Upgrade the crossovers or new speaker? Qualio Audio IQ

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Since these Hyperion HPS-938 speakers aren't getting any younger i'm thinking about upgrading the crossovers to give these speakers an other decade or more new life to them. I still really like these speakers, drivers are still good but maybe when the original crossovers parts are starting to fade away year by year i think now might be a good time to upgrade them.
That or maybe buy a new loudspeaker instead. The Qualio Audio IQ caught my attention. While being open baffle for midrange and highs it can still pressurise the room while low driver unit is in a cabinet. Looks like the best of both worlds to me. Did anyone heard the Qualio Audios here that are familiar with Hyperion?


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Re: Upgrade the crossovers or new speaker? Qualio Audio IQ
« Reply #1 on: 20 May 2024, 01:33 pm »
Dunno, I had my Dunlavy speakers for about 20 years and decided on something new, bought OB Spatial Audio M3 (used) then down the road upgraded the crossovers with new caps/resistors. One thing to consider is how difficult it might be to sell your beloved speakers, since shipping would be difficult.
Upgrading the crossovers on the M3TS speakers for me made a huge difference. You might want to try just replacing the resistors with Path resistors first, which is a relatively cheap upgrade. If you like what you hear, continue on. Good luck!

Early B.

Re: Upgrade the crossovers or new speaker? Qualio Audio IQ
« Reply #2 on: 20 May 2024, 03:58 pm »
If you're considering Qualio Audio IQ speakers, then your budget is more than sufficient to greatly improve your sound quality by trading out your current speakers. There are tons of options and a few awesome open baffle designs to choose from. 


Re: Upgrade the crossovers or new speaker? Qualio Audio IQ
« Reply #3 on: 20 May 2024, 04:59 pm »
If you're considering Qualio Audio IQ speakers, then your budget is more than sufficient to greatly improve your sound quality by trading out your current speakers. There are tons of options and a few awesome open baffle designs to choose from.

Maybe....maybe not.

IIRC, back in the day, these Hyperion speakers got glowing reviews from all quarters.

Released in early 2000's at $4k retail, and most reviews said they performed beyond that.  That would be about $7k in today's money. 


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Re: Upgrade the crossovers or new speaker? Qualio Audio IQ
« Reply #4 on: 20 May 2024, 10:12 pm »
At Ric, i can just send the crossover parts and not the speaker.

I have a soft spot for Dynaudio but still at that time i bought the Hyperions, it offered something more in the midrange. They reffered these HPS-938 as almost planar sound. Therefor Qualio Audio seems a good alternative.


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Re: Upgrade the crossovers or new speaker? Qualio Audio IQ
« Reply #5 on: 22 May 2024, 05:20 pm »
Maybe....maybe not.

IIRC, back in the day, these Hyperion speakers got glowing reviews from all quarters.

Released in early 2000's at $4k retail, and most reviews said they performed beyond that.  That would be about $7k in today's money.

As you say, maybe or maybe not. I really need to listen to the Qualio speakers first. They have to be a lot better, if not then i upgrade my Hyperions. These Hyperions do have some cheesy crossover parts as Danny Ritchie from GR Research would mention. I only heard the Qualios through youtube videos and it all sounded great compared to other speakers i heard in this price range through youtube. Then again someone had some videos from his top of the line Spendor and Dynaudio speakers. I really liked the Spendors but mentioned the Dyn's were better. Need to listen to these Qualios. Maybe one more contender would be the Calladan speaker, way cheaper but not the most refined as Steve Guttenberg mentioned.


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Re: Upgrade the crossovers or new speaker? Qualio Audio IQ
« Reply #6 on: 22 May 2024, 05:44 pm »


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Re: Upgrade the crossovers or new speaker? Qualio Audio IQ
« Reply #7 on: 9 Jun 2024, 10:35 pm »
There is a video review coming up on the Qualio Audio speakers by Steve Huff. Then again i love the Hyperions that much that they deserve an upgrade. I can't audition the Qualio speakers in my country. Maybe i should bring my upgraded Hyperions (when upgraded) to the closest country wich is france to compare these. I have to go to france this year so i might combine the journey with some audition.