out (eg. Denon, Meridian, Pioneer, Onkyo, etc).  I've heard from a couple people a lot closer to the industry than I am that digital out is around the corner.  Sure, encryption is a sticking point, but one that I think is solvable.

Again, as I said at the top of the thread, certainly no outboard DAC will be forthcoming until there's a standard and enough demand to make it feasible.  But I can still speculate! 8)


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SACD digital outs
« Reply #7 on: 29 Mar 2003, 12:37 pm »
Don't think it is gonna happen.  This keeps record companies happy, no direct copies allowed.  checkout   and and


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SACD standards
« Reply #8 on: 29 Mar 2003, 01:05 pm »

Rob Babcock

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An Omegastar for SACD/DVD-A?
« Reply #9 on: 30 Mar 2003, 02:48 am »
I guess we'll have to wait and see! :D