Has anybody received anything from Promitheus audio in the last 7 months?

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 4
I ordered an Apollo preamp with c-core tvc and output transformer, on 12th June 2009.
On the 19th October (after numerous attempts to email), I was told it would be 3 weeks until delivery, due to a problem with the c-cores.
I have had no further communication despite sending another email requesting an update.
I have no doubt the Apollo will be worth the wait, so as long as I get the product I can live with a little more delay. Though I will now have to pay an extra 2.5% VAT, when the item finally arrives, due to U.K. tax changes.
It would just be nice if Nicholas would be a little more upfront with his estimated delivery times, instead of saying what we would like to hear.

To cheer up us poor people, still wondering if we will ever receive our items, paid for in the dim distant past. Could people who ordered things around this time and have received it let us know. Maybe it is only a problem with non standard items like mine. It might also help assure anybody looking to purchase from Nicholas, that things are not always as bad as this forum seems to show.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 6
I received a pair of c-core TVCs ordered at mid April a few weeks ago! Other parts ordered at mid July also arrived two weeks ago. I still have to receive some power transformers and chokes ordered at the end of May... And here I'm talking about single transformers and parts. I can only think that a complete preamplifier may take more time. My experience with Promitheus has always been positive about items quality and I always got what ordered, I wouldn't worry about this. But communication and delivery times should be addressed. Soon.
That said I believe that their c-core TVCs are something really special. Something I would wait for!
Ciao from Italy.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 64
I would have considered buying a TVC Ref 4 but this forum has made me reconsider.  It reminds me too much of the Singlepower Audio debacle, which cost me enough money and stress.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 23
I wouldn't recommend Promitheus to my worst enemy.
I waited 4 1/2 months for my dac to arrive. I was happy with it and ordered a TVC. Never worked properly, and Nick just ignored
my emails for 5 months. When he did finally respond, the shipping charges were more than it would cost to have it repaired here.
It was wired incorrectly, which means it was never tested (you couldn't have heard it and not realized it was faulty). So that speaks
very highly of his quality control... I don't think.

It isn't just annoying to never have your emails answered, it's insulting. We pay our money up front and then he treats us with contempt.

There are many audio manufacturers out there building better equipment. Prospective customers should look to those options first.
Life's too short to have to deal with people like Nick.


  • Guest
Just to add my 2 cents.

I ordered a Dual Mono TVC a while back.................. This is the model that is housed in two wooden boxes, one box for LEFT and one box for RIGHT

I read the BAD PRESS/GOOD PRESS and still decided to purchase, I was a bit scared of how long it may take :?.

The communication was good, before purchase and after purchase.
The product was great, perfect shape and well built....works as stated.

Nick said it would be shipped in about two weeks, It took Two Months, I assumed it would take longer than stated because I read the BAD PRESS.

Over all I had a great experience with Nicks Communication/Product and would consider buying again.
WAS I A LUCKY ONE?   :scratch:


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 26
    • http://romandoc.com/
You guys who are still ordering stuff from this Nicholas individual are doing yourselves a big disservice to the audio community. I simply have this to say: when taking into account everything, the sound quality, the build quality, the delivery times, the after sale service, his dishonesty and the communication from the manufacturer his products are GROSSLY OVERPRICED! This guy should simply be out of business. Not recommended, this after I spent myself almost $3,000 a couple of years ago I repeat this: not recommended!


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 26
    • http://romandoc.com/
Just to add my 2 cents.

I ordered a Dual Mono TVC a while back.................. This is the model that is housed in two wooden boxes, one box for LEFT and one box for RIGHT

I read the BAD PRESS/GOOD PRESS and still decided to purchase, I was a bit scared of how long it may take :?.

The communication was good, before purchase and after purchase.
The product was great, perfect shape and well built....works as stated.

Nick said it would be shipped in about two weeks, It took Two Months, I assumed it would take longer than stated because I read the BAD PRESS.

Over all I had a great experience with Nicks Communication/Product and would consider buying again.
WAS I A LUCKY ONE?   :scratch:

Yes, you WERE a very lucky one, provided that the product you got will last forever and you won't have to get any service from the manufacturer. Try ordering something custom or, god forbid, get anything from him with some kind of a defect or problems after the sale. Or pay for some high quality parts that turn out to be chinese counterfeited crap. See what kind of service and communication you'll get from him then. He's very lucky he's not in the US to answer legally for the crap he puts people through and he's even luckier he has people actually still sending him money!!!


  • Guest

Yes, you WERE a very lucky one, provided that the product you got will last forever and you won't have to get any service from the manufacturer. Try ordering something custom or, god forbid, get anything from him with some kind of a defect or problems after the sale. Or pay for some high quality parts that turn out to be chinese counterfeited crap. See what kind of service and communication you'll get from him then. He's very lucky he's not in the US to answer legally for the crap he puts people through and he's even luckier he has people actually still sending him money!!!

Why then is Nick still in business?

I have seen only "negative" threads about Promitheus. Maybe I should start a "positive" thread to see the contrast between the two.

???????????????? Nick better clean up his act if he wants to stay in business, then again people have been saying that for years now ???????????

What gives?


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 4
I only started this to see how widespread the problem was. I was hoping there would be lots of people saying, there is nothing to worry about. To put my mind at ease. That it should not take too much longer.  That they had ordered stuff and it had all arrived safely and all that all is well, sort of things.

I guess in a forum, the dissatisfied people tend to be the most vocal. As I know if I had my preamp and it was working fine, I wouldn't really be keeping a close eye on this. Instead I tend to look in every day, to see if other people are having the same problem.

But I still would have expected to see more positive replies.
The general view I got before I ordered. Was that it would be a long wait, but the product was great. Now the replies put that in doubt as well.

I will hang in and hope that any fears are unfounded. There are too many satisfied people to totally write off the gear as rubbish. There will always be duds, but it would be nice to think that any faulty products would be rectified quickly. With a good after sales service.

There must be more people out there who are totally happy with their purchase. That didn't have a nightmare waiting for it to arrive. Got faults fixed quickly and easily.

Maybe those people are too busy listening to their wonderful systems. So haven't got time to look in forums.
Or maybe I am living in a dreamworld and things are as bad as it seems and I have made a big mistake.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 26
    • http://romandoc.com/
I only started this to see how widespread the problem was. I was hoping there would be lots of people saying, there is nothing to worry about. To put my mind at ease. That it should not take too much longer.  That they had ordered stuff and it had all arrived safely and all that all is well, sort of things.

I guess in a forum, the dissatisfied people tend to be the most vocal. As I know if I had my preamp and it was working fine, I wouldn't really be keeping a close eye on this. Instead I tend to look in every day, to see if other people are having the same problem.

But I still would have expected to see more positive replies.
The general view I got before I ordered. Was that it would be a long wait, but the product was great. Now the replies put that in doubt as well.

I will hang in and hope that any fears are unfounded. There are too many satisfied people to totally write off the gear as rubbish. There will always be duds, but it would be nice to think that any faulty products would be rectified quickly. With a good after sales service.

There must be more people out there who are totally happy with their purchase. That didn't have a nightmare waiting for it to arrive. Got faults fixed quickly and easily.

Maybe those people are too busy listening to their wonderful systems. So haven't got time to look in forums.
Or maybe I am living in a dreamworld and things are as bad as it seems and I have made a big mistake.

OK, so let me say this:
You will, eventually, get your order. Nick does deliver, in the end, your product, you'd be a first as far as I know to not receive it. But then, after this long wait, you are on you own if something doesn't go right. And you'll see that there are plenty of things that will go wrong, like some finish problem, some connection problem, switch&knob problems and you better have someone here in the states to take care of you because Nick won't. His are NOT high quality products as far as us, here in the states, expect, but merely high perceived value. I can show you higher value, higher quality and better sounding stuff available here with serious customer support and peace of mind for any price point that he sells at, right here in US.
Those folks who think that they got good customer support when they received their $300 or thereabouts standard stuff wait until something goes wrong or until they order something custom 5-10 times more expensive and how they feel about their purchase and customer service then.
So having spent almost $3,000 on a custom preamp from Nick my opinion is this: NOT RECOMMENDED. Take this or the other guy's opinion who spent $300 on standard stuff and got good service and see what suits you the best.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 23
Completely agree with everything romandoc said. And I'll add that much of the hype surrounding Nick's
equipment earlier was being driven by just a few individuals. Don't waste your money or your time.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 8
I ordered an Apollo preamp with c-core tvc and output transformer, on 12th June 2009.
On the 19th October (after numerous attempts to email), I was told it would be 3 weeks until delivery, due to a problem with the c-cores.
I have had no further communication despite sending another email requesting an update.
I have no doubt the Apollo will be worth the wait, so as long as I get the product I can live with a little more delay. Though I will now have to pay an extra 2.5% VAT, when the item finally arrives, due to U.K. tax changes.
It would just be nice if Nicholas would be a little more upfront with his estimated delivery times, instead of saying what we would like to hear.

To cheer up us poor people, still wondering if we will ever receive our items, paid for in the dim distant past. Could people who ordered things around this time and have received it let us know. Maybe it is only a problem with non standard items like mine. It might also help assure anybody looking to purchase from Nicholas, that things are not always as bad as this forum seems to show.

I can only copy a post from an other part of this forum:

"Have har only bad experiences from the man:

4. april 2009 13.42
"I have ordered, and paid for a TVC with  remote control and a silver XLR cable from Promitheus.
Last payment was made in the middle of march 2008, first payment in autumn 2007.
Total payment of 865$.
NO signs of any products and no reply from Promitheus/Nicholas when trying to get a clarification via mail.
Last reply from you/your company was around christmas, no news after this.
If you continue to ignore my requests, I will step up my actions towards paypal and other relevant fora.
I would be happy to get this case over with, by you shipping the products I have paid for or that you make a full refund of the sum I have paid to you."

14. april 2009 16.34
"Hi Lars
We will be shipping out your unit on 22 apr 09.
Regards Nicholas"

25. september 2009 16.24
Any news about the shipment that was suppose to be sent on 22 april 2009?

Since then, no reply... 
I would recommend all potential customers to be aware.
If you read this, Nicholas, maybe now would be the time to do something about the situation?"

I now hold no hope of ever seing my payment refunded, or getting the products paid for in full delivered.
I only hope that this man and his company goes out of business as soon as possible to save other potential customers this experience.
I will as long as i can, do my utmost to warn people about Promitheus audio on every forum I can access.


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 5484
  • Rollo Audio Consulting -
Completely agree with everything romandoc said. And I'll add that much of the hype surrounding Nick's
equipment earlier was being driven by just a few individuals. Don't waste your money or your time.

  Now since I resemble that remark I must comment. Yes everthing I said about the original dual monos sound TVC stands. I was so impressed by the possibilities of the TVC that I went to Malaysia to talk to Nicholas to form a partnership and a possible upscale line of TVCs, DACs and Amps. His Mom and Dad were excellent hosts which I wil never forget. They were to manf. stock to be sold through a US based Promitheus distributor/dealer.
   Unfortunately it did not work out. Our biggest issue was communication to service the customer base from the US with tech support and the like. Enough said about that without getting into detail which is personal between Promitheus and myself.
 Although very excited with my results of the dual mono TVC NO hype or BS, what I said was the truth. AS far as what has happened after that I have no clue.



  • Restricted
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   Enough said about that without getting into detail which is personal between Promitheus and myself.
 Although very excited with my results of the dual mono TVC NO hype or BS, what I said was the truth. AS far as what has happened after that I have no clue.


Charles, as you stated, this was personal between you two, maybe it should have been left that way?  :scratch:


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 5484
  • Rollo Audio Consulting -

Charles, as you stated, this was personal between you two, maybe it should have been left that way?  :scratch:

 Robin. our negotiations are private all else is public knowledge. If you like I can delete it.



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 37
The tvc stands on it's own merits. Going back several years now to initial production the basic tvc and a subsequent upgrade to a single box "reference model" improved the sound of my high cost, high end system as promised by initial reports and objective reviews. When I experienced a problem w the first unit it was replaced promptly. I received both units (usa) in under a wk.  I have and had no complaints and I believe an attack on the quality, value or sonic worth of these  tvc's is unwarranted. BUT at the present time I am troubled by the reports of long delays and lack of responsiveness. I also am not sure that the flood of products which followed the tvc, ie amps and digital devices, were up to the same sonic standard and have not heard the transformerless "C" versions. While I would not advise anyone to send money off into a vacuum do not throw the baby out w the bathwater. The tvc is a wonderful piece of equipment. At the same time the current business practices of Promitheus are not acceptable. I can only hope the latter are rapidly resolved so these great little boxes get out to you.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 4
Preamp arrived last week. I am very pleased with the sound ( am still burning in so should get better ) and build quality.
Hang in there if you are in the same boat, of not getting replies about delivery times, lack of email responses etc.
Hopefully things will addressed and improved upon.


Great news, redabook. There is hope after all.  :thumb:


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 6
For completeness, two or three weeks ago, sorry for delay in publishing this, I received all power transformers and chokes. Again they're skilfully built and exactly meet requirements. As far as I know they make use of Z11 cores which is a "audio" grade material, used normally for output transformers. There are some advantages. Last year I bought some power transformers for a 45 tube based SE amp: even after 6 hours of continuous use they're pratically cold! Not a bad feature!
« Last Edit: 16 Feb 2010, 09:33 pm by fvale »


  • Newbie
  • Posts: 1
For completeness, two or three weeks ago, sorry for delay in publishing this, I received all power transformers and chokes. Again they're skilfully built and exactly meet requirements. As far as I know they make use of Z11 cores which is a "audio" grade material, used normally for output transformers. There are some advantages. Last year I bought some power transformers for a 45 tube based SE amp: even after 6 hours of continuous use they're pratically cold! Not a bad feature!

In 2008 I bought/ordered his GM70 monoamps 65Kg each, he told me delivery after 4mnds and he sounded very honest and proper both on phone and mail, and I also checked some refrenses.
14 mnd's later and after many mails and tlf I got the amp, thast more than a year. I do not know if any other has bougt his GM70 but his prise was 1/3 of example Dehavilland from US with even larger power supply in separate cabs, this amp is single ended pure class-A 2x30watt.
His problem is capasity and instead of being honest to the customer he let them wait, first of all he should get a secretary who can answer his mails etc. so customer does not feel left alone. He makes his Hi-Fi product after his own entusiastic ideas and I think he will not let any other make the final touch in his products making him work to much, gradually he has been tired.
I finally got mail from him today, in far east there is New Year now, so he confirmed he will be back this Monday 22 Feb. for finishing parts for customers.
I'm not sure if Nicholas actually understand how important it is to support customers by a few words only to let them know that he is there and work with having order finish and delivered, I have wrote this to him many times but this looks to be a difrent culture. If he is goin to stay in the marked he must keep his time on delivery and keep up good comunication with customer. Going out of marked because of bad roomers takes years to build up again, and the world is getting smaller and smaller so he should think about that.

Regards from partly satisfied customer.