What to expect in the future

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What to expect in the future
« on: 10 Aug 2024, 01:07 pm »
This forum has been very quiet in terms of contemporary product offerings. Besides the new speakers, amp and pre being posted on the website we have not really seen any info from Spatial, User reviews, YouTube reviews from the regular channels, manufacture co-branded videos... etc.

As prospective buyers what can we expect here in the next 30,60,90 days? Just my unsolicited POV but I do not think that a newsletter 6 times per year is sufficient marketing in this economy.

Thank you


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Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #1 on: 10 Aug 2024, 09:47 pm »
We have been promised a full set of specifications on the Raven pre in the next number of weeks so there is that.
   It can be really hard to cut through the mainstream review mags for product unless you are an advertiser, less hard in some of the fringier online review portals.   But you are right, I haven't seen a full on semi-professional review of the pre or power amps or new speakers anywhere that I'm aware of.   Spatial need a part time media manager to get the spice happening, but alas that costs moolah that is probably very needed elsewhere.

Spatial Audio

Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #2 on: 14 Aug 2024, 02:49 am »
This forum has been very quiet in terms of contemporary product offerings. Besides the new speakers, amp and pre being posted on the website we have not really seen any info from Spatial, User reviews, YouTube reviews from the regular channels, manufacture co-branded videos... etc.

As prospective buyers what can we expect here in the next 30,60,90 days? Just my unsolicited POV but I do not think that a newsletter 6 times per year is sufficient marketing in this economy.

Thank you

We hear you! We are working to line up some third-party reviews as well as our own videos/promotions. Most of our focus has been on production and product development. In the next few months you can expect to see a new S4 speaker (imagine the S6 but with 2 x 12" woofers) for medium-large rooms. This is comparable to the previous M4 that was extremely popular. And, we are very close to having a high-efficiency X3 using the AMT from the X-series paired with a 10" midrange and a powered 15" woofer.


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Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #3 on: 14 Aug 2024, 06:47 pm »
As far as the preamp and power amps, I have to believe there are more out there than the number of reviews would suggest.  Feedback, including mine on this site as well as AudioGon have been generally positive.  I would hope that others find the time to post their impressions but I agree, it would be nice to see some semi-professional reviews.  I love my Raven preamp and see no need to replace it with anything else.

Daryl Zero

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Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #4 on: 14 Aug 2024, 10:44 pm »
I have seen good reviews by individuals who purchased and tried the preamp.

What is missing for me and what I would really like to hear/know is whether the price is worth any differences in sound quality. The Raven is a $5,000 plus item preamp which requires you (if you have an integrated) to have or buy power amplifier/monos. I've been kind of intrigued at the idea of the Raven plus some Class D monoblocks but my speakers (Spatial's X5s) are very efficient and don't need 200 watts rms much less even 50 and it almost seems like chasing a white whale and expending a bunch of money for not much difference.

I have Don Sach's Valhalla integrated which, at the last PAF, Lynn Olson was very complimentary of because he hadn't heard it before. He told me that it sounded as good as amps costing 3 times as much. I previously had the LTA Z40+ which I thought was an excellent integrated but(on a thread I started) I read a lot of opinions that the Valhalla was significantly better. It was enough to convince me so I bought the Valhalla and I thought the Valhalla was significantly better with the X5s and in my room than the LTA even though the LTA was a fine piece of equipment.

So basically I'm looking for comparisons and price analysis from any reviewers which, so far, has been missing. I know there sometimes is cognitive dissonance (the need to adjust your opinions to justify your past actions or beliefs) and qualitative differences in different systems/rooms is tricky but that information would be helpful from anyone who has bought the Raven and/or the Blackbirds.


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Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #5 on: 15 Aug 2024, 09:31 am »
Thank you for the response. Sounds like you have more R&D occurring which is essential. That said the HiFi market is not doing so well right now and marketing is probably more critical to increase sales of existing product offerings.

Understanding that you are a small company and do not have endless resources... you may want to consider a loaner product that prospects pay for shipping and insurance and get to demo for X period and then post their thoughts and photos. Clearly large speakers are not good candidates for this but a preamp would be and there seems to be a lot of interest in that.

Doing your own videos frequently is also a great approach. Look at Danny at GR for example... Quick 5 min "Hey check this out, Did you know, etc."


Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #6 on: 19 Jan 2025, 06:42 pm »
I've been catching up on a few of the threads here and what Spatial Audio has been up to lately, and I see the concerns raised here.

There is very little substantive information about the new products like the S4 and S6, and where the website might talk about Spatial Audio's use of open baffle designs, it just says "For a detailed explanation of how dipole speakers differ from traditional monopole (box) speakers, we invite you to read an article by audiophile legend Paul McGowan here." And the link goes nowhere.

Spatial Audio used to speak for hours on podcasts and YouTube videos walking potential customers through the theory and benefits of their loudspeaker designs: they exhibited thought leadership (while properly crediting innovators on whose work they built, like Linkwitz).

With the new models, it's fairly mysterious. The S-series seems to be the M-series with a new mid/tweeter due to parts availability. However, the crossover frequency has changed, understandably. How much has the crossover changed? What is meant by "our new "Linear Drive" design topology"? Did the crossover move from point-to-point wiring to a circuit board? What advantages does the new tweeter have other than availability? Are the two 12" drivers the same as those used on the previous M4? Is the S-series painted ultralam or MDF? I assume MDF.

Why not send a pair to Erin's Audio Lab? The sparse info on the website says the S4 has succeeded in "minimizing directivity errors and maintains consistent output both on and off axis." This would show up on a Klippel measurement. The website also says the speaker is 4 ohms nominal, but what is the impedance plot in relation to the phase plot?

I'd like Spatial Audio to succeed. A significant attraction was the detail of technical information available via the forum, interviews, and reviews and the clear understanding of how and why they are innovating. Times have changed, however. That flow of information is a necessary but not sufficient condition. You can now go to Spinorama.org and see detailed measurements on hundreds of speakers. Pure Audio Project has become more visible and well-reviewed, competing with Spatial Audio among people looking for open baffle designs.

Maybe my perspective is misinformed, but I don't seem to be alone in raising concerns.


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Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #7 on: 20 Jan 2025, 02:49 pm »
Maybe my perspective is misinformed, but I don't seem to be alone in raising concerns.
I've not been following closely, but will confirm my M4 purchase about 3 years ago was directly related to the exposure you referenced, beginning with a lengthy interview on NRD.  Had it not been for that I probably wouldn’t have given Spatial a second thought.


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Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #8 on: 20 Jan 2025, 03:51 pm »
I feel the same way about the above. The next step up from my M3s would be the S4, if they really are a step up. I just posted yesterday asking if Spatial would be bringing the S4 to Southwest Audio Fest. Last year they had the Q3, which was nice to see. However it's in a price range I would not really be interested in anytime soon. There is almost no info out there on anything new. Even Clayton's Caladan's don't seem to be getting any reviews or press except for some on NRD.

Charles Xavier

Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #9 on: 20 Jan 2025, 04:43 pm »
I feel the same way about the above. The next step up from my M3s would be the S4, if they really are a step up. I just posted yesterday asking if Spatial would be bringing the S4 to Southwest Audio Fest. Last year they had the Q3, which was nice to see. However it's in a price range I would not really be interested in anytime soon. There is almost no info out there on anything new. Even Clayton's Caladan's don't seem to be getting any reviews or press except for some on NRD.

I received tgis response from Spatial the other day

One of our engineers has a pair of M3s. I am working on an opportunity to listen to them back-back. One big difference will be the two 15" woofers in the M3.
On paper, the S4 should be more detailed with more resolution in the mids. But, nothing tells the story quite like actually listening to your music in your room.
I will let you know what we think after we run that test.


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Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #10 on: 20 Jan 2025, 05:51 pm »
There will be another amp offering to pair with the Raven that will be cheaper.  All tube, and will mate well with any speaker Spatial makes.  I will be prototyping in a month or so.  We may have a prototype for the Dallas show, but these things take time and cannot be rushed.  A Raven preamp with a good class D should sound very good.  There may well be a sort of Valhalla II integrated.  I have ideas in my head!   Again, these things take time.   As for speakers, I know Spatial will try very hard to have both the big Q3 and one of the smaller S models at the Dallas show.   It will happen.  There are supply chain issues that are being sorted out.  I am sure David will post, but I know they are doing everything possible to have both the Flagship model and the mid-priced model in Dallas.  Driven by the Revelation series preamp and amps.


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Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #11 on: 20 Jan 2025, 09:22 pm »
Ooooo...another amp from Spatial!  I can't wait to hear more about this.  Meanwhile, my Raven preamp remains rock solid reliable.


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Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #12 on: 20 Jan 2025, 09:41 pm »
I am working on a fully balanced stereo amp that will be all tube, and about 40 watts/ch.  It will have a DHT driver if I can work that out, and a similar topology to the Blackbird amps.  It will not be a cost no object build like the Blackbirds, but I expect it to be quite good and again, fully balanced, so the xlr outputs on your Raven would drive it beautifully.

Charles Xavier

Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #13 on: 21 Jan 2025, 09:18 pm »
This could be good as far as the tweeters coming back in stock. There is a smaller version from Peerless now listed


Spatial Audio

Re: What to expect in the future
« Reply #14 on: 4 Feb 2025, 03:47 am »
What is meant by "our new "Linear Drive" design topology"?

Linear Drive simply refers to our use of high order acoustical slopes in combination with low order electrical filters. This is done by relying on the driver’s natural acoustical roll off at the desired frequency range to form the crossover region. This approach greatly reduces the amount of passive correction needed resulting in a presentation that is more open and natural sounding when compared to typical crossover solutions. The Linear Drive design also presents a very linear load with minimal phase rotation for consistent performance across both tube and solid state amplifiers.