Av-3S or AV-2X DIY newbie Problem with speaker's dimensions

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  • Newbie
  • Posts: 1
Hello Guys,

this is my first post here, however I've been reading Your posts for long, long time.

I'd like to go DIY for my HT speakers, and I'm seriously considering Danny's kits for the purpose. Specifically I'm  contemplating the idea of 3 A/V-3S or 3 A/V-2X for the front channels plus 4 A/V-1RS for the rear.

I'm close to complete my multipurpose room (32' long x 16,5' wide x  9,5' high), it's going to be 80% music and 20% HT, and it's also our living room guys  :duh: You know!  IT HAVE to look good in order to obtain the wife's certification  :o

I'm using a 100' wide AT screen 9" apart from the wall, all around the screen I built a fake black wall made of  polyester panels covered with speaker's black cloth.

I'd like to put all the front speakers behind the screen (obviously  :?), but there is not enough room to accommodate any of Danny's designs.

The question is: Is it possible to reduce speaker's depth ,  increasing it's height (in order to maintain the internal volume unaltered), without sacrificing too much it's performance ?

Any suggestion will be appreciated.


Danny Richie

Any chance that you could put the left and right main speakers out in front of the fake wall? If so a pair of the A/V-3's would work real well.

Shifting the dimensions of the A/V-3S a little would make it work fine for a center and for left and right mains if you have to. Just add length to the box on the ends (past the woofers) but keep the baffle area around the tweeter the same.

You could likely squeeze some nice subs into the 9" wide space too and the dimensions of the box really won't matter so long as the air space is maintained.


You have just discouvered a common problem with a dual purpose rig! I use a micro perf 106" screen with 3 ea high end In wall loudspeakers behind it (powered by a Poineer Elite reciever). The sound is great for movies but lacks a little bit of resolution on concert DVD's and 2 channel Music. Next to the screen I have a pair of Danny's LS-9's powered by a high end 2 channel system (Krell, Parasound, Audia Flight) I've got "Stereo to Die For". Just wish my room was deep enough pull off a behind the screen GR speaker system. I have not found an "In wall" that sounds as good as Dannys stand alone designs. In-walls are getting better but you get gain in the bass from the wall that has to be compinsated for in the crossover and the Image is not as deep no matter what you try in audio trickery (eq). As I understand acoustics, loudspeakers need a little room around them for the soundstage to develope properly. the more room, the more soundstage and less room interaction (first order reflections).

If you like music, go stereo only up front and skip the center channel. most processors do this well by mixing the center channel mix into the LF and RF channel. Or do what I did, and have two systems in the same room. one is visable one is not. You should see the jaws drop after someone new views a movie with amazing room shaking surround sound then they realize the "main system" with the big LS-9s isn't even powered up! aa

Fun indeed!

OK Danny how about some high end MTM in-walls (with neo 3's and cabinets designed for 3.5" deep walls) can you do it??? I'm in for 3 of them.