Brief post of appreciation for Timepieces

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Brief post of appreciation for Timepieces
« on: 18 Jun 2011, 03:10 am »
I just went to a show last night.  Hiromi at the Catalina Bar and Grill over in Hollywood.  Fantastic show, awful sound.  Well, the drums and bass were tight, but the piano had awful sound reinforcement, which was a shame since Hiromi on piano was the star.  Got home tonight, cranked up the Timepieces to live level on Hiromi's latest album, Voice.


The thunderous bass making your making your head buzz.  :bawl:

The blows from the drums threatening to crush your chest cavity.  :bawl:

The bright but smooth clarity of a Yamaha grand.  :bawl:

And I can hear them all without any muddiness or distortion.  Clean power.

Are these speakers better than live??  Maybe not for pure acoustic sets (but then venue acoustics come into play,) but if your venue is using sound'll be smiling when you get home.

Thanks, Bob, for doing what you do. 

PS - I can't believe I don't have subwoofers running when I hear these bad boys play.  I have two of them in my room and haven't touched them ever since I first received the Timepieces.  When the recording has some thunderous deep bass, you're going to hear it.  But you need to turn it up  :whip:


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Re: Brief post of appreciation for Timepieces
« Reply #1 on: 18 Jun 2011, 04:12 am »
You can go ahead and sell those sub' won't be needing them anymore... :beer:


Re: Brief post of appreciation for Timepieces
« Reply #2 on: 18 Jun 2011, 04:53 am »
The subs are tucked away and hidden, so I'm too lazy to go through the effort of selling them  :duh:

But you're right, I have no incentive to turn on the subwoofers unless I want tune my system like a ghetto blaster.


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Re: Brief post of appreciation for Timepieces
« Reply #3 on: 18 Jun 2011, 04:57 am »
So...Abe....with the new amp and the TP's...your set....happy listening... :beer:


Re: Brief post of appreciation for Timepieces
« Reply #4 on: 18 Jun 2011, 05:10 am »
Thanks, Chris. :)

I've actually had this setup for quite some time (I acquired the DAC 4800a long before the speakers) but I never had the time to sit down and write a more formal review.  From time to time when I find myself in awe of the system (again,) I remember to come by here and drop a little note and help liven this place up a bit.  Despite all of the trials and tribulations - or perhaps because of them, (I think all of these happenings are a matter of public record on this forum) these speakers and Bob deserve the recognition.  The entire experience and the product are a testament to his character.

Aether Audio

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Re: Brief post of appreciation for Timepieces
« Reply #5 on: 18 Jun 2011, 05:53 pm »

The entire experience and the product are a testament to his character.

Thanks... that means more to me than you'll ever know.  :thumb:

Enjoy and...

Take care,  :D