N.E. Wisonsin Audio Society Presentation...

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Robert C. Schult

N.E. Wisonsin Audio Society Presentation...
« on: 3 Feb 2005, 09:18 pm »
Hi all.

On Friday, Jan. 21st, Steve and I headed up to N.E. Wisconsin Green Bay area to present Ridge Street Audio and it's products to the N.E.W. Audio Society. Despite the two blizzards that weekend, it was a great time! The guys there have a "class act" club that would be a hard act for anyone to follow. We'll see as we're head to Chicago on the 20th of this month to present at the Chicago Audio Society. Should be a lot of fun. Hope to maybe see a few of you there.

Meantime, HERE is a summerization of the meet. Enjoy!

Links: N.E.W. Audio Society
    Chicago Audio Society[/list:u]