RESULTS: 89259/89248/Silver Hybrid Interconnects

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RESULTS: 89259/89248/Silver Hybrid Interconnects
« on: 16 Jan 2003, 06:48 pm »
I've been using Jon Risch’s 89259/89248 (unshielded) twisted pair IC's for some time now and have been generally happy, except for a missing wee bit of top end air and detail. My system is generally warm sounding, so the results of my experiment may have different results in your system (see the members section for my system details).
I borrowed a silver IC from a friend recently (4 strand star quad) and, although it did bring an abundance of detail and air, it did not have the magic midrange and naturalness of Jon's recipe. This resulted in the following copper/silver hybrid recipe, which uses Jon's 89259/89248 twisted pair as its core. The goal being to try and get the best from both metals.
I obtained some 30 guage .999 soft annealed bare silver jewelers wire. My 89259/89248 twist is wrapped with 2 layers of teflon plumbers tape to start (see Jon's recipe). I connected one end of the silver wire to the + pin of my copper twist (89248) and twisted it around the cable, in the same direction as the copper twist. Follow the groove between the twists over the teflon tape, to the other + cable pin. I then connected another strand of silver to the - ground (89259) and twisted it around the cable, in the opposite groove. Make sure these are not touching anywhere, be especially careful inside the RCA barrel (I used Cardas SLVR's). The whole thing was then covered with 2 more layers of teflon plumbers tape. Finish with a cover/braid of your choice. Mine are unshielded, but I suppose you could apply a shield if neede per Jon's recipe. You may want to use 1" pieces of teflon tape to help hold the silver in place during construction - it shifts easily. Alternately I suppose you could use very small pieces of masking tape to hold the silver in place, and remove it as you apply the full wrap.
This results in a kind of ++-- twist overall. The different physical sizes of the copper and silver wire make it nearly impossible to create a star quad twist, but the layers of teflon tape over the copper twist should provide some extra insulation between it and the silver.
This wire took a long time burning in: 70+ continuous hours, not surprising for silver. Before that things were flat and lifeless without any imaging to speak of. After burn-in (100+ hours now) I feel that I have achieved what I was looking for. In a direct comparison against a regular 89259/89248 twisted pair I hear no difference in the midrange. Perhaps a slight tightening of the bass. Top end extension is what I was looking for and what I got. It is not an overwhelming difference, like the silver alone, but a sweetening with extra "tinkle" and detail while retaining the midrange warmth. The silver by itself also tended to pull things forward in the soundstage; the hybrid does not. Everything seems localized where it was before with just a bit more sparkle and air. I tried it both between the DAC and preamp, and between the preamp and amp with the same results.
The main reason I tried this configuration was that I wouldn't have to construct a full set over again (lazy). I just used an existing 89259/89248 interconnect and spiraled the silver around it. I was fairly happy with my copper twisted pair. All I was trying to do was add some of the silver "sheen" and detail to the copper, and not lose all the good things the copper was doing for me.
I listened again last night and, although I hate to say this way overused phrase, "I was hearing things I never heard before". Definitely more details all over (top, mids, bottom). Definitely more air and twinkle in the treble. I didn't lose the warm mids (thank God) or the very natural tonality that the copper brings to the table. I also didn't get the thinness and the overly-heightened detail that silver alone sounded like in my system.
This will take time to fully appreciate and I don't want it to sound like I'm a raving lunatic or neophyte, but it is definitely better than before. I am VERY happy with the results. I'm using this one now between the pre and amp. Would I add a second one between the DAC and pre? I don't know, it might add too much detail and I definitely don't want to lose the vinyl like smoothness that I have now.
I want to thank Jon Risch for his overall excellence and dedication to this hobby. I also want to thank Chris for sharing his successful silver recipe which led me to try this experiment.
