Back in the Odyssey game, this time with Magnepan 2.7X and Kismet monos

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I didn't see one single Magnepan at the show when I was there yesterday. Not even a mention of them.

One room had the LRS+.  I think it was an Orchard Audio room.  With a narrower panel I found that model to image more true to life and thought they sounded just fine.  The new Diptyque DP140 MKII was also there.  With the tweeters on the inside this one images correctly unlike the Clarisys and sounds great.


One room had the LRS+.  I think it was an Orchard Audio room.  With a narrower panel I found that model to image more true to life and thought they sounded just fine.  The new Diptyque DP140 MKII was also there.  With the tweeters on the inside this one images correctly unlike the Clarisys and sounds great.

I never saw them, and I thought I had stuck my head into each and every room this year. I did see and hear the Diptyque and Clarisys rooms though. When I was in the Diptyque room, they had the tweeters on the outside and right next to the side walls.


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How did the Diptyque speakers sound?


I never saw them, and I thought I had stuck my head into each and every room this year. I did see and hear the Diptyque and Clarisys rooms though. When I was in the Diptyque room, they had the tweeters on the outside and right next to the side walls.

They switched them around for me for Sunday.  I had complained on Friday and Saturday that people were not able to hear them at their best.  Their reasoning was to be able to present more of an equal soundfield to more seated space.  But, unfortunately we all know how such compromises usually work out.  More people got to hear a lesser speaker.

On Sunday they sounded up to their potential in all metrics, which was quite good.

simon wagstaff

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Follow up.

Things have settled down with the new Magnepan 2.7X. I have made a couple of changes that made a big difference.

I have read the posts regarding the DV225 and Magnepan speakers. All I can say is that in my experience the AVA DV225 was not a good match for the 1.7i nor the 2.7X. With the 1.7i they got super hot in just a few minutes. The 2.7X were a little better in that regard, but not much. One change that I made that made a big difference was larger gauge speaker wire. I was using some Audience SE speaker cables that were a little small in gauge, if you want high current to the speakers you need high current capacity wires to send that current to the speakers. I swapped out for some Straightwire speaker cables, 12 awg. That made a lot of difference in amp heat, especially with the Kismets.

The Kismets give me alll the power that I need for the 2.7Xs. Maggies absorb power and project it into the room differently than monopole cone speakers. I do find myself listening at subjectively louder levels, but it just fills the room more, than increasing apparent volume. I am running peaks of around 85 db and it is plenty loud.  The Kismets give great dynamics and have excellent transparency, maybe slightly more transparent than the DV225, and equals them in terms of imaging. I don't have to titrate the volume to keep the amps cool.

Moved the ribbon tweeter to the outside and the stereo image widened, while maintaining the vocals firmly floating in the center. Kind of spooky. Image also very tall, a given with the tall Maggies.

With the 2.7X I wanted something that was current, new, and state of the art. I didn't expect to have to get new amps to drive them, but when the DV225 couldn't cut it I knew it was Odyssey that would do the job. I am not sure if the larger transformers and bigger caps are something newer that Klaus is offering?  He added them in the middle of putting my amps together.  Seems I have plenty of current now to drive my Maggies.

Very pleased with the Kismet monoblocks and with Klaus and his exceptional service.

Just going to mention as part of the upgrade process I picked up an Anthem STR pre-amp with ARC Genesis. I have a pair of subs crossed over at 90 hz and the Anthem provides great integration of the subs with the 2.7X.  This is taking a little bit of the load off the power amps.

Kismets and Maggies are a good match in my system.

simon wagstaff

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A little time has passed and the Kismets are sounding mighty fine. I have played with the positioning of the 2.7X a l little bit, moved them a few inches more into the room, settled on tweeters to the outside and a touch more toe in. New Straightwire 1.5 M interconnects and 1 M speaker cables.

The Kismets are super transparent and dynamic. There is a point in time, usually after about 45 minutes of listening when all of a sudden the sound just gels in front of me. A big, 3-D wall of sound, it just kind of snaps into place. Hard to predict but when it happens it is pure sonic bliss.

The amps get warm at times, but never too hot to touch,. I feel like I can play at any volume that I desire (please note, anything above about 86 db is just too loud in my room, keeping in mind that Maggies energize a room differently than direct radiating speakers) and hear no strain whatsoever. The Kismets remain unperturbed and effortless.

In my chats with Klaus he has mentioned there are even more upcoming tweaks that will be available for the Kismets. When his schedule clears, before the end of the summer I will send mine in for the updates and report back.

Listened to the new album from Michael Shrieve "Drums of Compassion". Excellent demo material for Maggies......

Stay cool!


I'll have to give that album a listen on my new final model 5+ electrostats!  my first panel speakers.