Balance or RCA ?

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Balance or RCA ?
« on: 21 Feb 2004, 07:49 am »
I have a PS audio HCA-2 amp which accepts either balance or RCA inputs.  I'm looking forward to upgrading my preamp with your NOH later this summer and also upgrading my CD player later in the year.  My question, in your opinion, is it musically meaningful to endeavor to utilize an all balance connection (from CDP to amp) even if I plan to keep all interconnect one meter or less?

John Chapman

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Balance or RCA ?
« Reply #1 on: 22 Feb 2004, 08:01 pm »

Thanks for the question - it is a good one for the forum  as it comes up quite a bit. I am afraid the answer is one of those 'it depends'....

For modest cable lengths I think ballanced can make sense but really only if:

1- Your amp 'likes' to be run ballanced. Some amps have extra crap in the signal path on the ballanced side and some have some extra stuff on the SE input. You want to use the 'path of least crap'. Some (like my Atma's MK 60's)  are really ballanced and are happier run that way. I don't know enough about the PS Audio amp but I'll bet they would let you know if the circuit should perform better Bal or SE.

Or / And

2- Your sources are better in ballanced mode. Some sources just tack on a ballanced driver in the signal path to generate the bal output and in that case SE is likely a cleaner way to go. Some sources - notably some DAC's - are truely ballanced inside right through the analog stage and so they would benifit from a ballanced hookup. Have a look at your primary sources and see if they are really 'better' in ballanced mode.

It is possible with the trannies to convert Bal to SE and SE to Bal so if for instance you have a source that is better ballanced and a single ended amp you could convert at the pre-amp.

So it depends on the gear you have  and there really is no general rule to follow. We can work through it (looking into the sources and amp, etc) when the time comes.

Many Thansk!

John Chapman


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 5
Balance or RCA ?
« Reply #2 on: 23 Feb 2004, 05:58 am »
I did check with PS Audio, a few months ago and was told the HCA-2 was a true ballanced amp with no extra ballance circuitry.  They recommend running the amp in ballance mode if possible.

So far so good!