Participant Etiquette

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Robert C. Schult

Participant Etiquette
« on: 11 May 2004, 05:05 am »
Hi all.

Sometimes I see us all as just kids in the neighborhood. You remember those days.

Sometimes we all hung together and played baseball, football or basketball (we hunted and collected butterflies too. Really!) Other times were spent building a fort and we had camp outs there. You know, just stuff kids do. Other times there were stupid fights in "da 'hood" and/or there were those few other kids that most everyone avoided. In our neighborhood, those were the bullies or the mean kids.

Then there was the one kid that everyone either avoided or wanted. In our neighborhood his name was Al Serhal. He was a walking accident always happening. If we were riding bikes, he'd get hit by a parked car. If we were walking, he'd get hit by a parked car. It just always went wrong when he was around. We avoided Al if he was going to mess up teams or we wanted him if teams weren't going to be even. If he was on your team and you were losing, he was the reason why. Cost him a new pair of glasses once. His house was always the house that got tee-pee'd for Halloween in June, July, August and October. We blew up his big wooden newspaper "Carriers Box" in which his newspapers were dropped off in with four M-80s fused together once.

One time the bullies conspired against us "good" kids and beat the hell out us just 'cause that's what they did. One time we, the "good" kids conspired against the bullies and they beat the hell out of us just 'cause that's still what they did.

Then, you had your one closest buddy who you did everything with. Big dreams when you grew up. Who was the prettiest girl on the block. Okay, I'll trade you my Mantle for your Mays but you owe me...then you forgot about it. The big journey and adventure in the newly discovered woods behind the woods with a haunted house in the middle of this story-book forrest. We were the first to ever have set foot here. The couple of trees that had someone else's initials carved on them we changed.

The jobs you went and got mowing grass in the summer, raking leaves in the fall and shoveling snow in the winter. Then the one year round job my buddy and I got together cleaning Mrs. Wolfe's house on Saturdays. What a great but eccentric old lady with an old 1880s red brick cigar factory turned into a homestead that was as quirky as she was. When we got paid, we bought "toys". One such purchase I remember was the first bi-cycle trip I made by myself 10 miles to buy an album I knew nothing about except the cover looked pretty cool and had pictures of the drummer and his kit..."Grand Funk Railroad Live". I got grounded for two weeks for sneaking the trip and purchase.

Anyway, all this. My point is, if you look close enough, sometimes, good or bad, we're still those kids. Just a little smarter at playing the game. Wished I could go back and undue some of the stupid stuff I did back then but here we are and for now...  

Here are a few guidelines that will be practiced here;

1.) Not everyone appreciates the contribution good cabling has to offer. That's okay but discussions or posts that are along the lines of " :evil:  I'm tellin' Mom you like cables :nono: !" or ":x You're stupid and I'm not because I only use $3.00 wires :stupid: " do not have a place here and they will be dealt with accordingly.

2.) Healthy debate is welcome so long as it's constructive. No need to attack anyone because they believe or have a differing opinion than you. An example would be:
Satfrat: I just put Bybees between my ears and brain and had some listening clothing made out of  Stillpoints ESR. Awesome! Anyone else try this tweak and what were your results?

Robert C. Schult: You freakin' diseased liver brain. Eat S#@t and die and while you're rotting in hell, ask your mama if she still takes up five months for one calendar girl picture.

This would be inappropriate dialogue and will be dealt with accordingly. What we would suggest is perhaps this;

Satfrat: I just put Bybees between my ears and brain and had some listening clothing made out of  Stillpoints ESR. Awesome! Anyone else try this tweak and what were your results?

Robert C. Schult: Hello friend. What a creative concept! I may give this tweak a whirl myself and report back. Is the Bybee thing reversable? Is the ESR attire heavy or hot to wear? I rash easily. BTW, with my Mother's calendar girl picture, they just got a wide angle lense and then made the picture real small.

This would be acceptable dialogue.

This hobby is fun. It's a privilege in life we get to enjoy so let's have a good time and be respectful, helpful and constructive.


Participant Etiquette
« Reply #1 on: 11 May 2004, 10:36 pm »
2.) Healthy debate is welcome so long as it's constructive. No need to attack anyone because they believe or have a differing opinion than you. An example would be:

Satfrat: I just put Bybees between my ears and brain and had some listening clothing made out of Stillpoints ESR. Awesome! Anyone else try this tweak and what were your results?

Robert C. Schult: You freakin' diseased liver brain. Eat S#@t and die and while you're rotting in hell, ask your mama if she still takes up five months for one calendar girl picture.

This would be inappropriate dialogue and will be dealt with accordingly. What we would suggest is perhaps this;

Satfrat: I just put Bybees between my ears and brain and had some listening clothing made out of Stillpoints ESR. Awesome! Anyone else try this tweak and what were your results?

Robert C. Schult: Hello friend. What a creative concept! I may give this tweak a whirl myself and report back. Is the Bybee thing reversable? Is the ESR attire heavy or hot to wear? I rash easily. BTW, with my Mother's calendar girl picture, they just got a wide angle lense and then made the picture real small.

This is one of the funniest things I've read here in awhile  :rotflmao:
Glad to see you've found a home here Robert  :D

Robert C. Schult

Participant Etiquette
« Reply #2 on: 12 May 2004, 09:01 am »
Thanks Jason.
A chuckle now and then is good for health. I like the calander thing myself.

Digital cable still seeing duty in your rig?


Participant Etiquette
« Reply #3 on: 12 May 2004, 11:18 pm »
Hey Robert,
Your digital is a keeper.  I told you it's mine, all mine! :lol:
I do have to tell you it has passed the infamous honeymoon test period w/ flying colors.  
I don't have that familiar itch I've had with previous cables which is that wallet thinning curiousity to see if it can be outperformed.
It works for me just fine!

Robert C. Schult

Participant Etiquette
« Reply #4 on: 18 Aug 2004, 06:31 pm »