Anyone Using a Reclocker with Good Results?

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Re: Anyone Using a Reclocker with Good Results?
« Reply #20 on: 18 Apr 2023, 12:38 am »
For Roon you really should set up a NUC using a linear power supply and only running ROCK.

Since I am using Windows 11 for both my music server and the tower computer in the next room that has 1TB of music storage I was wondering what is a NUC ROCK?

A quick Google search answered my question.

I also discovered that ROCK may or may not enable Wi-Fi, which the OP needs:

"We recommend using the onboard ethernet, but support for some USB ethernet and WiFi adapters is included. Some of the above NUC7s have built-in WiFi, which we may support, but once again, we recommend using ethernet and not assuming WiFi works here, or is an acceptable solution for Roon Core connectivity."

"It is not recommended to use wifi at all for a Roon Core, that is why it is not offered.
However you could use possibly a USB wifi dongle but again it is not a Roon recommended method for Core connection, which the Nucleus is.
So there would be a good chance for you to suffer a sub par Roon experience which is not what Roon wants."

Rusty Jefferson

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Re: Anyone Using a Reclocker with Good Results?
« Reply #21 on: 18 Apr 2023, 01:12 am »
...I also discovered that ROCK may or may not enable Wi-Fi, which the OP needs:..
The Roon controller app still works wirelessly on a tablet/laptop. The Rock OS is on the Nuc somewhere convenient on the network as with a NAS. He's got an Ethernet connection at his rack already for the bridge (Bryston).

Matt Cooney

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Re: Anyone Using a Reclocker with Good Results?
« Reply #22 on: 18 Apr 2023, 05:36 am »
On the wireless, my experience HAS been affected by my somewhat sucky internet service, which causes Roon to pause play at times.  This is annoying, but I don't think has affected SQ.  I am definitely open to reconsidering my Core, but it is not a current priority as it generally works fine and I do not suspect a SQ impact.

I am going to try a lower or mid- priced audiophile switch (and decent ethernet jumpers), as I am using a cheapo one with wallwart power, and that may indeed cause the Bryston player a little indigestion (along with whatever other noise may be on the LAN).  It might even improve the (already very good in my view) AES performance, and if it cleans up the USB, that will be a bonus.

Thanks again for your help - appreciate this community!


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Re: Anyone Using a Reclocker with Good Results?
« Reply #23 on: 18 Apr 2023, 06:57 am »
I use a Singxer SU-6 between my Roon Rock and DAC so I can go from USB to I2s on my PS Audio Directstream DAC. I like it. For me, it made a larger difference then the linear power supply to the NUC. I liked it enough to purchase an Singxer SU-1 for my headphone system between my Ropiee and Chord Qutest DAC where it it reclocks and goes from from USB to S/PDIF input on the DAC.   

There was a question about NUC Rock not using wifi. That is true, only ethernet will work. I tested a wifi dongle to ethernet for a couple of weeks and never experienced a problem.

Rusty Jefferson

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Re: Anyone Using a Reclocker with Good Results?
« Reply #24 on: 18 Apr 2023, 12:38 pm »
There is another common way to help reduce the network noise by interrupting the data stream with a piece of fiber optical cable that may be more appealing than buying a $2.5k switch (though they make a bigger impact than spending $5k more on your dac). Here's a short video link how to set that up. You'll notice he begins by saying how important it is to have a dedicated Roon core.

High resolution dacs like Berkeley Reference, Aqua  Formula/LinQ, and Chord Dave won't start to show you how capable they are to be both smooth and highly resolving at the same time until the noise is cleaned up. Good luck, and update us if you have any success.

Matt Cooney

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Re: Anyone Using a Reclocker with Good Results?
« Reply #25 on: 18 Apr 2023, 03:26 pm »
Great video Rusty - the fiber stage makes a lot of sense.

Matt Cooney

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Re: Anyone Using a Reclocker with Good Results?
« Reply #26 on: 18 Apr 2023, 03:29 pm »
Oh, and had ordered an LHY SW-8 switch, so will not break the bank to have a better switch, and then can ponder adding the optical isolation measure.

Rusty Jefferson

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Re: Anyone Using a Reclocker with Good Results?
« Reply #27 on: 18 Apr 2023, 08:02 pm »
Took me a minute to track down this Podcast I heard with someone from Innuous. There is discussion about their Phoenix reclocker and the Phoenix switch (he refers to the switch as the Net or Internet several times). I've not used the reclocker, only the switch. It's a good listen. He does discuss specifically some of the things you've experienced with inputs on your Lampizator.


Re: Anyone Using a Reclocker with Good Results?
« Reply #28 on: 23 Jun 2023, 02:34 pm »
What is front of the Golden Gate? I upsample all music to DSD256 using HQPlayer, the result is no USB digital edge without changing the highs. My music server also has an audiophile approved USB card with a linear power supply + Hapa Audio Aero CU USB cable. It all makes a difference and each individual improvement adds up.

I have a Baltic3. Once I heard the USB direct from my Audiolinux Roon endpoint I removed a Mutec 3+ USB from the chain and a Denefrips Hermes that I was trying. Also after years of resolutely refusing to upsample I now let everything go to DSD256.

Lampizator's USB implementation is excellent. I would try looking upstream, including your USB cable. If you do decide to add something between your source and the Lampi do not go cheap because you will definitely hear that with your new DAC.


Re: Anyone Using a Reclocker with Good Results?
« Reply #29 on: 23 Jun 2023, 02:36 pm »
There is another common way to help reduce the network noise by interrupting the data stream with a piece of fiber optical cable that may be more appealing than buying a $2.5k switch (though they make a bigger impact than spending $5k more on your dac). Here's a short video link how to set that up. You'll notice he begins by saying how important it is to have a dedicated Roon core.

High resolution dacs like Berkeley Reference, Aqua  Formula/LinQ, and Chord Dave won't start to show you how capable they are to be both smooth and highly resolving at the same time until the noise is cleaned up. Good luck, and update us if you have any success.

+1 for lowering your noise floor and, if using Roon, having a dedicated, fanless server and a fanless endpoint.