Lampi Amber 2

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Lampi Amber 2
« on: 25 Jan 2022, 05:21 am »
Hello, My Amber 2 DAC has started to have a audible hum coming from the unit, but not thru the speakers. Any one have this happen to there Lampi DAC? Thanks for the help


Re: Lampi Amber 2
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jan 2022, 04:07 am »
I'd guess it's coming from the transformer. If there is DC on the mains it can cause it, Lampis typically have toroidal transformers and those tend to be sensitive to any DC. This isn't always the case, I had a recent purchase with a noisy transformer, it wasn't anything with the power. If you  can take it somewhere else and plug it in, that should indicate where the problem lies. No need to connect it to a system since it's mechanical noise.