Groneberg Quattro Reference Interconnects/Speaker cables.

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I am currently running a pair of Stratos monos with caps upgrade driving ML Ascents through an ARC LS-12 preamp using PAD Museaus Rev. C bi-wire speaker cables.  For about sometime now, I am continuosly auditioning interconnects( HGA Silver Lace, Nordost Blue Heaven RevII, MIT 330 mid impedance, Kimber Silver Streak,and Kimber Hero, and whatever I can get my hands on from under $400 range).

My brother, who happens to own a Stereo Stratos with caps upgrade and Groneberg Reference Quattro inteconnects, persuaded me to audition the Groneberg a few days ago.  Out of curiosity, and recalling the fact that these cables performs excellent synergy as mentioned extensively at Harmonicdiscord's Odyssey site, (not to mention that Klaus ask me in passing when I was ordering my amps a couple of months ago if I have tried this interconnects) I borrowed two sets for my CD-pre-amp links.

What I've heard is a sort of revelation.  The cables extracts tremendous detail and clarity that made me a believer instantly.  The bass finally sounds to what I've been dreaming of.  I called Klaus the next day to inquire about another Groneberg cable (TS premium) which Klaus also mentioned to me before when I first inquire about the monos.  Why not the Quattro? Because this guy (Klaus), based on my experienced have not steered us (my brother and I) wrong nor hyped up any Odyssey product we inquired about especially its performance (i.e. what to expect).  Why make the journey longer, I know that someday (the time frame depending on my itch to upgrade) I will call Klaus about the TS premium anyway.  Needless to say, HGA and Fatwyre will receive a box of returned interconnects from yours truly as soon as possible.

As a thought, I am researching about the Groneberg speaker cables to run my Ascents in a shotgun mode.  To those who have them, what's your opinion/observation with regards to its synergy with the interconnects?  In my case, would you suggest connecting it to the electrostatic panels(and the PAD below) or to the woofers?  Any opinions, recommendations, insights, and comments are greatly appreciated.

Long Live Odyssey!  :D


« Reply #1 on: 7 Jan 2003, 03:34 am »
Marbles, thanks for the input! I've read a lot of your replies as well as postings at the "discord".  In some way I am very familiar and an avid follower of discussions at the Odyssey site out there so to speak.  

As for the new monos, I am definitely interested in the upgrades.  Unfortunately, my monos (not the reference type) are only two months old.  I believe that it is not wise to do upgrades at this time because I will be missing the "big" picture as far as what I really have,  as it is not cost effective in my part as well.  I want to savor what I have first.   I am still in the break in period and wants to know what my monos w/ 360000 cap upgrade can really do.  But definitely, I will upgrade to the refs in the future. Thanks again and I am proud to be a member of this site! :)


« Reply #2 on: 7 Jan 2003, 06:20 am »
BSURSUCSIMIM (Be as you are as you see as I am, Iam)!  It's a part of the lyrics of a song whom I cannot recall the artist, James Taylor?

This is the first tune that I can still remember ( way back when I was on first grade, I think) which I made a promise that someday, I will assemble a system so I can figure out what the hell does that song really meant! :lol:

As far as "qnme in retro", sorry to say that it's just a combination of monikers that me and my better half come up with to summarize our journey. :oops:

Doc Jr 8156

« Reply #3 on: 7 Jan 2003, 06:01 pm »
Quote from: amandarae
BSURSUCSIMIM (Be as you are as you see as I am, Iam)!  It's a part of the lyrics of a song whom I cannot recall the artist, James Taylor?

This is the first tune that I can still remember ( way back when I was on first grade, I think) which I made a promise that someday, I will assemble a system so I can figure out what the hell does that song really meant! :lol:

As far as "qnme in retro", sorry to say that it's just a combination of monikers that me and my better half come up with to summarize our journey. :oops:

Really,  I heard a different version on how all these " lettered monicker" came about.  Hey Amandarae, I'm just messing with you.  I found you.  Anyway, thanks for the mini-review of the Groneberg. These cables are the real deal.  They will get better and better in time.  

Guys, what Amandarae said about all the mentioned cables above this post were true.  As a first hand observer to this guy's journey to find IC's that suit his taste, I can confidently say that the Reference Quattros shamed all the other cables mentioned.  For the price that "K" (laus) sell them, I think, performance wise they are at par with IC's around $300-$350" price.  I compared mine to Acoustic Zens MK's and cannot hear a significant difference to justify the price difference.

Sometimes, were all searching everywhere for answers that are already there!


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...and the price K sells them for is?
« Reply #4 on: 7 Jan 2003, 06:41 pm »
[quote="Doc Jr 8156]I can confidently say that the Reference Quattros shamed all the other cables mentioned.  For the price that "K" (laus) sell them, I think, performance wise they are at par with IC's around $300-$350" price.  I compared mine to Acoustic Zens MK's and cannot hear a significant difference to justify the price difference.

Novice question - what does K sell them for? The web site is still "under construction" in the cable aera  (Klaus - need help with that?)

I just spent some time and $$$ on DIY silver cables with Eichman Bullet RCA plugs that made my system come alive in a way I never expected ( )  Not sure where to rank these cables, but I sure would like to compare them with K's wires before I order some more silver wire for my 4 mono bi-amping setup. the cost of my silver IC's with these plugs is about $80 per set at 2-3 feet each (plus a few fun hours of sniffing solder and heat shrink fumes after wrapping teflon tape around costly silver wires). I'll need two more sets of these to hook up the second set of amps and the active crossover.

I also built speaker wires following the infamous CAT-5 recipe - ( ) and immediately dumped some now redundant Audioquests on ebay. It took about 20 seconds of listening to non-broken-in cat-5 to know what to do with the old wires. And yes, Klaus - I measured and measured and measured again before plugging them in. No short, no broken monos  :D  They're really singing now.


Doc Jr 8156

Re: ...and the price K sells them for is?
« Reply #5 on: 7 Jan 2003, 07:35 pm »
Quote from: speedcenter
[quote="Doc Jr 8156]I can confidently say that the Reference Quattros shamed all the other cables mentioned.  For the price that "K" (laus) sell them, I think, performance wise they are at par with IC's around $300-$350" price.  I compared mine to Acoustic Zens MK's and cannot hear a significant difference to justify the price difference.

Novice question - what does K sell them for? The web site is still "under construction" in the cable aera  (Klaus - need help with that?)

I just spent some time and $$$ on DIY silver cables with Eichman Bullet RCA plugs that made my system come alive in a way I never expected ( )  Not sure where to rank these cables, but I sure would like to compare them with K's wires before I order some more silver wire for my 4 mono bi-amping setup. the cost of my silver IC's with these plugs is about $80 per set at 2-3 feet each (plus a few fun hours of sniffing solder and heat shrink fumes after wrapping teflon tape around costly silver wires). I'll need two more sets of these to hook up the second set of amps and the active crossover.

I also built speaker wires following the infamous CAT-5 recipe - ( ) and immediately dumped some now redundant Audioquests on ebay. It took about 20 seconds of listening to non-broken-in cat-5 to know what to do with the old wires. And yes, Klaus - I measured and measured and measured again before plugging them in. No short, no broken monos  :D  They're really singing now.



As If my memory serves me right, "K" sell them between $150-$200 per meter pair depnding on his mood.  Just kidding Klaus! (El Jefe de Odyssey). :lol:


Groneberg Quattro Reference Interconnects/Speaker cables.
« Reply #6 on: 7 Jan 2003, 10:48 pm »
I really like my TS premiums.  I use them as interconnects between my Symphonic Line CD player and preamp as well as between the Kraft amps and Bel Canto speakers.  There are photos in my gallery if you haven't seen them.  The build is excellent.  Very attractive also but the only other  cables I've had in the system are Cobalt cables.  The Cobalt's weren't big enough to fit the speaker terminals so it's probably not fair to compare them anyway.

What I did notice though was a distinct increase in depth of soundstage and a lot more detail.  They added to the control the amps have over the speakers.

I've been reading about amplifier characteristics in the "why do amps sound different?" thread in the audio circle and one thing I had noticed even with the Cobalts was the settling time of my amplifiers.    It was fantastic!  That seemed a lot sharper with the TS Premiums.   Haven't listened for rise time, but I'd imagine that's improved as well.  Didn't know to listen it until reading the thread.  I'm not saying it changes it, but that I'm able to hear it better.  I'm still playing with my system too much to give a reference point but, like the rest of the posters in this thread who've purchased from Klaus, I haven't been disappointed with a suggestion of his so far.



edit:  Just wanted to add that I don't know the settling time of my amps, but what I feel is audible manifestation of it sounded fantastic to me. :D


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  • Posts: 9
Re: Groneberg Quattro Reference Interconnects/Speaker cables.
« Reply #7 on: 8 Dec 2024, 12:48 am »
I’ve trusted Klaus for over 30 years and was somewhat reluctant to use Groneburg as ic and speaker cable, but since that’s what Klaus recommended and wired my amps with, I went with them and have not been disappointed.