Welcome to AC.
Thanks Danny! Thought I'd include some boring stuff that might help explain where I'm coming from and my AC forum post, right or wrong, comments!?!

I Studied Classical Piano for 10 years - BA Degree in Instrumental Music Ed - Instrumental Music Instructor (total 25 years in Music Career) - Performed on all Strings-Wind Instruments-Percussion-Keyboard-Vocal Disciplines and have Attended Live "Acoustical" performances for past 50 years! However, finished working career in Oil Field (4 kids to raise & pay for College)!
After my 48 year audio journey, now Have a Small Intimate Quasi-Near-Field Dedicated Music Room (90sf)-Tower Speakers TOTALLY Disappear! Soundstage Width-Depth-Height Imagery Extends Well Beyond Any Room Boundaries...Very Holographic w/Musician Precision Placements Throughout the Presentation! My Synergistic Setup transports me into the live performance, like walking from the venue's vestibule INTO the recording concert hall...I am There!! Once heard, impossible to forget and difficult to accept any less in 3D Fidelity Reproduction!!
Associated Audio Components:
SPEAKERS-Ascend Acoustic Sierra RAAL V2 Towers, SUB-Axiom EP 500, AMP-Orchard Audio Starkrimson Stereo Ultra Class D GaNFET, SOURCE-Phillips CD880-CDP, CABLES-Morrow SP7 Grand Reference, ISOLATORS-Stack Audio Speaker and Component Vibration Elimination - (All Shown in Gallery)!
