
Industry Circles => Salk Signature Sound => Topic started by: thebrieze on 31 May 2020, 05:24 pm

Title: Song3 BeAT Directivity and Toe in recommendations
Post by: thebrieze on 31 May 2020, 05:24 pm
I've been reading a little about directivity of various speakers and the impact it has on the sound from the direct and reflected sounds. How would you characterize the directivity of the Be tweeter and the BeAT speakers?

My speakers are about 9 feet apart and 10' from the listening position, toed in slightly to point slightly behind my head. Any recommendations on the positioning and toe in of these speakers?
Title: Re: Song3 BeAT Directivity and Toe in recommendations
Post by: Big Red Machine on 31 May 2020, 08:24 pm
Have you tried them with zero or very little toe in, like 5 degrees? I've always found Jim's speaker to image very well with very little angle if your room is decent sized.

The Be should have great dispersion.
Title: Re: Song3 BeAT Directivity and Toe in recommendations
Post by: rmdtexas on 31 May 2020, 09:17 pm
I have BeATs and agree with Big Red Machine. I use very minimal toe-in and very happy with imaging and dispersion.
Title: Re: Song3 BeAT Directivity and Toe in recommendations
Post by: thebrieze on 31 May 2020, 09:57 pm
My room is about 12 x 25, however the speakers are at one end, along the long wall, so it creates a listening area of about 12 x 12. Since one speaker is next to a wall of glass windows, it does create a fair amount of reflections, and that speaker has a deep null between 90-110 Hz.

If I toe them out, would it make the reflected sound worse?
Title: Re: Song3 BeAT Directivity and Toe in recommendations
Post by: abd1 on 1 Jun 2020, 03:52 pm
I think experimentation is the key. There's no "right or wrong," just what sounds best to you. My room is what used to be a dining room so it's more of an open nook (wife calls it the "man nook") that's about 12x12 and open to the living room on the right side. So the left speaker is in the corner, close to a large window on that wall, and the right speaker is by the nook opening, which opens to the living room and kitchen and pretty much not near any room boundaries. I found that positioning the left speaker very close to the side wall and toeing in a bit more helps with the reflection. By placing close to the wall I feel like the reflected sound off the side wall happens quickly, prevents smearing of the sound, and I get better imaging and depth this way. Its not perfect and I'm jealous of anyone with a big room where they have space around each speaker but its what works for me.

Originally I had been trying to keep the speaker away from the wall but I once saw a video of Klaus Bunge's setup at an audio show and his room got rave reviews for the imaging. Even he said it was his best room ever and what he did was push the speakers very close to the side walls and then toe in some. Anyway, I tried it and it sounded better to me so that's where I am. I don't do measuring, and speaker positioning isn't an exact science because room reflections are different and everyone's hearing is different as well as preferences. Again, experiment and see what works best.
Title: Re: Song3 BeAT Directivity and Toe in recommendations
Post by: thebrieze on 2 Jun 2020, 02:31 pm
That’s an interesting suggestion. I too, tried to get the left speaker as far out of the corner as possible, but never considered getting closer. Will I Try that suggestion and see what it does. Thanks