Quiescence C Tour

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Re: Quiescence C and Quiescence S IC Cables
« Reply #40 on: 30 Jun 2021, 01:54 am »
Although I’m late offering my opinion I was fortunate to be included in Jason’s kind offer to demo his Quiescence cables and I wanted to share my experience.  I’m not proud of this but before I received those cables I didn’t believe cables could make a difference and for that reason I thought this was a great opportunity to confirm that belief.

I’m currently waiting for my first DAC to be delivered so I’m running a Bluesound Node 2i plugged directly into my integrated amp using some hand me down RCA’s.  Prior to receiving the Hapa Audio cables I spend some time listening to a variety of the music that I know best trying to set a baseline.  Once I received Jason’s cables I plugged them in and gave them a day to settle in.  Again I’m far from having a golden ear but from the first song (all music streamed via Qobuzz) I noticed that notes just sounded very sharp and there was a pleasant depth to the music.  That first night I figured that my brain was telling me that these higher priced cables had to sound better than my old RCA’s and that’s what I was hearing, nothing more. I simply listened to the music that night without trying to pinpoint why I was enjoying it so much. 

The next night I decided to put things to a test, and while everyone may scoff at me, I’m a Red Hot Chili Peppers fan and have been since they formed.  I’ve seen them too many times to count and not a week goes by without listening to one of their albums. One of my favorite songs, and a test song when I listen to other folks audio systems, is 'Slow Cheetah' off their Stadium Arcadium album.  That evening I put that song on, turned up the volume, and I was simply blown away.  I heard a soundstage that spread out much further than I had ever heard and I also detected things in the song that were new to me.   Vocals, guitars, drums, and Flea’s bass were deeper, sharper and had an intensity that I had never heard before (intensity in the context of the RHCP’s is a good thing!).  That night I became a believer that cables were the reason for the improvements that I was hearing.  I was actually floored by what I was hearing and I replayed that song many times that night, my smile growing wider each time.

Will I buy a pair?  That’s a resounding yes.  As I told Jason I have to make a couple decisions once I receive my DAC but I will be supporting Hapa Audio and will have a pair of those cables in my system as soon as possible.  I believe those cables are a must have. Thank you Jason for this opportunity.   


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Re: Quiescence C and Quiescence S IC Cables
« Reply #41 on: 30 Jun 2021, 02:36 am »
The next night I decided to put things to a test, and while everyone may scoff at me, I’m a Red Hot Chili Peppers fan and have been since they formed. One of my favorite songs, and a test song when I listen to other folks audio systems, is 'Slow Cheetah' off their Stadium Arcadium album. 

For me it was the song "Suck My Kiss" that sealed the deal and proved I must have these cables and for the exact reasons you listed. The detail and soundstage that is present is unbelievable. In that song there is the guitar solo mostly out of the right speaker and halfway through you hear Flea sing backup into the mic out of the left speaker only "doo doo doo doo doo doo" that I had NEVER heard before that moment, but now can't mistake it. I can't go back to a lesser quality option to live in denial that I'm missing out.


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Re: Quiescence C and Quiescence S IC Cables
« Reply #42 on: 30 Jun 2021, 03:05 am »
Nlitworld thank you for confirming that I’m not crazy hearing what I heard. I’m going to throw BSSM on tonight and give it a good listen.  I know I’ll be missing a lot without the Hapa’s but it’ll give me something to look forward to. 


Re: Quiescence C and Quiescence S IC Cables
« Reply #43 on: 30 Jun 2021, 03:09 am »
Note: I design my cables to sound amazing ONLY with RHCP music. Any other music that sounds good that isn't RHCP is just a coincidence.  :nono:

Rock on gents! It's awesome to read how great things are sounding for the AC crew. It's a lot of fun reading these reviews.  :thumb: :lol:


Re: Quiescence C Tour
« Reply #44 on: 30 Jun 2021, 03:38 am »
Building your cables was very interesting. Usually I build the QC cables one at a time because it’s just easier to terminate that way, but with your build I just made one giant cable and sectioned it up. I took a phone pic of the entire length after I got done with the silver plated copper shield. 8 meters of cable!!!!

Confession time, after I took this photo and I started cutting it up, I realized I screwed up and only had 7.5 meters.  :duh: so I made another 1 meter cable and saved the .5 meter.  :thumb: :icon_lol:


Re: Quiescence C and Quiescence S IC Cables
« Reply #45 on: 30 Jun 2021, 11:28 am »
If you spin, you owe it to yourself to get THIS repressing of BSSM  https://www.discogs.com/Red-Hot-Chili-Peppers-Blood-Sugar-Sex-Magik/release/3336940
Ducking mind blowing!


Re: Quiescence C Tour
« Reply #46 on: 30 Jun 2021, 01:22 pm »
what a monster. i got them all hooked up. sounding really nice. nice floors pez! thanks for everything


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Re: Quiescence C and Quiescence S IC Cables
« Reply #47 on: 30 Jun 2021, 02:38 pm »
Ducking mind blowing!
It sounds like the cables were not just quackery then. :lol: Yes I do spin vinyl and have the Quiescence C cable from turntable to phono then Breathe C from phono to receiver.  :thumb: That album is on the list of ones I need to finally pick up. There's just too many good albums to choose from these days.


Re: Quiescence C Tour
« Reply #48 on: 30 Jun 2021, 06:38 pm »
Glad to hear it.... Actually, wish I could hear it!  :wink:

Looking forward to the future, I have several products that are on the cusp of release! stay tuned.


Re: Quiescence C and Quiescence S IC Cables
« Reply #49 on: 6 Jul 2021, 03:25 am »
Ahhh, Copper.
An old Frazier episode where Niles was asked to join a classical music discussion group and with his limited knowledge asked Frazier what to do. Frazier replied “when you get into a conversation that is beyond you just say “Ah, Bach”” and that would get him through the predicament. Well I’m goin with it.
Ah, Copper. It just has a way about finding that warm spot in the heart and allows you to enjoy the music for music’s sake. Of course it also has something to do with the quality of the product and the Quiescence Copper of that caliber. This is a very full sounding cable, which on my system that is on the warm side to begin with, lays out a nice sound stage with just a hint of smearing.This is probably more my system than the cable. It’s probably the reason the QS is one of the best cables I’ve ever had in my system. The QC is a fine cable and I’m enjoying it over the Breath Copper but won’t compare since it has been a while and I don’t have the BC for direct evaluation. It’s a toe tapping thing. I’m set up with a single male to double female rca adapter so I’m able to change on the fly and compare different cables just by changing source. With direct comparison to the QC, it held its own to my two reference cables in sound evaluations, one, a pair of diy cables made for me from a friend and two, the Spirit II cable made by Triode Wire Labs. The Spirit is one of the most forgiving cable I’ve ever had and is articulate and still have a very full body. The Diy are very neutral but with gobs of detail (best I’ve ever had in the world of laid back copper) with an incredibly dark background. I ran this combination out of my dac with two inputs in my pre during my time with  Jason’s creations. I put the second pair between the pre and amp but didn’t seem to hear a significant difference when changed back to the Spirit II. Since my system is on the mellow or dark side right now I feel the QC would be great for a neutral to lively system.
The build and material used for the QC is top of the line and a thing of beauty. It’s almost a shame connections are in back of the equipment with these babies cause the shimmer is something to behold.
Can’t thank Jason enough for the time with all of the cables I’ve run through my system since his start up and wish him nothing but the best for a bright future cause all his cables do have some really good redeeming qualities to them. Since I already own the other cables mentioned above, I will be staying where I am with that illusive QS still in my sights down the road.

Sounds like Michael found an interesting combination.
« Last Edit: 6 Jul 2021, 06:17 pm by dflee »


Re: Quiescence C and Quiescence S IC Cables
« Reply #50 on: 8 Jul 2021, 02:50 am »
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. The Quiescence S is a hard cable to best, that is for sure. I'd say more, but perhaps I've already said too much.  :nono: :wink:

I'll be in touch soon for instructions on the next up in the tour.  :thumb:

Also, I'm combining this thread with the official tour thread since we seem to have merged topics already.

Early B.

Re: Quiescence C Tour
« Reply #51 on: 6 Aug 2021, 12:04 am »
Here’s my shotgun assessment of the Hapa Audio demo cables compared to my Danacable Diamond Reference ICs which run from my DAC to preamp. I use XLRs from the preamp to my amps, so I only compared the differences with a single set of Hapa Audio cables installed. The Diamond Reference cables have been my favorite ICs for the past several years. I started my listening sessions at the “bottom” and moved on up.

Breathe Copper – ooohhhh… the cymbals that keep on shimmering – never heard that before. I’m intrigued…bass is thicker than what I’m accustomed to. In fact, the overall sound is slightly thick (i.e., slightly less revealing of microdetails). These cables remind me of a short, stocky dude who’s trying too hard to be the king of the yard. Almost…close enough to worry about my Danacables ‘cause we got three more to go. Keep in mind I’m comparing $399 cables to $1,500 IC’s and I’m talking about very subtle differences. 

Breathe Silver – markedly different from its copper sister. Fast!!!  Sounds like silver -- significantly livelier (i.e., brighter, but in a good way). Bass was on point. More precise, but not as warm as the copper. I think this cable would work well if you listen primarily to instrumental music and your system could use another dab of Brut by Faberge. Better sounding than the Breathe C and we’re still climbing…

Quiescence Copper – just as “fast” as Breathe S, but not as lively. Mildly temperamental – a good thing. Bass is a cross between Breathe C and Breathe S. Believe it or not, I connected a bit more emotionally with the Breathe C. Two things would make this a perfect cable – bass like the Breathe S and a tad more emotion. My top choice of the three so far. About 98% on par with my reference IC for nearly 1/3 the price.

Quiescence Silver— bingo! This cable represents the best of every aspect of the other three cables and more. I expected it to be livelier like the Breathe S, but it has the same smoothness as the Quiescence C. Tight bass - check. Emotionality -- check. Clarity – check. Musicality – check. Yeah, it’s all there. The Quiescence S also bested my reference IC because it peeled back another layer of detail which is the hallmark for justifying an upgrade.

Final thoughts -- great performance, fair pricing, high quality, pliable, aesthetically appealing, and personalized service – I dunno what else you would want. Go ahead -- spring for the top of the line. However, if your wallet is giving you the middle finger, choose one and you won’t stray far from where you want to be. Your system deserves to be treated with respectable cables and Hapa Audio is the real deal. Now hurry up with the XLRs, man!!


Re: Quiescence C Tour
« Reply #52 on: 6 Aug 2021, 02:02 am »
Perfectly stated.



Re: Quiescence C Tour
« Reply #53 on: 10 Aug 2021, 02:27 am »
 I said so via email, but I wanted to mention again how much I appreciate you taking the time to post your thoughts! It's interesting to see what someone thinks of all of the current analog line up side by side as you have posted.  :thumb: