Reporter from LA area needed, early June

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Reporter from LA area needed, early June
« on: 17 May 2017, 09:44 pm »
Magnepan is doing a hear it for yourself experiment with .7s  at the LA Audio Show

Can anyone in the area swing by and post their impressions?
Here's the blurb I was sent, it sounds intriguing:

 ​Writing show coverage is not
 easy.​ ​
 ​For something
 different​, ​Magnepan​ decided
 on an educational​ and
 ​entertaining demonstration.
 We are all familiar with very
 tall line-source speakers​
 (​such as the Infinity IRS​)​.
 But, most audiophiles do not understand power response and
 the role it plays in the perception of live music (in
 particular, large scale acoustical events such as an
 orchestra or piano).
 A narrow floor-to-ceiling
 dipole line​-​source
 is probably the best way to achieve good power response.
 But, if a tall line-source sounds good, is it because it is
 expense and well-designed? What role does an ideal line​-​source
 play in the perception of "live".
 We​ took
 our modest little .7s and stacked them.​
 definitely​ will want to hear this​ regardless of what you are
 covering at the show.​

 ​Our directory ad


 World's Tallest

 Why in the world would anyone
 want a 8 1/2 foot tall line source
 They probably wouldn't.
 Many of you are familiar with one of our
 smaller Maggies. But, a true line​-​source
 speaker should ideally span the distance from floor to
 ceiling. To demonstrate (for your amusement), we stacked a
 pair of .7s ($1,400 pair) to make the case for
 really tall line source speakers.
 You will be amazed (and amused).
 Ball Room 110 Lobby Level
« Last Edit: 18 May 2017, 12:13 am by SteveFord »


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Re: Reporter from LA area needed, early June
« Reply #1 on: 18 May 2017, 05:45 pm »
I am planning on attending on Friday and have the two Maggie rooms at the top of my list. I will let you know my impressions. I also am looking forward to hearing the Sanders again.


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Re: Reporter from LA area needed, early June
« Reply #2 on: 18 May 2017, 10:14 pm »
Wrong coast for me.


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Re: Reporter from LA area needed, early June
« Reply #4 on: 8 Jun 2017, 08:43 pm »
I always want to stack MMGs. I wonder how Diller stacked these (mechanically?). Hopefully, some show report will include pix. Funny, most hotel rooms have short ceilings.

Will I be the first to stack MMGs (~$1200 total)??


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Re: Reporter from LA area needed, early June
« Reply #5 on: 12 Jun 2017, 04:59 pm »
I went to the show and was in the first demo on Friday morning.  Unfortunately, I was not in the sweet spot, I had the slight beginnings of a head cold, and I had someone with me who was not interested in listening a second time. With those caveats....

The sound was huge and spacious with great depth and staging especially considering the combined price of the speakers was under $4k.

I wouldn't go so far as to say I preferred it over my 3 series, considering the unfamiliar room and gear, but it certainly sounded quite good.

By the way, I believe they were using the Bryston three channel system with a 1.7i in the center channel.  So it was four .7s, and a 1.7.  The .7s were behind a screen for some silly reason, but you could tell they were WAY out in the room. If I was to guess I would say 8 feet or more.

Honestly, as Wendell himself stressed throughout the 15 minute presentation, they were just having fun and the system should not be taken too seriously.  It is more of a creative idea than an economically viable product.


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Re: Reporter from LA area needed, early June
« Reply #6 on: 12 Jun 2017, 05:19 pm »
Does anyone know how Wendell wires the center channel in these demos? I'm assuming that he is not using just the front three channels with a 5.1 DVD recording.


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Re: Reporter from LA area needed, early June
« Reply #7 on: 13 Jun 2017, 01:45 am »
Thanks for the impression. 
I put a request into Wendell but he's on the road so it was forwarded to another fellow there.
We'll see what they have to say.  I'd imagine Bryston was involved with this one.


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Re: Reporter from LA area needed, early June
« Reply #8 on: 13 Jun 2017, 09:05 am »
As I thought, from Wendell:
The Magnepan/Bryston SP 3 processor derives the center channel signal. ​


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Re: Reporter from LA area needed, early June
« Reply #9 on: 14 Jun 2017, 04:43 pm »
I also used the time spent with Wendell to ask about my previous question which was the viability of using an old 3 series model as a center speaker with a new set of 3.7s. He thought it might work but didn't seem exactly what I would call encouraging.


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Re: Reporter from LA area needed, early June
« Reply #10 on: 14 Jun 2017, 10:24 pm »
I would listen to Wendell on that one. 
You'd probably be disappointed with the results.


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Re: Reporter from LA area needed, early June
« Reply #11 on: 1 Jul 2017, 03:34 pm »
It looks like they went over pretty well:

It's funny, Wendell said he just slapped them together with 2x4s and plywood and hid them behind a curtain because they were too ugly to look at!  His carpentry skills must match mine, everything turns into an ash tray.