Torsion Speaker Cables Tour

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Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« on: 22 Nov 2022, 06:35 pm »
Torsion Tour

Alrighty, the masses have spoken and despite holiday craziness, I have been convinced to go ahead and launch the Torsion Tour during the Holidays!!! I have the info for the tour on the form as well as pricing on the form. Please keep in mind, if you are on vacation during the holidays (lets say through late Jan early Feb) you can list the conflicts on the bottom of the form and I will do everything in my power to arrange around your schedule! :singing:

tour over
« Last Edit: 26 Apr 2023, 03:54 pm by Pez »


Re: Hapa Holidays Sale and Torsion Speaker Cables Tour!
« Reply #1 on: 22 Nov 2022, 07:15 pm »
I have a pair of the silver Torsions in my upstairs 2 channel system.  I won't do a full review of these because you can sign up for the tour and hear them for yourself.  But there are a couple things that are really remarkable about them that I don't think Jason emphasizes enough, because he's fairly modest.

1st, they are strikingly beautiful.  When you see them in person, they look like audio art.  When I spend a lot of money on something I want it to look good as well as sound good.  Jason takes a lot of care and pride in creating things that look beautiful and badass. 

2nd, the sheer amount of work and labor that goes into these things is incredible.  Jason does not just grab a bunch of off they shelf cables, slap on some connectors and tech flex and call it a day.  No, each cable is created as a bespoke piece of art.  Let's put it this way - every single conductor is hand polished by Jason for HOURS and HOURS and HOURS until it is a mirror so perfect you have to look at it through an electron microscope to see any imperfections.  And that's only ONE step of the build process.  It's utterly insane. 

As for sound, I'll be honest, I usually don't buy cables from audio manufacturers because I can build my own cables as good or better than what most manufacturers offer.  The one exception is Hapa.  There's no way in hell I can build to the level that Hapa does.  Not even close.  And the result is that the Hapa Torsion cables blow away anything else I've heard.  They completely elevate my entire system.  Putting them in (for me) was like upgrading all of my components, all at once. 


Re: Hapa Holidays Sale and Torsion Speaker Cables Tour!
« Reply #2 on: 28 Nov 2022, 06:23 pm »
I’ve been out with the flu, but nothing can stop this tour! We have 7 folks who have signed up already! I will be closing the tour form today so get in while you can.  :thumb:

On another note, I am going to have special items on sale to clean out some of the pieces I’ve built for the most recent tours! Keep an eye open, I’ll be dropping these at special prices and most of them are single piece items at one time only pricing.  :thumb:


Re: Hapa Holidays Sale and Torsion Speaker Cables Tour!
« Reply #3 on: 5 Dec 2022, 08:09 pm »
The Torsion tour officially launched! Cables are on the way to the first recipient.

Another update, I have received parts for the silver jumpers finally! I will put them together and get them out to the first tour member asap. Regarding the copper jumpers I will try to get them out in the next week or so, but I had an issue with the parts I received and needed to readdress what I use for them. I’m using Furutech low mass other than another brand that shall remain nameless at this point.

For your members please post your thoughts here.  :thumb:

Charles Xavier

Re: Hapa Holidays Sale and Torsion Speaker Cables Tour!
« Reply #4 on: 30 Dec 2022, 11:02 am »
Any updates?


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Re: Hapa Holidays Sale and Torsion Speaker Cables Tour!
« Reply #5 on: 30 Dec 2022, 01:37 pm »
Currently sitting at my house (more specifically behind my speakers). I have a lot of notes written down, but it's hard to focus when completely enthralled by the music. Demo these cables at your own risk. Seriously. I'm pretty sure they feed about 1.21 gigawatts of power for your speakers because every time I sit to listen in the evening, it's 3am before I even realize what's happened.  :lol: :lol: Good thing my work has two coffee pots going at all times.


Re: Hapa Holidays Sale and Torsion Speaker Cables Tour!
« Reply #6 on: 30 Dec 2022, 05:00 pm »
Thanks for the update nlitworld. The tour is still moving. We also have the first member who is working on his review as well. Things got a bit screwy mostly due to too much going on during the holidays but we’re still on track. Keep watching this space!  :green:


Re: Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« Reply #7 on: 11 Jan 2023, 09:08 pm »
I wanted to run this by the tour member folks. A minor “oops” has turned into a “why didn’t I think of that??” moment. Through a misunderstanding the Haiku tour set AND the Torsion tour set have ended up together. At first I was worried that it was too much for folks, but the feedback I’m getting is that they are having fun with the ultimate lineup. The Haiku tour has two pairs of Haiku with 1.5 m and 1 m. It also has the silver Aero usb. If folks are ok with paying a bit extra in shipping I am more than happy to continue this with the rest of the tour. Let me know your thoughts either privately or here on the forum. We’ll make it work either way.  :thumb:


Re: Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« Reply #8 on: 11 Jan 2023, 09:37 pm »
I don't us USB in my system so no need for it.


Re: Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« Reply #9 on: 11 Jan 2023, 09:44 pm »
I don't us USB in my system so no need for it.

It’d be the USB cable and Haiku RCA.  :thumb:


Re: Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« Reply #10 on: 11 Jan 2023, 10:11 pm »
I do use RCAs for my subs, would love to give them a try, thanks.


Re: Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« Reply #11 on: 11 Jan 2023, 10:35 pm »
I was wondering what a full set of Hapa would sound like, even though I reviewed the Ag USB and Haiku RCA combo I'll try it again with the Torsion added.


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Re: Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« Reply #12 on: 12 Jan 2023, 02:56 am »
I was wondering what a full set of Hapa would sound like, even though I reviewed the Ag USB and Haiku RCA combo I'll try it again with the Torsion added.

Just be careful if you do test a full meal deal of Hapa cables. It's REALLY hard to go back. :shake:


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Re: Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« Reply #13 on: 13 Jan 2023, 01:13 am »
What would a "normal run length" loom of Hapa cables cost?  I have to start thinking about what to spend my MegaMillions on....


Re: Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« Reply #14 on: 13 Jan 2023, 03:40 am »
What would a "normal run length" loom of Hapa cables cost?  I have to start thinking about what to spend my MegaMillions on....

Which cables are you referring to? The speaker cables? Silver copper? Let me know and I can let you know.  :thumb:

Or check out my website. The speaker cables aren’t up there yet. That’ll happen soonish.  :duh:


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Re: Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« Reply #15 on: 4 Feb 2023, 12:31 pm »
I was the second person on the Torsion Tour. Things got kind of screwed up at the beginning of the Tour and somehow the Haiku interconnect and Aero AG USB cable got added to the tour. What tremendous additions.  Listening to these three world-class products was quite an experience.
   I have to tell you a little about my system in order for you to evaluate  my review. It's a fairly modest system compared to most.  I have "Grannyring's modded" Tekton Double impact speakers with
outboard crossovers(really nice). I have a heavily modded original Lampizator Amber Dac with upgraded everything including an excellent attenuator.  It's very analogue sounding.  An Innuos Zen MK3
goes into Bob Smith's modded Nu Force Ref Se 9 monblocks.  Speaker cables are the Cerious Tech Matrix.  USB cable is Hapa's Aero CU.  The interconnect is Hapa's Ember.  I also have lots of tweaks
(Isoacoustic Footers, Vicoustic Panels ; Krissy's products, etc). Overall I'm very happy with how the system sounds. Full sounding; clean and analogue enough to get me emotionally involved.  But,
as you know, there is always room for improvement.
   In general, I'm more of a copper guy than silver.  I don't like brightness that's sometimes associated with silver. But, to tell you the truth, I have not listened to many silver cables. Anyway, I started with Jason's copper speaker cables.  Compare to my Matrix cables there was more detail and a slightly larger soundstage.  There was less bass but it was more precise.  To me- sort of a sideways move.
Again- this is only in MY system.  I then replaced my Hapa Aero Cu USB cable with the silver one.  Holy Moly! what just happened. Everything snapped into place.  Big improvement from mine. Then I changed out my Ember interconnect for the Haiku. Wow!!  The detail and texture appeared in spades.
     I started over with the Silver Torsion speaker cables.  In my system there was a huge improvement over my Matrix cables. This was a big move forward- not sideways.  I didn't realize how much detail I had been missing.  I added the Haiku interconnect next.  Like Jordan and Pippen, these two cables are a potent combo.  They get you much closer to the music. then I added the silver USB cable.  Not as
much impact as last time but still added to the experience.
   One thing about Jason's cables is they sound natural. Oodles of detail but never fatiguing. IN MY SYSTEM the order of the most impact was Haiku Interconnect; Silver Torsion speaker cable; Silver
USB cable and then the copper Torsion speaker cable. Are Jason's cables worth the price?  Well, for the improvement they provide they are underpriced.  Yes, not inexpensive. But I can't see anyone being disappointed in any of them.  Jason takes his time and only keeps improving his craft with extraordinary products.


Re: Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« Reply #16 on: 6 Feb 2023, 09:51 pm »
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with everyone.  :thumb:

I think you nailed it when you discussed how Haiku, Aero and Torsion sounded the best as a group. I designed all three with synonymous technology and design philosophy. This is not out of convenience (nothing about build any of these three designs is easy or convenient!) but rather, because the sound quality of Aero Ag demands the highest quality interconnect fidelity and thus speaker cable fidelity. No shortcuts in materials or processes can be made in order to achieve this. It’s best to think of all of the Aerogel family products as designed to work together. Not because you can’t derive benefit from mixing and matching with other qualities and brands, but because if you’re looking at these types of solutions, then you’re intent is to get the absolute highest fidelity available.

I appreciate you taking the time to suss this out in your own system and reporting back to us.  :thumb:


Re: Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« Reply #17 on: 6 Mar 2023, 05:00 pm »
First I would like to thank Jason for letting me try out his cables. I tried the silver Torsions speaker cable and found them  like everyone else to be very nice sounding, nice detail and soundstage and very clean.
But I was hoping for an improvement over my existing cables, alway nice to improve  the systems sound, but after 3 day of comparison I could hear no difference between the cables.


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Re: Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« Reply #18 on: 10 Mar 2023, 02:28 am »
I wanted to post this multi-cable review in the Torsion Tour page as well. I just need to say I really do miss having those cables in my system. My review touches more on the Haiku RCA, but no one cable was a more standout performer over the others. If you need a TL:DR version,  :thumb: :thumb:

I wanted to share my thoughts/opinions/delusions on my time with Hapa's latest and greatest cable creations. Sorry for the delay on this.

Where should I start? Right before Christmas I received not one, but two big boxes from the fedex driver. By a big stroke of luck, the Haiku and Torsion cable tours came together at the stop before me, and they accidentally sent both boxes of cables my direction. So just like that I had a lot more gear to play with over the holidays. #toughlife.

Some background info on my system will show that I am quite familiar with the Hapa cable lineup. I currently have an Aero Cu usb cable, Breathe C cable from dac to amp, Quiescence C as my phono cable, and Ember from phono stage to amp. The rest of my gear you can view on my system page HERE.

It is a mix of budget and quality components trying to squeeze the best sound quality while maintaining a manageable credit card balance. :lol: Most would say even using my current Hapa cables are a mismanagement of budget given my gear, but to that idea I just laugh and smile more as each song passes. I learned long ago how much performance you can squeeze from components when implemented properly. Heck, look at F1 cars now that squeeze 1,000hp from a little 1.6L turbo hybrid engine.

So setting out on the daunting task of reviewing all these cables, I first started with a simple USB cable swap. I had just grown accustomed to my Aero Cu usb cable, so let's see what the upgraded silver guy Aero Ag is all about. First track I put on was Between The Buried And Me - Sun Of Nothing; one of my favorites. Such a big bold recording already with swings from melodic to chaotic, it'll put any gear to the test. The drums just seem so much more separated and the cymbals had a bit more clarity in the attack of notes to really hear each ting and tap. I thought to myself, "OK, I see how this is gonna be. Bring it on."

I then plugged in the Haiku cable to replace my Breathe C and played the same track. "OK, WTF?!?" I thought as all of a sudden the soundstage became much more filled in just inside the speakers and much deeper front to back. The drummer now sounds a few feet further back, the guitar players are now more firmly planted just off the edges of the speakers. On top of that, the extra clarity in the drums was unbelievable. A little background info, I grew up with my cousin playing drums and watching him almost every weekend playing shows, so that's a real sticking point to get right for me. These Haiku cables really knock it out of the park for that, which proves some excellent phase coherence and noise rejection. And no, we're not talking a roided out Barry Bonds here where things are "artificially enhanced" to give more excitement. :lol: As I moved onto the next song Minus The Bear - Horray from their Acoustics II album, I knew I'm going to need to find a second job. There was much more texture from bass guitar and kick drum than I remembered. Things were getting interesting now. At this point I decided to finally plug in the Torsion Ag speaker cables. Since these speaker cables were WBT banana only and my speakers have the Tube Connectors, I couldn't piggyback my subs like I normally do. From here on out, all listening tests would be done without subs. Once I plugged in the Torsion cables and replayed the same track, that was when I realized the magic in all of it. As each cable was swapped for the top-tier Hapa option, everything was brought up a whole level each time, but on a more logarithmic scale. I thought to muself, "I'm gonna be in big trouble now".

I then proceeded to listen to several tracks with the full Aerogel silver loom, then several more tracks, and just couldn't stop laughing. Seriously. The next song I had played was Minus The Bear - The Storm, also off their Acoustics II album. The guitar plucking was so much more concise and intentional where you could tell if it was individual plucks or strums both in a downward motion or upward. I know Jason makes really good stuff and the new cables are ultra high tech and meticulously manufactured, but what the actual +^<& is happening? Next up I popped on Eagles - MTV Unplugged album and played Hotel California. Holy acoustic guitar! Different tone and resonances from steel strings on main guitar vs nylon on others. I couldn't believe we can now clearly hear the difference in what type of strings are on a guitar.  Another new thing I noticed was the voice breakup clearly audible as the song went on. These little points really help to paint the illusion we all chase in this hobby.

Next song I played was Polyphia - Playing God off their new Remember That You Will Die album. The bass is so clean and articulate but so full! There was no muddiness at all. The guitar's harmonic plucking runs ("flexing" as he calls them, lol) are so perfect there is no smearing or overcompensating in boosted treble. Everything is exactly in place, perfectly layered, effortless presentation, and with such consistent and spot on tonal accuracy.

I could go on and on with which songs I listened and what new details I noticed that I hadn't ever heard, but just know there was A LOT of those moments. I threw everything at these cables to find a shortcoming and they never even broke a sweat. They are stupid good. Then I got a wild idea that since there were two sets of Haiku cables (1m set and 1.5m set) I decided to run the full set on my turntable. At the time of the demo I hadn't rewired the turntable yet so it still ran a common ground and circuit board which usually results in a slightly fuzzy noisy but convenient setup. Once I flipped on the phono stage with the Haiku cables connected, I couldn't believe what I was hearing; silence. Pure black darkness. No hash, grain, buzz or fuzz, zips or zings, or even wing dings. I then dropped the needle on Heart - Dreamboat Annie and couldn't believe it. The background noise was zero, the music was 100% amazing. Crazy On You was absolutely unreal with those vocals perfectly portrayed. I felt like she was singing right to me in the front row. At the start of White Lightning And Wine there were low level background vocals I had never heard before and they were clear as day as if to say "peekaboo, here I am". I just couldn't believe how much of a difference they made over my existing and previously best I ever heard Hapa cables.

While all the cables really increased performance over my existing options, running the Haiku as a phono cable absolutely stole the show. Each cable really stands alone as a PHENOMENAL cable by itself, but running the full silver loom of Aero Ag, Haiku and Torsion is really a magical thing. As soon as I would take one piece away, the house lights would turn higher, the band would announce to tip the bartender, and the show was over.

Moral of the story here, if anyone has the chance to get these cables, do not hesitate to jump in. Really it's amazing they don't cost more (which they should) because the sound quality and craftsmanship are better than anything I've ever experienced. Jason, I apologize I kept your cables for so long when there were others waiting on the tour, but really they were too good to let go. #sorrynotsorry. Thank you for one of the best Christmases ever.


Re: Torsion Speaker Cables Tour
« Reply #19 on: 19 Mar 2023, 09:51 pm »
You guys are going to hate me by the end of this review - but more about that later.

I received a complete Hapa cable package as part of the ongoing tour:
Torsion 15 gauge UPOCC Nano-polished Silver with WBT pure silver angled banana plugs speaker cable(left)
Torsion 14 gauge UPOCC hand polished Copper with Furutech FT-211 low mass spades speaker cable (right)

Also included in the tour were the Haiku Aerogel RCA and AerØ Ag Aerogel USB cables I reviewed in Sept. 2022, which allowing me to hear a full loom of Jason's top-of-the-line cables.

My review process was a little different this time, all PCM was banished. The Hapa cables deserve the best source possible and PCM can get nasty, raspy, piercing and gritty. Only DSD was used, either pure DSD256 downloads, DSD64 (SACD rips) upsampled to DSD256 and PCM recordings upsampled to DSD256 using HQPlayer. Digital noise is then filtered out using the simple analog filters in the HoloAudio May KTE DAC.

HQPlayer uses state-of-the-art algorithms with no short cuts in regards to calculations or horsepower needed. HQPlayer's developer Jussi Laako wrote that if a CD or DAC manufacturer wanted to incorporate his upsampling software the unit "would need Xilinx's biggest Virtex FPGA's."

My playlist included the new Caroline Shaw "The Wheel" album (DSD256 download) recorded in October 2021 at Auditorium du Conservatoire Darius Milhaud, d’Aix-en-Provence. The sound is alive and spacious. The Wheel was Stereophile's February Recording of the Month, Jason Victor Serinus writes: "It's also one of the finest recordings I've encountered; engineer/producer Olivier Rosset's recording is on par with Jim Anderson and Ulrike Schwarz's recent efforts for Patricia Barber and Jane Ira Bloom and Morten Lindberg's continuing triumphs on his 2L label [also included in my playlist]. The Wheel's astoundingly wide dynamic range rivals that of Translations, John Atkinson and Doug Tourtelot's superb recording of the Portland State Chamber Choir. For air, tonal variety, depth, texture, and visceral/emotional impact, The Wheel is one of the finest chamber recordings I've encountered."

I agree completely. The Nano-polished Silver speaker cables put the listener in the first row. Any volume is perfect, the recording never gets too loud, the sound is clear and grain free. "Boris Kerner," for cello + flower pots was my go-to cut for tone and dynamics and really emphasized the difference between the Torsion Silver and Copper cables.

Torsion UPOCC Nano-polished Silver has zero downside, the polishing removes all the negative attributes usually associated with silver wire, a revelation would be an understatement. The synergy with the Haiku RCA and AerØ Ag USB is perfect. In my 2022 review I said the Haiku and AerØ did not work well with the Kimber 8VS speaker cable, all this changed when the Torsion Silver was plugged in. This cable will reproduce absolutely every musical nuance without a hint of brightness. But beware, the Silver will also flawlessly reproduce a less than stellar DACs limitations, phono cartridge misalignment or system noise.

The Torsion hand polished Copper is smooth as Frank Sinatra. This is a cable you can sink into and be enveloped by sensuous sounds. The flower pots were not quite as percussive or with the same extended ting, the jump factor was not as high but the sound was just a satisfying, similar to moving from the 1st row to the 15th. The Copper is warmer too, not that the Silver is cool, the Copper has a natural warmth, you know it when you hear it like when you find that perfect tube. The soundstage and bass of both cables is excellent, wide and deep spaces with a balanced tonality.

The Torsion Copper with spades is a big cable and not as flexible as Kimber Kable. Amps will need 6" below the binding posts to allow the cables to bend.

The Salk HT2-TL speaker's sensitivity is 88dB with strong bass down to 34Hz. The Seas Excel W18 magnesium cone drives need current to maximize their performance. I discovered a single run of Kimber 4VS attenuated the bass. The 4VS has an aggregate wire size of 13 AWG, a double run has an aggregate wire size of 10 AWG, which is the sweet spot for the HT2-TLs. My test recording was "Temple Caves" from Mickey Hart's Planet Drum. A single run of Kimber has pretty good bass, a double run made the single pane glazed windows in my old rental rattle. If your speakers don't have strong output below 40 Hz or you use a sub with a high level connection (amp) then the wire gauge may not make any difference and 14 AWG or 15 AWG may work just fine.

You guys can see where this is heading...combining the 15 gauge Silver and 14 gauge Copper equals 12 gauge, the Salk's are going to love this. Usually combining two different types of cables is a real bad idea, Kimber 4VS + Monster Cable was a disaster. But the two Hapa speaker cables are close enough in design, one pair has spades, the other has bananas so hooking up to an amp is easy. I kept the Cardas copper speaker jumpers because the Seas drivers can borrow unused current from the tweeter posts. I actually tried bi-wiring without the jumpers and the boost in performance was not as dramatic. Keep the jumpers! As a bonus, keeping the jumpers on makes this type of hookup extremely dangerous and possibly disastrous to your amp if polarity on one pair of wires is reversed. I triple checked everything with a flashlight before turning on the amp.

The Hapa Torsion speaker wires are different colors but kind of look the same in low light, it would be so easy to make a mistake. Jason really should use red and black heat shrink at the ends.

Bi-wiring with the Sliver and Copper (and using the EVS Ground Enhancers) is an example where the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts, it's like 1+1+1=10. The Silvers get a little warmth, the Copper has more clarity and instead of the soundstage expanding the entire front wall and speakers disappear. No grain, no added sharpness, the performers magically appear 10' in front of you, an OMG moment for sure. Part of this illusion is provided by the increase in low level information. The sound of the recording space is important to creating a live performance, most of that sound is 20Hz - 40Hz and the Silver/Copper combo lets every single electron of low level info get to your speakers, the REL Gibraltar G2 sub also excels at low level information. The sound won't be as dramatic and deep without a fast sub included in a system.

But wait, there's more. The Silver/Copper combo low level resolution goes below the recording studio's noise floor. I couldn't find any info how the Caroline Shaw "The Wheel" album was recorded but it sure sounds like a Direct-to-DXD or one step away from the master tape, it is superbly quiet with high dynamics. When the last track ends just before the album stops the recording electronics can be heard. It could be the mike feed, the DXD processor background noise or master tape but it is there, faint but easily heard. This is as close as it gets to listening to a performance at a live recording session vs. listening to a recording.

The EVS Ground Enhancers fell off everyone's radar 12 years ago. I stuck them on my speakers in 2011, did a review and never removed them. The Hapa speaker cables gave me a reason to remove them. I wanted to review the Torsion cables au naturel without any enhancements. I then discovered that without the ground enhancers the sound was firmly anchored between the speakers, music sounded just like everybody else's stereo - boring. So I put the enhancers back on. Nice to know I wasn't delusional after all. I wrote a review in 2011:

"I have been listening to the EVS Ground Enhancers for a couple of weeks and am amazed at what they can do.

"... I didn't notice any break in period, the sound and presentation changed immediately and I have not noticed any change since. The enhancers made quite a few changes to the character of the sound.

"The most noticeable change is greater separation. Instruments and voices are more delineated in space. Music that seemed to be clumped between the speakers is now spread out: left, right, and center with individual musicians easier to pick out. With a wider sound stage there is also more depth, the area between the speakers opens up quite nicely. The Miles Gurtu album has a lot going on, the enhancers turn the album into an aural 3 ring circus.

"Some people have mentioned more bass or treble, I did not notice an increase at either end. Listening to music from an adjoining room the stereo sounds exactly the same as before."

EVS Website:

It would be interesting to hear if open baffle speakers benefit as much from the EVS Ground Enhancers.

Hapa Audio cables enable everything on the recording to be heard, effortlessly. But you will have to bi-wire to realize the full potential of the Torsion. Trust me, it's worth it.

Well done Jason.  :thankyou:
