Interchange Renderer and Overdrive DAC can support Roon

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You can support Roon by adding one more device to your switch or router.  Here are the instructions:

I will be trying Roon again to see if the audio quality is up to snuff.  Last time, not so good.  Maybe add HQplayer this time.

For those that must have Roon for the user interface, they can now also use the best DLNA renderer with it, the Interchange:

Just add this device for $229 and follow the instructions:

Steve N.
« Last Edit: 3 May 2019, 05:04 pm by audioengr »


Re: Interchange Renderer and Overdrive DAC can support Roon
« Reply #1 on: 3 Jun 2019, 04:58 pm »
Roon comparison using the Interchange:

Roon has a "softer" quality than my reference app Linn Kinsky, but very close in sound quality.  Roon beats Jriver by a good margin IMO.

If you must have live acoustic guitar and percussion, Kinsky is the ticket.  Most customers with the Interchange will do Roon I think because of the user interface and streaming interface.

Linn Kinsky will not stream Tidal or Qobuz.  Linn Kazoo does streaming and I will compare it's sound quality soon I hope.

Steve N.


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  • Posts: 285
Re: Interchange Renderer and Overdrive DAC can support Roon
« Reply #2 on: 3 Jun 2019, 06:34 pm »

Given Roon's market success, maybe it is time for you to approach the manufacturer about adopting RAAT protocol.  This task is not difficult to attain and market upside is significant.



Re: Interchange Renderer and Overdrive DAC can support Roon
« Reply #3 on: 3 Jun 2019, 08:01 pm »

Given Roon's market success, maybe it is time for you to approach the manufacturer about adopting RAAT protocol.  This task is not difficult to attain and market upside is significant.


What manufacturer are you referring to?

Steve N.