GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain

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GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« on: 31 Aug 2017, 11:53 pm »

I run a Music First TVC now - it's an amazing line stage, but it's 6 dB of gain is not enough for my system with DSD material.

Can anyone recommend a line stage with at least 15 dB of gain that does NOT sound "solid-state" - no grain, no etched treble, etc.?

Price up to $10K or so is fine.


P.S. I also have a Tom Evans Vibe which is at least as good as the TVC but is also low gain, about 8 dB.


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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #1 on: 1 Sep 2017, 03:26 am »
I'm inclined to give you a recommendation, but I think your issue may be somewhat complex. Can you tell us what source, amp, and speakers you use?

My concern is that you actually have plenty of voltage gain now, but your TVC isn't playing as (electrically) nice in your setup as you think. TVCs and AVCs are relatively simple devices, but have somewhat complex tradeoffs that aren't well explained and so they aren't well understood. In other words, they're not as "universal" as they may seem.

So, I don't want to make a recommendation, only for you to later find that my recommendation gave you extra gain that wasn't necessary to begin with. :thumb:

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #2 on: 1 Sep 2017, 03:48 am »
I would look at Pass Labs XP preamps.

I own Pass gear and use to own a Pass preamp till I decided to go for a tube preamp.  The Pass preamps will give you what you are looking for.


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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #3 on: 1 Sep 2017, 02:50 pm »
I'm inclined to give you a recommendation, but I think your issue may be somewhat complex. Can you tell us what source, amp, and speakers you use?

My concern is that you actually have plenty of voltage gain now, but your TVC isn't playing as (electrically) nice in your setup as you think. TVCs and AVCs are relatively simple devices, but have somewhat complex tradeoffs that aren't well explained and so they aren't well understood. In other words, they're not as "universal" as they may seem.

So, I don't want to make a recommendation, only for you to later find that my recommendation gave you extra gain that wasn't necessary to begin with. :thumb:

Why would you think I'm incorrect that gain is insufficient?  It's a pretty simple matter: If you can't get the desired volume level with the attenuator all the way open, you need more total gain.

With the TVC in +6 dB gain mode (as opposed to unity gain), with DSD materially, especially, which is generally 6 dBU down, I don't have quite enough gain.


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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #4 on: 1 Sep 2017, 02:53 pm »
I would look at Pass Labs XP preamps.

I own Pass gear and use to own a Pass preamp till I decided to go for a tube preamp.  The Pass preamps will give you what you are looking for.

That's definitely a good recommendation in terms of sound quality, but, actually, these aren't really high-gain preamps - the XP20 has 10 dB of gain.

Then again, 4 dB over what I have now would probably do it.  That's a good bit louder.  At most, I'd have a few recordings, at very low level, that would want for perhaps another 2-3 dB, optimally.

I run First Watt amps; the XP20 would indeed be a good match.

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #5 on: 1 Sep 2017, 04:10 pm »
Also consider the Parasound JC2 preamp with 14db of gain.  I almost bought one.  It is supposed to be very quiet. A friend of mine has one and loves it.

The BAT VK-43se is another option with 20db of gain.  It is solid state.  I run a BAT-VK-51se with my Pass amp.


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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #6 on: 1 Sep 2017, 04:48 pm »

I run a Music First TVC now - it's an amazing line stage, but it's 6 dB of gain is not enough for my system with DSD material.

Can anyone recommend a line stage with at least 15 dB of gain that does NOT sound "solid-state" - no grain, no etched treble, etc.?

Price up to $10K or so is fine.


P.S. I also have a Tom Evans Vibe which is at least as good as the TVC but is also low gain, about 8 dB.

   It just may be your amplifier is not suited for TVC use. Meaning a low input sensitivity is required. The lower the better. Look at the amp specs and then yo can determine the plan.
   If you are a Digital based system IMHO a tubed preamp would be a VG suggestion if the TVC and Amp have synergy issues. I would Recco: CAT, Response Audio, Qualiton for tubed and Pass, Parasound and Miracle Audio for SS.


Big Red Machine

Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #7 on: 1 Sep 2017, 06:50 pm »
Gosh, I don't know how much gain numerically, but the Bent Audio TapX I am using has tons of volume headroom. It is "passive" and I run it as high as 35 on the 50 scale and that is 90 db level for me. Unfortunately you have to find them used these days.


Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #8 on: 1 Sep 2017, 09:21 pm »
You could check the Ayre KX-5twenty. Totally grainless and it believe the gain is variable so you should get enough headroom.


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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #9 on: 1 Sep 2017, 11:28 pm »
   It just may be your amplifier is not suited for TVC use. Meaning a low input sensitivity is required. The lower the better. Look at the amp specs and then yo can determine the plan.
   If you are a Digital based system IMHO a tubed preamp would be a VG suggestion if the TVC and Amp have synergy issues. I would Recco: CAT, Response Audio, Qualiton for tubed and Pass, Parasound and Miracle Audio for SS.

My amplifier is not suited to TVC use?  I think you're missing the point: The point is that total system gain is inadequate.  This is a function of all components in the chain - source, line stage, amp, speakers. 

An amplifier with low input sensitivity is not necessarily required to work with a transformer-based passive line stage - the source and speakers are factors as well.  This TVC has 6 dB of gain, which is in the neighborhood of quite a few active line stages.

If I had wanted a tube preamp, I would not have posted a thread in the Solid State forum inquiring about solid state preamps.


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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #10 on: 1 Sep 2017, 11:31 pm »
Greyhound Fan and bear, thanks for the Parasound, BAT, and Ayre recommendations - all gear I'm aware of, but have not owned or even heard outside of shows.

I've had a Parasound phono preamp (very good) and BAT tube amplifier, but not line stages from either company.

I'll look into all of these further.  :)


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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #11 on: 1 Sep 2017, 11:46 pm »
Why would you think I'm incorrect that gain is insufficient?  It's a pretty simple matter: If you can't get the desired volume level with the attenuator all the way open, you need more total gain.

With the TVC in +6 dB gain mode (as opposed to unity gain), with DSD materially, especially, which is generally 6 dBU down, I don't have quite enough gain.

No. Sorry. It's not that simple. All passive linestages have variable impedance characteristics at their various levels. TVC's and AVC's are no different. Active preamps and buffered preamps remove this variable. It isn't just a matter of voltage gain. You could have electrical incompatibility with the volume all the way open vs when it is lower. This happens because when the volume is all the way open, the more the amp is "seeing" the source's output impedance...which may be less than ideal. This is not uncommon. TVC's and AVC's actually have better output impedance characteristics the more they attenuate, ie when the volume control is lower.

This is why I asked what your source, amp, and speakers are. All this stuff, obviously, comes into play as it all has to work together to get the output levels you want.


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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #12 on: 1 Sep 2017, 11:58 pm »
No. Sorry. It's not that simple. All passive linestages have variable impedance characteristics at their various levels. TVC's and AVC's are no different. Active preamps and buffered preamps remove this variable. It isn't just a matter of voltage gain. You could have electrical incompatibility with the volume all the way open vs when it is lower. This happens because when the volume is all the way open, the more the amp is "seeing" the source's output impedance...which may be less than ideal. This is not uncommon. TVC's and AVC's actually have better output impedance characteristics the more they attenuate, ie when the volume control is lower.

It's not quite as simple as even you proclaim - virtually all active line stages vary impedance as well, by attenuation and/or frequency.  Have you read any Stereophile measurements?

My post had nothing to do with impedance matching.  It wasn't spoken to in any sense.  I stated that I needed a high-gain line stage, as the 6 dB a TVC can do is not adequate.


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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #13 on: 2 Sep 2017, 12:02 am »
That's true, but you're less likely to have impedance matching issues, in general.

I bring up impedance, because I don't want to assume that you only have a voltage gain issue.

Why are you arguing, when I just want to understand the whole picture? There are some pretty smart people on this forum (I don't include myself in that bunch), that I've learned a lot from. Is that not a goal of a forum...for people to share and learn?


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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #14 on: 2 Sep 2017, 12:05 am »
That's true, but you're less likely to have impedance matching issues, in general.

I bring up impedance, because I don't want to assume that you only have a voltage gain issue.

Why are you arguing, when I just want to understand the whole picture? There are some pretty smart people on this forum (I don't include myself in that bunch), that I've learned a lot from. Is that not a goal of a forum...for people to share and learn?

I think you're the one who's arguing.  I stated a simple fact, that my system could use more voltage gain, and you both doubted that and changed the subject.

But this is really why I don't bother with forums anymore.


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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #15 on: 2 Sep 2017, 12:08 am »
I think you're the one who's arguing.  I stated a simple fact, that my system could use more voltage gain, and you both doubted that and changed the subject.

But this is really why I don't bother with forums anymore.

There's a difference between doubting and thinking critically. You want blind recommendations, if you don't provide all necessary information. If you were to go to an audio store and ask for preamp recommendations, any smart salesman would ask you what your system consists of. As you don't care for critical thought, I'm done here. Good luck.


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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #16 on: 2 Sep 2017, 12:13 am »
There's a difference between doubting and thinking critically. You want blind recommendations, if you don't provide all necessary information. If you were to go to an audio store and ask for preamp recommendations, any smart salesman would ask you what your system consists of. As you don't care for critical thought, I'm done here. Good luck.

Actually, if you followed your own advice, you would realize that a good preamp is independent of system context.  This is really just a simple Internet pissing contest for you, it would seem.

I'm glad you're done - you don't appear to have any recommendations for grainless high-gain solid-state preamps. :)


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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #17 on: 2 Sep 2017, 12:33 pm »

Sent you a pm.



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Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #18 on: 2 Sep 2017, 01:34 pm »
Thanks again - looks like a great suggestion which I was not aware of.


Re: GRAINLESS SS Line stage with high gain
« Reply #19 on: 2 Sep 2017, 02:01 pm »
Check out Herron Audio. This might not fit your needs, as it's a tubed pre, but doesn't sound overtly tubelike. It's a very clean grainless and neutral sound signature. The tube circuit and power allows the tubes to last a very very long time and Keith can set the gain for you high...
I owned one before going back to an integrated for a while and its design features and ergonomics were first rate. It's worth calling Keith and chatting with him about its design.