My little chime review

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My little chime review
« on: 21 May 2010, 01:05 pm »
Well after a year of waiting stop's and start's my chime is done and running.It is the most complex of jim's kit's i have built.I must say i do wish the instruction's were a bit more detailed.I found a site called building a chime or two on the net.That site is invaluable as it point's out clearly some of the mistake's in the manual.If you bulid this kit bookmark that site and read it a few times.
 So how does it sound?Well i must admit i have never heard a top flight cd player or dac before.
The best i ever listened too was my circa 2005 dennon dvd 2900 which in those day's cost about a grand.I think it sound's fine and never thought i could for a reasonable price find a better cd player.I mostly listen to vinyl these day's.Almost never cd's as i thought that format sounded average at best.Well i must say after liveing with the chime for 3 day's wow i was wrong!!!
I can't believe how good it sound's. It sort of rounds off the leading edges of everything giveing that cold digital feeling i have always heard the boot.It's very natural,should i say analog?
I love vinyl and it does not beat a great record but it does give a poorly done one a run for it's money.
I could not be happier!It's like i rediscovered the 400 cd's i own.I never thought digital could sound so good.
There is one negative i found out in the building of my chime that i must pass on.I'm sort of embarassed to admit i did this but i did and maybe i will save someone else some money.The internal transformer is step down transformer.If you install it backwards it step's up the voltage.I went by the picture in the manual not the schematic.I fried my hag dac.Atleast i think i did.So like i said take a look at the building a chime or two site first before building.
All in all a great kit!
I'm useing a clarinet, chime, cymbal ,cornet 2, piccolo system boy does it sound good,Great really.
As a system it really woork's well together!