Vista Audio P6 tube amp with Opera Callas

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Vista Audio P6 tube amp with Opera Callas
« on: 19 Jul 2007, 11:46 am »
Hi All,

I posted this message to Jim awhile back.  I figured, I should share my experience here with Boris' permission. 



Hi Jim,

I just installed your Opera Callas speakers in my son's room.  I am currently using an Adcom GCD-700 CD player and a Vista Audio P6 tube amp connected via Monster cable M1000 interconnects.  The speaker wires are from Home Depot 10Ga orange.  A/C Power filtering is by Panamax 5300.

The Opera Callas is a very smooth and warm sounding bookshelf speakers.  I like it already!  I am not surprised there because they are heavy and solid.  I dropped one of them on my foot [just kidding]. :lol:  I placed it on top of my son's dresser about 2" from the back wall and 5' foot apart.  The bass is definitely tune full and well defined for it's size.  The highs and mids are similar to my Sonus Faber speakers.  As a whole system, it is very easy to listen to.  The Vista Audio tube amp only outputs 5watts max but was able to drive the Opera Callas 89db sensitivity.  Despite the under powered tube amp, it is a good sounding speakers.  Highly musical and entertaining.  Where do you find these gems?  Good pick again!  :thumb:

I have some pictures to share:

I put it on top of my son's dresser.  He is 10yrs old.

Audio Vista P6 - Single-Ended Class A tube amplifier and Adcom GCD-700 CD player.

Now that I have heard your Opera Callas, it is very difficult to part with them.  I hope you don't need them real soon.  :)

Everyone you are welcome to stop-by to listen.

I hope to see everyone soon.  Have a safe July 4th Holiday!




Re: Vista Audio P6 tube amp with Opera Callas
« Reply #1 on: 19 Jul 2007, 05:36 pm »
Hi Levi,

I guess your son now qualifies as a youngest member of the NY Audio Rave? Or is it Mike's (Topround's)?
This crazy hobby needs fresh blood, for sure.

Thanks for the kind mini-review, what speakers do you typically run on the P6 (a.k.a. model i82)?



Re: Vista Audio P6 tube amp with Opera Callas
« Reply #2 on: 19 Jul 2007, 06:01 pm »
Hi Boris, thanks. :thumb:

I normally use the P6 model i82 as a headphone amp.  Jim let me borrowed his Opera Callas speakers so I figured why not install it and it worked musically!  Those Callas are not very efficient speakers but the i82 was able to drive it to musically satisfying level.  Loud enough for my son's bedroom.

My son is not an audiophile yet so he cares less about imaging and soundstaging but this speaker/amp combination proves to have them all.  I am very happy with my i82 amp not to metion you do stand behind your products.  That is a great plus!
