Outstanding Demo CD's etc...

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S Clark

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Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #20 on: 22 Jan 2009, 02:33 am »
Another great one is the " I've got the music in me" by Thelma Houston & Pressure Cooker"  CD-2. (Circa 1975).

The vinyl was the best at the time, but the CD is really good as well.
I have a  DBX encoded vinyl copy that may be the most dynamic recording I have ever heard.  Those Sheffield Lab direct to disc were really something.


Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #21 on: 22 Jan 2009, 03:12 am »
Cripple Creek - Out of the Woods

RY Cooder - Paradise and Lunch remaster!  Excellent CD, A lesson in the roots of American music


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Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #22 on: 23 Jan 2009, 03:31 am »

Way back in the beginning there were DMP CD's...

One of the first CD's back then in November of 1982   was 'TriCycle' - Flim and The BB's.
CD-443. This was the first (if i recall correctly) jazz compact disc available to us in this very new and
debateable format / media. This disc was made to show off the dynamic range of this media, from complete silence to WHAM!! It won CD of the year award in CD Review Magazine and became the absolute standard for demo'ing and taking to the audio store to play on speakers , systems your were interested in hearing the best at the time.

I remember playing this CD's on my Magnapans back then (via a Denon DCD 3300) and absolutely was blown away and this particular disc....and it still is really special.

They also had "Big Notes" and "Tunnel" CDs..also really good.

I dont think you can buy these new anymore but I did check on Amazon and saw many used cd's for sale.

I think Jim has some history here....I read a post he put up somewhere else and it was nice to read how Jim was involved in this stuff way back then...3M, Minneapolis Studio Sound 80 and a 2 channel prototype digitial recorder...the rest is history..

If you havent heard this CD its worth a listen...and its kind of where it all started from, well kind of..
(Billy Barber - keyboard, Bill Berg - drums/precussion, Jimmy 'Flim' Johnson bass, and Dick Oatts - reeds).




Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #23 on: 23 Jan 2009, 10:51 am »

I have Flim & the BB's 'Big Note' cd from the 1980's.

Sorry it just doesn't sound that good on my system.  Have they have remastered it recently?


« Last Edit: 20 Feb 2009, 09:37 am by Rocket »


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Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #24 on: 23 Jan 2009, 04:30 pm »

Thanks for the reply....I dont have my Songtowers yet, hope in afew weeks and i will try my DMPS once again....Time has moved on and they were great bcak then but music and tastes being what they are change....

It will be interesting to relive the experience and if its less than stellar for me I will let you know!!



Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #25 on: 24 Jan 2009, 12:22 am »

Thanks for the reply....I dont have my Songtowers yet, hope in afew weeks and i will try my DMPS once again....Time has moved on and they were great bcak then but music and tastes being what they are change....

It will be interesting to relive the experience and if its less than stellar for me I will let you know!!


Maybe it's our years showing but my copies of Flim sound better than ever. Most likely it's the Songtowers though.

I'd recommend track 11 Born to Love You on Big Notes for some dynamic range. Very nice piano, flute and sax but don't get lulled too much and turn up the volume because once the drums kick in be prepared to have your house filled with huge sound.  8)


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Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #26 on: 24 Jan 2009, 12:57 am »
Hey fishinbob!

Well I couldnt wait for the SongTowers to find out if the DMP discs are still any good anymore. So I listened to several tracks in the Big Notes CD, made in Japan.

Well sir....they are as stunning today on my Dahlquist QX10's as I can remember way back then on my 180 pound each Mirage M1's and those skinny Maggies.

Dang track 11 "Born to Love You" is a real sleeper and I forgot how wide the dynamics are on this cd and in this track....OMG is it wonderful or what....

It actually played rather well with the speakers I have...I cant wait to here these recordings on the Song Towers!

Funhouse, At the Hop are also excellent...its amazing how well these have held up over time

I havent listened to this CD in probably over 10 years and way back when we were all concerned with how long these new shiney digital discs would last...well I know now for sure!

I only saw  1 used copy for sale on Amazon for 29.89. I am glad I bought all of their cds way back when..

Can you say 'Sharp, Crisp, SNAPPY, bowl you over sound!

All the best


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Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #27 on: 25 Jan 2009, 01:09 am »

Listening to the local ALL jazz radio station one day in the late 80's I heard a tune playing called "Moroccan Junction". I missed who was playing this really 'different' instrumental and called the station up and asked who this was.

I was told it was a person named Kim Pensyl.

The CD was on the Optimism Records label and the CD was titled: Pensyl Sketches #1

It was released in 1988.

Well, this tune and the entire disc it 'electric', snappy, awesome bright stunning keyboards.

Kim Pensyl went on to make Sketches #2 and #3 and made a few CD's with GRP and others...

I have all three of the sketches with the #1 my favorite.

To make this even better I got to meet Kim and see him perform live as a warmup act for the Rippingtons....

He still performs in local establishments in Ohio according to his website...

The sketches #1 CD is very much electronic to say the least but it is very, very well put together....

Moroccan Junction will make your feet move or you dont have any!!  :lol:

This disc is going to sound soooooo good on the SongTowers!!


Well In 1988 on Optimism Records Kim Pensyl


Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #28 on: 1 Feb 2009, 05:57 pm »
Just listening to Duke's Blues In Orbit recording from 1959.  Pretty impressive remastered sound considering the date of recording.  Great joy listening to these oldies thru the ST's. Duke and his boys could swing a little!

Mike Nomad

Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #29 on: 1 Feb 2009, 06:39 pm »
Even limiting the discussion to CD, the list is, functionally, endless. Picking things that have not shown up in posts (yet), and in no particular order:

Roberta Flack - Quiet Fire. Plain-ol' catalog release. Sounds straight off the three-track master. Demo: Get Up Moses.

Rhythm Devils - The Apocalypse Now Sessions. On Ryko, and maybe out of print. All percussion, big room sound, and electronics that separate Those That Can from Those That Can't. Demo: Napalm For Breakfast.

Bad Company - Bad Co. An Audio Fidelity gold disc, mastered by Steve Hoffman. Demo: Seagull. Hell, the whole disc.

Leon Russell - Leon Russell. A DCC gold disc, mastered by Steve Hoffman. Demo: A Song For You.

Cowboy Junkies - Trinity Sessions. Another Plain-ol' catalog release. Besides demonstrating why Ambisonics is everything Dolby Anything will never be, this disc is an excellent soundstage/depth/placement test. Demo: All of it.

And here's where it gets to something like shooting fish in a barrel. I've picked up two titles on SHM-CD, Stanley Turrentine's 'Stan "The Man" Turrentine,' and the Rolling Stone's 'Let It Bleed.' Having A/Bd the Stones record against the DSD remasters, the new plastic/process makes an embarrassingly huge difference. No, it doesn't make a CD sound like an SACD, but the SHM-CD way of doing things definitely leaves a regular CD in the dust.

In short, I think all of our favorite demo lists are in for a major re-write.


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Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #30 on: 2 Feb 2009, 06:16 pm »
Hi Mike,

Interesting comments about our favorites, especially the old ones as they are re-mastered etc...

The reason I limiited the discussion to 2 ch stereo was 2 fold..one I am looking for really good recording and stuff to add to my collection to play on my new
SongTower QWT's when they are done and to limit the endless possibiites over time....

I have listened to may 5.1 discs, and musically they can be stunning for sure and maybe we will start a 5.1 , SACD, DVD-A demo thread in the future!.

But for now I would like to just keep plowing on with really great 2 ch CD's.

Thanks for your list, I will be spending some more $$$ at Amazon based on your suggestions for sure...

Come on guys and gals we got to help get this economy going but some cd!! :D

All the best


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Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #31 on: 4 Feb 2009, 02:55 am »
Well I just got a new CD, Patricia Barber, Live: A Fortnight in France [LIVE] ....

I saw this used by another person when he was looking at several speakers.

I never heard of this artist and I must say what a pleasant surprise!

I liked most of the tracks and Ms Barber and this group really get it on!!

I still do not have my SongTowers and have to listen on my Dahlquist QX10's and the music was
wonderful...a great demo CD for sure!

Many of you may already know of this CD and artist...but I hope someone else will discover this one like
I just did!!

Will re-listen for sure when the SongTowers arrive! :D

All the best


Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #32 on: 4 Feb 2009, 04:17 am »
Patricia Barber is a very nice listen.  She does a Cole Porter tribute album that is interesting.  "Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Cole Porter Songbook" is a double CD set that is certainly worth the price of admission.  You are in for some pleasant "new" listening when you finally get those ST's.  Even when the recording quality on some selections is less than stellar (as your ST's will certainly reveal), the music is just great to hear.  Great recording/poor recording... you still capture the mood.


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Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #33 on: 4 Feb 2009, 04:22 am »

Bozzio, Levin, Stevens - "Duende" (Black Light Syndrome)

My favorite demo track.  This will really show you the difference between good and poor woofers.  The individual bass notes Tony Levin plays sound like a low rumble that just changes pitch with poor woofers.  With a good woofer you can clearly hear every note individually.



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Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #34 on: 5 Feb 2009, 01:15 am »
Ok time for another really good demo CD:

Linda Ronstadt with Nelson Riddle and his Orchestra.....

The compilation is "Round Midnight".....

32 Nelson Riddle goodies,exceptional..

Round Midnight is at the end of cd #2..

Turn off the lights and Linda Rondstadt will magically appear on a stool singing this
very sultry song....

Its that good.

Good Listening!



Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #35 on: 5 Feb 2009, 02:54 pm »

Bozzio, Levin, Stevens - "Duende" (Black Light Syndrome)

My favorite demo track.  This will really show you the difference between good and poor woofers.  The individual bass notes Tony Levin plays sound like a low rumble that just changes pitch with poor woofers.  With a good woofer you can clearly hear every note individually.

Ok time for another really good demo CD:

Linda Ronstadt with Nelson Riddle and his Orchestra.....

The compilation is "Round Midnight".....

32 Nelson Riddle goodies,exceptional..

Round Midnight is at the end of cd #2..

Turn off the lights and Linda Rondstadt will magically appear on a stool singing this
very sultry song....

Its that good.

Good Listening!


John... I went ahead and downloaded Duende.  Your post intrigued me (I've always liked Levin's work with Peter Gabriel).  You are right on the money... good stuff!  Now onto the softer music side....

Alex... Loved the Riddle/Ronstadt marriage since it's inception almost 30 years ago. I've had this diverse taste in music going back to my youth days (I'll be 50 soon).  I remember being interested in that collaboration as soon as I read about it. Her vocals were built for it.  Anyway, based on this, you would probably like John Pizzarelli's "After Hours" CD.  While not an outstanding vocalist by any stretch, he's a great guitarist (great genes!), always uses great musicians, picks great tunes and really has become quite the "crooner" in his own style; always a good listen. 


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Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #36 on: 15 Feb 2009, 06:45 pm »

I was just researching my Spyrogyra CD's and discovered that I was behind in the latest offerings they have put out in the last few years.

Spyro Gyra  MCA
1979  Morning Dance  MCA
1980  Carnaval  MCA
1980  Catching the Sun  Amherst
1981  Freetime  MCA
1982  Incognito  Amherst
1983  Access All Areas [live]  Amherst
1983  City Kids  Amherst
1985  Alternating Currents  Amherst
1986  Breakout  Amherst
1987  Stories Without Words  MCA
1988  Rites of Summer  MCA
1989  Point of View  MCA
1990  Fast Forward  GRP
1992  Three Wishes  GRP
1993  Dreams Beyond Control  GRP
1995  Love & Other Obsessions  GRP
1996  Heart of the Night  GRP
1997  20/20  GRP
1997  Road Scholars [live]  GRP
1999  Got the Magic  Windham Hill
2001  In Modern Times  Heads Up
2003  Original Cinema  Heads Up
2004  The Deep End  Heads Up
2006  Wrapped in a Dream  Heads Up International
2007  Good to Go-Go  Heads Up International
2008  A Night Before Christmas

I have seen these guys play three times live and a few practice sessions up close and personal..it was really great.

Anyone of these do you like more than the others? Do you consider any of them really good recordings, demo quality?


Big Red Machine

Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #37 on: 15 Feb 2009, 06:54 pm »
I am having trouble sending you a message for some reason.


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Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #38 on: 15 Feb 2009, 10:45 pm »
Big Red Machine,

I got your PM, it came twice, and i just replied, but its taking a long time, it may be the server or just net congestion.



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Re: Outstanding Demo CD's etc...
« Reply #39 on: 20 Feb 2009, 02:42 am »

The new find for me today (the SongTowers have arrived!!) was Holly Cole's "It Happened One Night"

Tango 'Til They're Sore ------"WOW"

Calling You  ----- Another "WOW"

and yes the SongTowers really shine here.

A note on this recording (live) to me is Holly Cole seems to be mic'd in a more laid back fashion, not as forward sounding as some vocals that punch thru and are very forward sounding...meaning to me "easier to hear" or understand.

Even with this comment the album and these two tracks are really very nice to listen to..and oh how nice the bass is!!!

And surprise I never was a Holly Cole fan, but she is definitely growing on me and it the Calling You , this lady can really hold a note!!


