EVOKE Reference Recordings Thread

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  • Industry Participant
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    • EVOKE Planar Loudspeakers
EVOKE Reference Recordings Thread
« on: 14 Jun 2017, 07:34 pm »
EVOKE Reference Recordings Thread

Reference Recordings are Recordings that provide a Sonic Presentation that allows you to not only enjoy the Musical Performance, but also demonstrates the ability of your, or some other system to REPRODUCE the sonic elements available in that recording.

Over time we will post Specific Recordings, that we have found useful in evaluating our EVOKE SPEAKERS and comparing them to OTHER systems and set ups.

Keep in mind, EVERY System, Room, or environment will be different, so ALL elements will contribute to making the total sound.

That said, if you have a guideline of what can be heard, and what IS IN a Reference Recording, you can see how well your gear compares, and where it might fall down.  As well, you might even enjoy finding a new group or performer, or even "revisit" old favorites you may have let slide.

Feel Free to also post YOUR favorites and what and why you find them valuable or just enjoyable.

Below is a Format that you are welcome to use or not use in your postings.
« Last Edit: 15 Jun 2017, 01:43 am by Evoke »


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 232
    • EVOKE Planar Loudspeakers
Re: EVOKE Reference Recordings Thread
« Reply #1 on: 14 Jun 2017, 07:38 pm »
Reference Recording Report Form

Name of Recording:

Album Cover:
System and Room notes

Room Notes:
Specific Qualities Displayed
Spatial Stage
Frequency Response
Specific Reference Qualities Displayed
Musical and other Qualities


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 232
    • EVOKE Planar Loudspeakers
Re: EVOKE Reference Recordings Thread
« Reply #2 on: 14 Jun 2017, 07:47 pm »
Reference Recording Report Form


Artist: Tears For Fears
Album: Tears Roll Down: Greatest Hits 1982 - 1992
System and Room notes
Source: ELAC Discovery Server
Electronics: NuPRIME DAC-10 and MCH K-38 Power Amp
Speakers: EVOKE Ruby Standmount
Room Notes: Heavily Damped and Treated with partially isolated Listening Chamber
OK, this IS NOT what many migh consider an AUDIOPHILE Recording, but none the less, I employ it to demonstrate many elements of the performance of my, or any system.
I will list appropriate comments and specifics below, but IN GENERAL, this recording is like a cohesive, yet sensory specific experience.  You may or may not like the group or this style of music, but it can be very useful in demonstrating the audio and sonic capabilities of your gear.
Style wise it is reminiscent of Sgt Peppers Beatles like passages, as well as a DASH of vintage Bee Gees.  It is slickly produced but VERY WELL Engineered to allow you to hear DEEPLY into the recording and hear a Cohesive Soundfield, but CLEAR and PRESENT “individual” sounds (IMAGES).  It is like a Sonic Cake where you can enjoy the Taste Sensation as a WHOLE, while tasting individual morsels of ALL the ingredients.
Specific Qualities Displayed
Spaitial Stage
As I mentioned above, if your system will reproduce this well, you will hear how well the engineer recorded and mixed this cut.  In presenting a SOUNDSCAPE, you will have MANY specific PHASE RELATIONSHIPS.  These relationships cause what I call a Spatial Stage.  It is the Hologram of height, width and depth and that SENSE OF SPACE with sound in it.  When a System presents this well, you are IMMERSED.  The above system, and RUBY speakers took this immersion to levels I found as good as anything I have heard.
While listening to this incredible production, I could EASILY pick out of the mix each and every sound.  Main Vocals, Back up Vocals, Harmony Vocals, Individual Synthesizer Sounds, Individual Electronic Drum and Percussion Sounds, Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, and MORE.  This means, as you are sitting listening to the WHOLE of the Music, you can easily pick out and hear these SPECIFIC Sounds.  IT IS CRAZY GOOD.
I tend to like BIG and Symphonic Musical Sounds with Huge Dynamic Swings, Change Ups, and BUILDING Crescendos.  THIS YOU HAVE.
Frequency Response
Specific Reference Qualities Displayed
Musical and other Qualities
In every recording you are LIMITED to what the Engineer mixed into the recording.  From the very High Frequency Clear CLEAR sounds of a Triangle (which are lost to many speakers and or systems) to the low Synthesizer and Orchestral Bass, it is superb and well balanced.  There is NO hard driving BASS BEAT in this cut, but Quality Bass is present.
So while you may not be a FAN of Tears For Fears, this particular cut SHOULD be in your Reference Cuts, to demonstrate the qualities and sonics I mentioned above.
If you’re not hearing these. . .CONTACT US.

John Casler

Re: EVOKE Reference Recordings Thread
« Reply #3 on: 15 Jun 2017, 10:21 pm »
Additional Impressions and thoughts on Sowing the Seeds of Love above.

Had a chance to swap the RUBY for the EDDIE.

Everything I said about the RUBY is clearly present in the EDDIE, but with the following (expected) qualities or improvements:

1) The EDDIE has a LARGER Soundstage
2) The EDDIE has a greater Sense of SPACE
3) The EDDIE has deeper and stronger BASS
4) The EDDIE has a greater sense of DYNAMIC Sonic STRENGTH

These are all qualities one would EXPECT in a larger Speaker, with more and larger Drivers.

Further Comments on Sowing the Seeds of Love

While it is still hard for me to beleive, I am touting this as a Reference Cut, it is CLEARLY Demonstrative of a System's Ability to Reproduce a COMPLEX Highly Engineered Recording.

Upon listening with the EDDIES, I was STILL taken by the incredible LAYERS OF SOUND, and how, even though they are WOVEN into a Glorious WALL OF Textured SOUND, that EACH individual sound (instruments and voices) is CLEAR and DISTINCT in its own place in the soundstage.

All you have to do is just LISTEN and hear the "part" which makes up the "sum" Sonically.  WOW!  :o

This time through I listened even closer, and clearly heard the following:

Main Vocals, Back Up Vocals, Harmony Vocals, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Bass Drum, Snare Drum, All three Tom Toms, at least three cymbals, triangles, Trumpets, Trombones, Tuba, Violins, Cellos, Synthesizers in various modes including Wurlitzer Organ, Clarinets, Saxophone, Bassoon, and more that I have not noted.

This is a COMPLEX Melody and shows the song writing and arranging talent of the people who produced and engineered it. 

Now if my gushing over this Cut is confusing, it may be that you either really DON'T Like the group and style, or that your system doesn't allow you to hear all these INCREDIBLE Sonic qualities.

I would also submit, that in order to really hear a cut and its qualities, it may take a few listening sessions to allow you to let the SOUL of the cut to wash over you.  If you like the Beatles, and or the Bee Gees, it has some of those GENES.

Enjoy, I have many more to come

John Casler

Coming Soon "I Shine" by Infected Mushroom
« Reply #4 on: 15 Jun 2017, 10:33 pm »
Next up will be a cut of ELECTRONICA Dance Music used to demo Bass Dynamics.

The Cut is "I SHINE" from Infected Mushroom.

I might quickly mention, that cuts from more ELECTRONIC music artists are similar to ANIMATION in Video.

That is, What a Disney Cartoon is to the Big Screen VIDEO in color saturation and visual impression, ELECTRONICA type music is to AUDIO.

"Stay Tuned"

Reference Recording Report Form

Name of Recording: I SHINE

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcd1r1ACCuA
Album Cover:
Album: Army of Mushrooms
Genre: Electronica
System and Room notes

Source: ELAC Discovery Server
Electronics: NuPRIME DAC-10 and MCH K-38 Power Amp
Speakers: EVOKE Eddie Standmount
Room Notes: Heavily Damped and Treated with partially isolated Listening Chamber

Specific Qualities Displayed
Spatial Stage

Modern Recording and Engineering Techniques allow the Producers to "create" some incredible effects, in spatial sonic presentations.

Running some sounds in and or out of phase produce some very wild Audible Effects, and particularly the sense of SPACE.

In this Reference Cut, one of the reasons I use it is for THAT VERY QUALITY.

Around 36 secs into the cut, this Phase produced Spatial Quality is HUGE, and it should be very prominent in a super Sonic Encapsulation.
Frequency Response
Specific Reference Qualities Displayed

Aside from the Phase Produced Sonic Immersion this cut is valuable for a couple other QUALITIES

1) BASS  In speaking with Andrew Jones a few weeks ago, he said he often uses this cut to display BASS ENERGY.  I agree.  It has an Explosion of BASS around 45 sec.

2) It also is chocked full of SOUNDS of varying Dynamic Intensity.

Musical and other Qualities

Now I doubt, you will put this on your PLAYLIST and listen to it all the way through, but when you demo your system to a friend, it is good for a minute or two to demonstrate these qualities.

Listen for all the effects.

Excuse the pun, but this CAN be INFECTIOUS.
« Last Edit: 16 Jun 2017, 07:29 pm by John Casler »

John Casler

Re: EVOKE Reference Recordings Thread
« Reply #5 on: 16 Jun 2017, 07:05 pm »
Reference Recording Report Form

Name of Recording: FUGUE in G Minor by BACH a Symphonic Transcription and arrangement by Leopold Stowkowski

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX5f-cvAMfA

Album Cover:
Artist: The Boston Pops Orchestra conducted by Arthur Fielder
Album: THE ARTHUR FIEDLER LEGACY  Symphonic Spectacular
Genre: Classical
System and Room notes

Source: ELAC Discovery Server/OPPO BDP-103
Electronics: NuPRIME DAC-10 and MCH K-38 Power Amp
Speakers: EVOKE Eddie Standmount
Room Notes: Heavily Damped and Treated with partially isolated Listening Chamber
Specific Qualities Displayed
Spatial Stage

While I have a rather good light education in Classical Music, having taken a course in Music Appreciation in College, I didn't really listen to much Classical Music until I got more into High End Audio in the 70's.

No CD's back then, only tape and vinyl.  One of the first Classical Albums I bought was Symphonic Bach by Fieldler.  I was particularly draw to the Power and Majesty of this transcription originally done by Stowkowski.  This Fugue was originally for Organ.

From the opening call of the clarinet, this Fugue Builds and Recedes Dynamically to a Wonderful Crescendo only available on a great system.

I will post a DIAGRAM of a Symphony Orchestra for those of you who are not familiar with the set up.  This shows where Instruments are placed in the Hall, and when your system is set up properly, and if it is up to the task, you will hear the IMAGES and the Soundstage as if you were in the audience 5th row Center.

I beleive the miking technique used in this cut was a simple 2 mike set up.

In listening to this cut, you clearly hear the Hall, and all the instruments in their proper locations. 
Frequency Response
Specific Reference Qualities Displayed
Musical and other Qualities

One of the great joys of a good system and set up, is being able to "hear into" a recording.  That is, the transparency, detail, and imaging is so good, that you can clearly hear each instrument or group of instruments as they enter and leave their role.

As well, in a good system, you get some amazing Harmonic Overtones between different and like instruments.

As a former French Horn Player, I have an ear for hearing the harmonic interplay of the the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd seat Horns in this piece. 

But, as you listen check out the diagram below and see if you can at some point HEAR virtually all of these instruments and sections.

THAT. . .is what High Performance Listening is all about.

Symphony Layout

« Last Edit: 27 Jun 2017, 08:23 pm by John Casler »