Interconnect Cable business/technology for sale

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Interconnect Cable business/technology for sale
« on: 21 Nov 2015, 08:40 pm »
I simply don't have time or an assembler for my patented top-tier interconnect cables or speaker cables anymore because my component business keeps me so busy, so I want to sell the business.  It is cheap at $7K for the IC's and $5K for the speaker cables.  Negotiation possible, depending on what parts are included etc..  Best if the purchaser is local in Oregon, but not required.

The business includes webpages, a full set of BOMS for different lengths, collaterals including white-papers and a cable FAQ.  Computer simulations and measurement plots for some of the cables will be provided.  Purchase includes up to 2 days of training on assembling the interconnects and instructions for the speaker cables.  Includes three drill presses with jigs for various operations and Tube Furnace for annealing of wire. There are enough parts to build about 25 ICs and a few speaker cables.  New silver wire must be purchased. Here are photos of the machines and parts:

These cables compete with the top cables on the market and I will share with the new owner several improvements that will make them even better performing, improved aesthetics and easier to fabricate so they can be reviewed again. This will make them new and improved over the ones that I sold.  You can advertise that the technology is based on Empirical Audio cables, but you cannot sell them under my company name.

The interconnects are unshielded silver bare-wire with the lowest capacitance of any IC on the market at 3.8 pF/foot.  This makes them particularly interesting for DAC to preamp and DAC to amp applications where the DAC output impedance is high and the capacitance of the cable must be low. 

There are a number of trade secrets with both the IC's and speaker cables that protect them, but you can list the patent numbers on each.  These were positively reviewed in Stereophile in 2013 and were listed in their recommended components for years:

I can provide the customer list as well.

It cost me more than $20K for the two patents alone.  The parts and machines are worth at least $5K.  This is a steal for a business like this.  Buy some silver OCC wire on Ebay and you are ready to build 20-25 ICs right away.  I will connect you with the reviewers so you can get the new version cables reviewed.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
« Last Edit: 9 Dec 2021, 07:45 pm by audioengr »


Re: Interconnect Cable business/technology for sale
« Reply #1 on: 25 Nov 2021, 04:40 pm »
Price drop for the cable businesses.  For the cost of a couple of high-end cables, you can have your own money-making cable business. The tax benefits alone are worth it.

Here is the improved look of the interconnects:

Lowest cable capacitance in the industry at 3.8pF/foot.  Bare-wire technology with suspended twisted-pair pure silver wires.  No harshness from these silver wires like some other vendors.  I've used these cables for 2 decades at home and at shows and have yet to find any that are better.  The hand-made cables from Antipodes are similar and I would not hesitate to use those, but they are substantially more expensive.  A 1m pair of those used to go for ~$2500.  A 1m pair of Empirical Audio interconnects would now go for ~$1K.

I have had numerous requests for the interconnects during the last year, but had to turn them away.
« Last Edit: 9 Dec 2021, 07:57 pm by audioengr »


Re: Interconnect Cable business/technology for sale
« Reply #2 on: 5 May 2022, 03:53 pm »
Price drop.  I will take $5K for the interconnect cable technology, parts and machines, plus shipping.  I will get you up and running if you come on-site or over the phone and email.

This is a great additional business.  I used to assemble cables while I watched the news in the evenings.


Re: Interconnect Cable business/technology for sale
« Reply #3 on: 6 Aug 2022, 01:31 am »
Since I am having trouble finding a qualified buyer for this excellent cable technology, I decided to maybe start making the interconnects again. 
This time, I have a new design.  The original design had a capacitance of 3.9pF/foot.  I just made a prototype of the new design, and it has capacitance of 2.3pF/foot. 
Also has the same durability as the original version.  I will be using the new jacketing for it and OCC Silver this time.  Probably make a handful and send them out for review.

As soon as I have a pair completed, I will compare to my original version.

Steve N.
« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2022, 04:03 pm by audioengr »


Re: Interconnect Cable business/technology for sale
« Reply #4 on: 21 Aug 2022, 04:02 pm »
First 1m single-ended unshielded interconnect of the new design complete and compared to my original design in the system.  My wife enthusiastically prefers the new design.  Says it is more engaging.  I think piano is more realistic and accurate. 

Planning to build another 1m set with different wire gauge to compare.  It is in a system with 15 feet of original IC (balanced) from passive transformer line stage to amps and the new cable is 1m long from DAC to line stage.  The new cable is only 1/16 of the total path and you can hear the difference.  Tempted to build a 15-footer to replace the balanced ones.  A lot of work.

Steve N.