CAF 2019 Show Coverage!

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CAF 2019 Show Coverage!
« on: 6 Nov 2019, 11:34 pm »

Big thanks for Herb Reichert of Stereophile for his mention of our room at CAF 2019 with Fern & Roby and Black Cat Cables!

Ai325 300B  Tube Integrated Amp!

More Coverage from Marc Phlilips writing for Part Time Audiophile!


Re: CAF 2019 Show Coverage!
« Reply #1 on: 8 Nov 2019, 07:01 pm »
I really really liked the sound from this system.  The way I would describe it compared to other setups at CAF is that it just play "MUSIC"  And if I remember correctly there was a Denon cart mounted in that tonearm.  Very very pleasing and musical.  Great presentation!!!  Big up's to your team!

Ric :wine: 


Re: CAF 2019 Show Coverage!
« Reply #2 on: 8 Nov 2019, 07:38 pm »
Thanks Ric! The cart was a custom Dave Slagle creation with a silver stepup also from Slagle.

I appreciate the FB! We really had a great time and I agree that there was a magic to the presentation we had with Fern & Roby Raven speakers and Black Cat cables, with our new Ai325 25W PP 300B integrated! A lot of VERY hard work designing it and I feel well rewarded!
