A new product is in the works that just might change a few things... Gone!!!

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  • Industry Participant
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    • PI audio group, LLC
Hi Dave, are these units worse that the usb chargers that you would plug into an outlet?  I have one of the integrated units.

I don't see how they can be any better.  The lowest possible cost mini-SMPS directly connected to the circuit with any mitigating effect of the inductance/capacitance in the cable to an outboard SMPS.  I guess I need to measure the spectra, but I have way too many irons in the fire to go buy something I would hit with a hammer.  :)  Putting an old Noise Harvester or something like that on it would help, methinks.


Great idea, Dave, to centralize as many of these noise makers as we can into a single location.  Can't cover everything but it'll help me thinks.  Still, I'm gonna need a few of these DigiBusses if they really improve things sonically.

I often wondered if those PS Audio Noise Harvesters actually worked or if they were just pretty doodads that made you feel better when the light flickered.


How bad is the refrigerator?  Do we need a FridgeBuss?



  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 2181
    • PI audio group, LLC
How bad is the refrigerator?  Do we need a FridgeBuss?

Yep, for sure!  It will be cyoed for to the max! :lol: :lol: :green:  Bwahahahahaha ".............

Seriously. The fridge is a bad actor.  Send me a PM.


Yep, for sure!  It will be cyoed for to the max! :lol: :lol: :green:  Bwahahahahaha ".............

Seriously. The fridge is a bad actor.  Send me a PM.

Didn't The fridge play for the Chicago Bears?


Seriously. The fridge is a bad actor.  Send me a PM.

E-mail sent...


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 2181
    • PI audio group, LLC
OK, everything that I need to build the DigiBUSS has landed here and I will begin the initial run next week.

Please send me a PM for payment instructions and they will go out in the order that payment is received.

Everyone have a great weekend.  :thumb:


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If you recall, I'm fixin' to fly back to Taiwan for a spell. Nearly all of my audio equipment is going into storage a few days before we hop on the plane. I'm starting with all new equipment over there. My amp will be a Nuprime IDA-8 (100W class A and D integrated with built in DAC), SqueezeBox Touch, Mac Mini, and monitor speakers.

My 'flat/condo' is in a 12 story building.

Until you announced this new product, I'd planned to order a MiniBUSS. Now I'm confused just enough to need to ask you: "Which single unit is more appropriate for my situation?"



  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 2181
    • PI audio group, LLC

If you recall, I'm fixin' to fly back to Taiwan for a spell. Nearly all of my audio equipment is going into storage a few days before we hop on the plane. I'm starting with all new equipment over there. My amp will be a Nuprime IDA-8 (100W class A and D integrated with built in DAC), SqueezeBox Touch, Mac Mini, and monitor speakers.

My 'flat/condo' is in a 12 story building.

Until you announced this new product, I'd planned to order a MiniBUSS. Now I'm confused just enough to need to ask you: "Which single unit is more appropriate for my situation?"

Given what you have, I would say the DigiBUSS is the best choice.


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 4751
  • SW1X DAC+ D Sachs 300b + Daedalus Apollos = Heaven
In that case, put me down for one DigiBUSS!

I'll PM you my Taiwan address. I won't be there until September 15th, so no point in sending it too early.

Be sure you slap on a label, tag, or plate that says something like "Proudly made by P.I Audio in the USA" (or similar). I'm sure a little advertising or extra name recognition won't hurt.  :thumb:



  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 2181
    • PI audio group, LLC
In that case, put me down for one DigiBUSS!

I'll PM you my Taiwan address. I won't be there until September 15th, so no point in sending it too early.

Be sure you slap on a label, tag, or plate that says something like "Proudly made by P.I Audio in the USA" (or similar). I'm sure a little advertising or extra name recognition won't hurt.  :thumb:

You totally ROCK, Mike  :thumb:

Thanks again!!!


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 4751
  • SW1X DAC+ D Sachs 300b + Daedalus Apollos = Heaven

Be sure to add a few business cards inside the shipping box...just in case I happen to get friendly with the independent Brick & Mortar shops near my home in Taiwan (3 stores that I know of).
« Last Edit: 25 Aug 2015, 05:26 am by mresseguie »


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 2181
    • PI audio group, LLC

Be sure to add a few business cards inside the shipping box...just in case I happen to get friendly with the independent Brick & Mortar shops near my home (3 stores that I know of).
Ill try to send you some.  I haven't had any for a couple of year because I have had as much business as I can stand.

Thanks, Mike!




  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 2181
    • PI audio group, LLC
First run + 1 is full.

Price hereafter is $349.00.  Subsequent units AE about 3 weeks out.  This old man can only work so fast  :(

Thank you everyone.  Production begins this coming week.   :thumb:


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 2181
    • PI audio group, LLC

Receptacles (I order in lots of 100, so it takes a while... ) are in and everything hits cryo tomorrow.  This is a 3 day process.  I am working on other orders and will get to the cryo parts and pieces this weekend.  I will do sorting and qualifying on the components over the weekend and will begin building enclosures next week.

On of the great things about my business is that I always have items in the production queue.  One of the things that sucks about my business is that I always have thing in the production queue.  Blessed and cursed at the same time.

Thanks, guys for being the best clients EVER!

I love my job.   :D

 :thumb: :thumb:


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 4751
  • SW1X DAC+ D Sachs 300b + Daedalus Apollos = Heaven

By any chance, does that cryogenic have Fridgidaire or Amana emblazoned across the front?  :icon_twisted:

Sorry. After watching the stock market plunge recently, I need  to throw out a little humor.  :o

I'm really looking forward to this.
