Considering building a pair, but a few questions

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Re: Considering building a pair, but a few questions
« Reply #20 on: 11 Dec 2024, 02:24 pm »
In your experience, how do the NX-Studios compare to the 805's? What year are your 805's? I'm wondering because the 805's used to be on my short list of potential speakers, but I went with the "bang for the buck" and opted for the Studios. I have no regrets with the Studios.

My 805s were the original models, purchased in 1999.  They were US$2000 for the pair, which seems like a bargain compared to the updated models that came after for 2x, 3x or 4x the price I paid.

Generally speaking I think the 2 models are comparable, but I'd give the edge to the NX-Studio.  At some point I decided I don't like the sound of a port (I now prefer sealed speakers, if not OB) so I plugged the ports on the 805s, which gives up a little bass, but makes it tighter.  The design of the NX-Studio tweeter makes them sound a little more extended and open as well.  But I used my 805s exclusively and loved them for more than 20 years - I'm not getting rid of them.  Both models benefit from a subwoofer, imho, so I wouldn't be without one.


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Re: Considering building a pair, but a few questions
« Reply #21 on: 12 Dec 2024, 05:32 pm »
It was in fact 1999 when I heard both 801's and 805's. Not only were the 801's priced beyond my budget, they were way too big for my listening space. The 805's(with a sub) sounded very close to the 801's. As I am a "bang for the buck" kinda guy, I kept reading about speakers on forums after hearing the B&W's-Youtube was still six years into the future. Madisound kept coming up(GR-Research wasn't around yet either) on these forums in my pursuit of better sound at a respectable price to performance ratio. I landed on the Dynaudio Gemini's from Madisound and was/am happy with them for the last 25 years. They weren't cheap, but you get what you pay for. Having had a pair of Vandersteen 2c's since 1988 and comparing them to the Gemini's, the Gemini's (imo) had a much more pleasing sound compared to the Vandee's. Today the Gemini's are in a breakfast nook (turned listening/lounging space) and powered by a Fosey amp with a Wiim streamer and an SVS Micro 3000 sub. The NX-Studios are in my main system and sound much more polished, rich and complete than the Gemini's.  I sold the 2c's because we got a kitten and to him those Vandee's were giant scratching posts. I still wax nostalgic about both the Vandee's and the 805's and even the 801's. If I had the storage space, I'd get a pair of all of them just to play around with.  Thanks for your reply. Have a Merry Christmas.


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Re: Considering building a pair, but a few questions
« Reply #22 on: 12 Dec 2024, 06:20 pm »
Interesting comments about the Vandersteins. It's been quite a few years since I have seen or heard any but my recollection was they sounded very "tubby" at the time but otherwise the mid range seemed ok. Long time also since hearing any B&W's but its encouraging the GR-Research are beyond those in sound quality. I still keep leaning toward the NX-Oticas for now but might put it off for a few months. All good info being posted. Thanks


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Re: Considering building a pair, but a few questions
« Reply #23 on: 12 Dec 2024, 07:23 pm »
Interesting comments about the Vandersteins. It's been quite a few years since I have seen or heard any but my recollection was they sounded very "tubby" at the time but otherwise the mid range seemed ok. Long time also since hearing any B&W's but its encouraging the GR-Research are beyond those in sound quality. I still keep leaning toward the NX-Oticas for now but might put it off for a few months. All good info being posted. Thanks
Let's not forget about other factors in play here, namely tribal allegience, confirmation bias, memory modification over time, and nostalgic thinking. I'm sure there is a loyal group that would say the 805's and/or the Vandersteen 2c's outshine the NX-Studios. I am just as liable to fall victim to these human quirks of behavior/thinking as the next guy. I wonder how these other speakers(805's/Vandersteens) would sound to me today as I have not heard them in 25 years. My hearing has degraded since then and I have done a total remod on my house as well. Memories morph over time. Maybe I am just remembering what I want the truth to be and not what it actually was/is. It would be a fun experiment to play around with these speakers just because I like playing with playing stereos.


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Re: Considering building a pair, but a few questions
« Reply #24 on: 13 Dec 2024, 12:54 am »
@johnwoitalla your comments which do have some merit remind me of a PBS Nova series I watched earlier in the year. Two segments, Your Brain: Who's in Control and Your Brain: Perception Deception. During the two part program I couldn't help but think of how it applied to the audio world as you point out. We are all susceptible to these behavioral patterns.

I would be lying if I didn't say there are days when I don't think my existing system sounds very good and other days am quite impressed by it. No rhyme or reason to why this occurs.


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Re: Considering building a pair, but a few questions
« Reply #25 on: 13 Dec 2024, 02:25 am »
FWIW, I have a roughly 16'x19' room and I've never built a set of speakers, and even though several suggested getting the studios, I happened to agree with someone who said "get the biggest thing you can" I bought the NX-Tremes...just dying waiting for the flatpack to get here so I can get the ball rolling :-)

So, I was sort of in the same boat.  I finally just got off the fence and bought what I have been considering for a year.  I figure worst-case scenario, I'll be able to sell them for at least what I have in them if I'm not enamored by them, but I suspect this won't be the case.  I've watched way too many videos of people talking about how awesome the GR line of speakers are, including Ron from New Record Day. 

Anyways, I thought I'd share that I took the plunge. 



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Re: Considering building a pair, but a few questions
« Reply #26 on: 13 Dec 2024, 03:14 pm »

I would be lying if I didn't say there are days when I don't think my existing system sounds very good and other days am quite impressed by it. No rhyme or reason to why this occurs.

That's why they call it "audio nervosa" lol... some "seed of doubt "and "grass is greener on the other side" type thinking I guess!

Danny Richie

Re: Considering building a pair, but a few questions
« Reply #27 on: 24 Dec 2024, 07:28 pm »
I heard the XBL drivers in several implementations and they were not great.  Midrange sounded closed off and a bit stiff.  On the other hand the bass performance was incredible.

Tyson is right. We had some XBL^ motor drivers made and my thoughts were exactly the same as his.

Danny Richie

Re: Considering building a pair, but a few questions
« Reply #28 on: 24 Dec 2024, 07:31 pm »
The members of the community here have given some great advice.

As Huskerbryce has mentioned, you can get the NX-Oticas to work well in that sized room with the use of room treatment and proper placement.

Some NX-Bravo's or NX-Studio Monitors will be great in there as well.


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Re: Considering building a pair, but a few questions
« Reply #29 on: 28 Dec 2024, 12:07 am »
If I were you, I would call Danny and ask him about what he's working on, re: new LGK speaker.  The "new thing" might be great for that room, and they've raved about it relative to OB.  I sense they are very excited about it and can't wait to really talk about it. 

You might end up with something really cool and special.  I think it's appropriate to consider as part of your decision making. Based on the size of your room, you might regret not doing it once that stuff comes out.


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Re: Considering building a pair, but a few questions
« Reply #30 on: 28 Dec 2024, 05:37 pm »
@jmimac351 thanks for that suggestion, will keep and eye out for it.


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Re: Considering building a pair, but a few questions
« Reply #31 on: 28 Dec 2024, 05:38 pm »
Thanks for that, appreciated!

The members of the community here have given some great advice.

As Huskerbryce has mentioned, you can get the NX-Oticas to work well in that sized room with the use of room treatment and proper placement.

Some NX-Bravo's or NX-Studio Monitors will be great in there as well.